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FPGA Express Interface - Top Solutions

Hot Solutions

  • Solution 8913 - Targeting missing Virtex-E and Spartan-II packages in FPGA Express 3.3
  • Solution 6475 - Upgrading your Xilinx license for Foundation Express 3.2/3.3
  • Solution 7097 - FPGA Express does not merge Virtex/E flip flops into the IOB
  • Solution 7030 - FPGA Express 3.2: NGDBUILD does not process all XNF files before reading NCF (NGDHelpers:14)
  • Solution 5972 - Dealing with unexpected Synopsys errors (Dr. Watson, access violation, etc.)
  • Solution 5382 - How to access the Express schematic viewer (Vista)

  • Most Requested Solutions

  • Solution 7323 - FPGA Express 3.3: BUFG being inserted ignoring the DONT USE in FPGA Express' constraint's editor
  • Solution 6431 - FPGA Express 3.3: The "dont_touch" attribute is now available
  • Solution 4292 - F2.1i/1.5i: Information about adding schematics to HDL projects
  • Solution 5308 - Information about Foundation Express Abort errors
  • Solution 5325 - Information about the Duplicate Register Merge feature
  • Solution 2495 - No MUX_OP inferred for the case (HDL-380)
  • Solution 3436 - Instantiations in HDL are UNLINKED (FE-CHECK-4)

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