For many applications (such as lowpass, bandpass, or highpass
filtering), the frequency region where most of the phase dispersion
occurs is at the extreme edge of the desired range, or passband
(i.e., in the vicinity of cut-off frequencies). Only filters
without feedback can have exactly linear phase (unless
forward-backwards filtering is feasible), and such filters generally
need many more multiplies for a given specification on the amplitude
response [65]. One should realize that
phase dispersion at a cutoff frequency usually appears as
ringing near that frequency in the time domain.
(This can be heard in the matlab example of §12.3,
Fig.12.1.) To be conservative, the amplitude response
should be a smooth function of
so that the phase
dispersion is inaudible whether or not the filter is linear phase.
Linearizing the phase with a delay equalizer (a type of allpass
filter) does not eliminate ringing, but merely shifts it in time. A
good rule of thumb is to keep the total impulse-response duration
below the time-discrimination threshold of hearing.
For musical purposes, , or the effect that a filter has on
the magnitude spectrum of the input signal, is usually of primary
interest. This is true for all ``instantaneous'' filtering operations
such as tone controls, graphical equalizers, parametric equalizers,
formant filter banks, shelving filters, and the like. Notable
exceptions are echo and reverberation, in which delay characteristics
are at least as important.