Consider the inverted Gaussian pulse,E.1
As mentioned in §E.2, a measure of ``flatness'' is the number
of leading zero terms in a function's Taylor expansion (not counting
the first (constant) term). Thus, by this measure, the bell curve is
``infinitely flat'' at infinity, or, equivalently, is
infinitely flat at
Another property of
is that it has an
infinite number of ``zeros'' at
. The fact that a function
has an infinite number of zeros at
can be verified by
The reciprocal of a function containing an infinite-order zero at
has what is called an essential singularity at
[13, p. 157], also called a
singularity. Thus,
has an essential
singularity at
, and
has one at
An amazing result from the theory of complex variables
[13, p. 270]
near an essential singular point
may be
a complex number), is that the inequality
In summary, a Taylor series expansion about the point will
always yield a constant approximation when the function being
approximated is infinitely flat at
. For this reason, polynomial
approximations are often applied over a restricted range of
, with
constraints added to provide transitions from one interval to the
next. This leads to the general subject of splines
[79]. In particular, cubic spline approximations
are composed of successive segments which are each third-order polynomials. In each segment,
four degrees of freedom are available (the four polynomial
coefficients). Two of these are usually devoted to matching the
amplitude and slope of the polynomial to one side, while the other two
are used to maximize some measure of fit across the segment. The
points at which adjacent polynomial segments connect are called
``knots'', and finding optimal knot locations is usually a relatively
expensive, iterative computation.