UniversityLAN connectivity over Frame Relay/ATM Wide Area Networks


The university campus is not what it used to be. High technology has replaced many aspects of university life, and campuses themselves have become sprawling metropolises. Buildings once located within walking distances are now across town and a world once dominated by books now requires high-speed information hook-ups, instantaneous data transfers and interactive learning tools.


How to internetwork remote sites distributed within a metropolitan area where high-speed transport services, such as Frame Relay and ATM are available from the telephone company or a competitive access provider.


In this situation, Campus-REX is able to provide transparent LAN access over the local loop via high-performance vehicles such as Frame Relay and ATM. It allows the use of routers with low-cost Ethernet ports at both the telco central office and customer location, preempting the need for costlier WAN ports, while providing high reliability and availability of the routers.

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