One is normally told there is no such thing as a linear phase
recursive filter because a recursive filter cannot generate a
symmetric impulse response. However, it
is possible to implement
recursive, zero-phase filters offline. That is, if the entire
input signal is stored on a computer disk, e.g., we can apply a
recursive filter both forwards and backwards in time. Doing this
squares the amplitude response of the filter and zeros the phase
To show this analytically, let denote the output of the first
filtering operation (which we'll take to be ``forward'' in time in the
normal way), and let
be the impulse response of the recursive
filter. Then we have
Using this result and applying the convolution theorem twice gives the z transform
We have thus shown that forwards-backwards filtering squares
the amplitude response and zeros the phase response. Note also
that the phase response is truly zero, not alternating between zero
and .
In summary, no matter what nonlinear phase response
filter may have, this phase is completely canceled out by forward and
backwards filtering. The amplitude response, on the other hand, is
squared. For simple bandpass filters (including lowpass, highpass,
etc.), for which the desired gain is 1 in the passband and 0 in the
stopband, squaring the amplitude response usually improves the
response, however, since any ``stopband ripple'' (deviation from 0) is
squared, thereby doubling the stopband attenuation in dB. On
the other hand, passband ripple (deviation from 1) is only doubled by
the squaring (since
A Matlab example of forward-backward filtering is presented in §12.3 (Fig.12.1).