As Fig.8.4a suggests, the previous example can be interpreted
as using a rectangular window to select a finite segment (of
length ) from a sampled sinusoid which is continuous for all time.
In practical spectrum analysis, such excerpts are normally
analyzed using a window which is tapered more gracefully to
zero on the left and right. In this section, we will look at using a
Blackman window [27] on our example sinusoid. The
Blackman window has good (though suboptimal) characteristics for audio
In Octave or the Matlab Signal Processing Toolbox, a Blackman window
of length can be designed very easily:
M = 64; w = blackman(M);Many other standard windows are defined as well, including hamming, hanning, and bartlett windows.
In Matlab without the Signal Processing Toolbox, the Blackman window is readily computed from its mathematical definition:
w = .42 - .5*cos(2*pi*(0:M-1)/(M-1)) ... + .08*cos(4*pi*(0:M-1)/(M-1));
Figure 8.5 shows the Blackman window and its magnitude spectrum on a dB scale. Fig.8.5c uses the more ``physical'' frequency axis in which the upper half of the FFT bin numbers are interpreted as negative frequencies. Here is the complete Matlab script for Fig.8.5:
M = 64; w = blackman(M); figure(1); subplot(3,1,1); plot(w,'*'); title('Blackman Window'); xlabel('Time (samples)'); ylabel('Amplitude'); text(-8,1,'a)'); % Also show the window transform: zpf = 8; % zero-padding factor xw = [w',zeros(1,(zpf-1)*M)]; % zero-padded window Xw = fft(xw); % Blackman window transform spec = 20*log10(abs(Xw)); % Spectral magnitude in dB spec = spec - max(spec); % Normalize to 0 db max nfft = zpf*M; spec = max(spec,-100*ones(1,nfft)); % clip to -100 dB fni = [0:1.0/nfft:1-1.0/nfft]; % Normalized frequency axis subplot(3,1,2); plot(fni,spec,'-'); axis([0,1,-100,10]); xlabel('Normalized Frequency (cycles per sample))'); ylabel('Magnitude (dB)'); grid; text(-.12,20,'b)'); % Replot interpreting upper bin numbers as frequencies<0: nh = nfft/2; specnf = [spec(nh+1:nfft),spec(1:nh)]; % see fftshift() fninf = fni - 0.5; subplot(3,1,3); plot(fninf,specnf,'-'); axis([-0.5,0.5,-100,10]); grid; xlabel('Normalized Frequency (cycles per sample))'); ylabel('Magnitude (dB)'); text(-.62,20,'c)'); cmd = ['print -deps ', '../eps/blackman.eps']; disp(cmd); eval(cmd); disp 'pausing for RETURN (check the plot). . .'; pause
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