The Fibonacci numbers are given by following recurrence
Section presents a recursive method to compute
the Fibonacci numbers by implementing directly Equation
(See Program
The running time of that program is shown to be
In this section we present a divide-and-conquer style of algorithm for computing Fibonacci numbers. We make use of the following identities
for .
(See Exercise
Thus, we can rewrite Equation
Program defines the method fibonacci which
implements directly Equation
Given n>1 it computes
by calling itself recursively
to compute
and then combines the two results as required.
Program: Divide-and-conquer Example--computing Fibonacci numbers.
To determine a bound on the running time of the fibonacci method
in Program we assume that T(n) is a non-decreasing function.
That is,
for all
Although the program works correctly for all values of n,
it is convenient to assume that n is a power of 2.
In this case, the running time of the method is upper-bounded by T(n)
Equation is easily solved using repeated substitution:
Thus, T(n)=2n-1=O(n).