Re: V-AMS DevModeling meeting April 6, new proposal doc

From: Kevin Cameron <>
Date: Mon Apr 05 2004 - 12:01:42 PDT

Geoffrey.Coram wrote:

>Kevin Cameron wrote:
>>I didn't want to use "ref", I proposed/voted for just using
>>C's `*' but that was rejected. So I agree with your concern.
>>However, two mechanisms for doing exactly the same thing are
>>unlikely to be allowed later when it comes to reconciling the
>>languages, so you might as well bite that bullet now.
>I think you're missing the point. SV allows function arguments
>to be inout or output (as well as ref and input). We're
>proposing to allow inout and output in Verilog-AMS. That's it.
>We're not adding anything that isn't already there in SV.
>It's simply a note to the wise that, from a simulation
>standpoint on the analog side, these two things are equivalent.
>These things aren't equivalent on the digital side (because
>of blocking etc) so the distinction will have to remain in SV.
Inout means "copy-in copy-out" - its a lot more inefficient than pass by

>>You may want to check for no external drivers/contributions/
>>receivers rather than "no connection", since the user may put
>>a wrapper round a model which connects the port but then the
>>wrapper port may not be connected. Also, hierarchical references
>>connect without ports.
>Your first point is interesting; however, what happens if you
>have two devices with optional terminals which are connected
>together? Do both of them believe the terminal is driven,
>or both believe it is not?
I would count optional terminals as connected external to the instance
itself - otherwise
bad things could happen :-)

>>Parsers are the easy part of building (Verilog) HDL tools,
>>there are even some open-source Verilog tools that'll do
>>most of that for you, so I don't think that's an obstacle
>>(at least for the in-house folk).
>I wasn't saying the parser was a problem. I was saying that
>the simulator itself does not have constructs to handle a
>system-level HDL, so even if I could parse it, I'd have
>nothing to hook it up to.
I was only suggesting adopting bits of syntax that would be useful. Many
in Verilog-A(MS) may also be useful in SV, so I'd like to avoid having
semantics that depend on context (I like polymorphic code), and I'd
prefer not
to have too many ways to do the same thing.

>>Cadence & Synopsys will be integrating their Verilog-AMS
>>with SystemVerilog and are likely to change stuff they
>>don't like in the process (since they've got more clout
>>and resource), so my advice is to avoid conflict and go
>>with SV syntax now. NB: the number of people working on the
>>SV committees (& IEEE) far out-weighs the number working on
>Well, it would sure be nice to have some of the SV people
>join the AMS work -- Sri has complained for a while that
>his committee doesn't have the familiarity with SV.
Maybe Motorola will let Sri build a SystemVerilog-AMS now that the
economy is
picking up and their stock price is on the way up :-)


Kevin Cameron, CPU Technology, CA 94588, Tel.: (925) 225 4862
Received on Mon Apr 5 12:01:44 2004

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