Maximum Access
To make our product information the most accessible and useful to you, ATMEL provides
most of the information in the following 4 formats:
Adobe Acrobat
Adobe Acrobat formatted files let you download product information
in electronic form that looks at exactly as they
appear in hardcopy. You can search the documents, print them, and cut and paste
information into other applications. Clicking on the Acrobat icon next to each
product name will automatically download them to your computer. To open the
Acrobat files you will need to have already installed the free
Adobe Acrobat Reader.
The Adobe Acrobat Reader is available for UNIX,
Microsoft Windows and Apple Macintosh computer systems.
Netscape 2.0 users -- It has been brought to our attention that
Netscape 2.0 for Windows is not configured to automatically download Acrobat files and
launch the Adobe Acrobat Reader. Please check your Helper Applications configuration
to make sure your copy of Netscape will launch the Acrobat Reader.
Adobe Postscript
- Adobe Postscript formatted files are available to be downloaded and sent to any
Postscript printer. These files are formatted to print on standard 8-1/2" x 11"
paper. Many word processing and document systems can import the Postscript formatted
images for inclusion in documents and specification sheets. To save space and transmission time, these files
have been compressed using the zip compress program. On Microsoft Windows you can use the Winzip or PKzip utilities. On
Apple Macintosh Stuffit Lite will decompress them. On Unix, InfoZip will incompress them.
GIF Images
- If you are not sure about which document you need and do not want to
take the time to download the Acrobat or Postscript files, you can click on
this button next to each document and pull up an images of the first page of
each datasheet to get a quick glimpse of more information.
- Microsoft PowerPoint
- A number of product presentations are available in Microsoft PowerPoint format.
If you already have a copy of PowerPoint on your system you are all set. If not, you
can download a copy of the free
PowerPoint Viewer. It is available for Windows
and Macintosh systems.