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Viewlogic Interface - Contacting Viewlogic Support

Please use our Answers Search or contact Xilinx Technical Support for help on the Xilinx-Viewlogic Interface or any other products purchased through Xilinx. For help that is unrelated to Xilinx or the Xilinx-Viewlogic Interface, please use the following contacts at Viewlogic:

Technical Support: 1-800-223-8439
E-mail Support: pc-support@viewlogic.com for Workview Office issues
pv-support@viewlogic.com for Powerview issues
sim-support@viewlogic.com for simulation issues
Web: www.viewlogic.com
FTP: ftp.viewlogic.com
E-mail Server: viewnews@viewlogic.com Include only "subscribe wvoffice" in the BODY of the email.

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