Re: arithmetic surprise?

From: Geoffrey.Coram <Geoffrey.Coram_at_.....>
Date: Thu Jan 26 2006 - 10:35:38 PST
Marq -
My simulator gives the correct answer, which is zero.  If you are expecting
a non-zero answer, then you probably need to re-read the postings on
"integer division" started by Arpad a short while ago. :)

(ii-16) is an integer, 2 is an integer, so (ii-16)/2 is integer division
and yields 0.  Now, since `M_PI is a real, the 0 is coerced to a real
to perform the multiplication.


Marq Kole wrote:
> All,
> I've found a piece of very simple looking Verilog-A code which nevertheless produces some very interesting results without giving a compilation error/warning or a run-time error/warning. Just try performing a DC simulation with the following model:
> `include "constants.h"
> `include "discipline.h"
> module arith (a, b);
> inout a, b;
> electrical a, b;
> integer ii;
> analog begin
>   @(initial_step) begin
>     ii = 15;
>     $display("ii = %d, (ii-16)/2*`M_PI = %g", ii, (ii-16)/2*`M_PI);
>   end
> end
> endmodule // arith
> I have found erroneous answers with at least two simulators: is this something that needs attention in the standard?
> Regards,
> Marq
Received on Thu Jan 26 10:35:44 2006

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