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The World's Highest Performance Programmable DSP Solution !
World's Fastest DSP Solution !

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New DSP Solutions for the New Information Technology Era

Driven by the broadband revolution and explosive growth in wireless, demand for new digital signal processing featuring extreme performance and great flexibility is growing faster than conventional DSP can deliver. The rapid convergence of different technology segments, such as 3G and 4G wireless communication systems, high-bandwidth networking, real-time video broadcasting, and high-performance computing systems is producing what analysts call the ”The beginning of a new information technology era”.

Xilinx, the recognized leader in programmable logic solutions and well established in all these technology segments, is uniquely positioned to address this new DSP paradigm now. Xilinx XtremeDSP solutions deliver the performance and flexibility you need today to quickly build the complex, high-performance DSP systems of tomorrow.

XtremeDSP can give you computing capabilities approaching 1 Tera MAC per second (1 trillion multiply and accumulate operations per second) –  more than 100 times faster than conventional DSP solutions. Using our comprehensive line of industry-leading FPGAs, easy-to-use tools, and optimized algorithms, along with the most comprehensive technical support, services and third-party programs in the industry, you’ll have the confidence to tackle even the most challenging applications using Xilinx XtremeDSP.

Performance Matrix

MACs per second 600 Billion
FIR Filter
- 256-tap, linear phase
- 16-bit data/coefficients
180 MSPS@180 MHz
- 1024 point, complex data
- 16-bit real & imag. Comp.
<1 µs@140 MHz

*Virtex-II performance is based on a 10 million system gate device and advance speed estimates

The Complete High-performance DSP Solution


The latest generation of Xilinx Platform FPGA, Virtex-II, breaks new DSP performance barriers, supporting up to 600 billion MACs per second compared to 4.4 billion MACs per second for the high-end conventional DSP solutions. This raw computational power allows you to create the most complex designs imaginable, including multiple high-speed channels on a single system, with reduced power consumption and less board space. Xilinx XtremeDSP solution can also be used with Xilinx Virtex, Virtex-E, and Spartan-II devices.


There’s more to Xilinx XtremeDSP than leading edge devices. Traditionally the design flows for FPGAs and DSPs have been very different. Through our partnership with The MathWorks™, Xilinx has developed the System Generator™ for Simulink™ that bridges the gap between FPGA and conventional DSP design flows. There are also extensive intellectual properties (IP), optimized DSP algorithms, and supporting software and prototyping hardware from Xilinx and our Alliance Partners. 


You will always have access to the technical support and training you need to make your XtremeDSP project successful. Through experts on our hotline, our Internet support site, our education services, and our design services partners, you can count on Xilinx Global Services to provide the help you need, when you need it.

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