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Service Packs Keep your Xilinx software updated by downloading and installing the latest Service Pack.
IP Updates Download the very latest CORE Generator Cores and IP Updates
BSDL Files Boundary Scan Description Language files.
IBIS Models IBIS models of Xilinx device families for use with some third party simulators
MXE Libraries Updated Modelsim libraries for the MXE simulator
WebPACK Download free FPGA and CPLD design software and programming tools including ABEL v7.3
WebFITTER The WebFITTER is a free CPLD design tool
Technical Tips This is the resource for hot issues and tips to get up and running quickly
Product Information Information on software releases and features
File Archive Legacy designers can browse through our old File Download area for software files and other utilities
Licensing Generate your Foundation Express license automatically with this online tool
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