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The typically intentional or malicious interference with another radio signal.


A Java based file format for configuring Xilinx FPGAs used in IRL.


Jini network technology provides simple mechanisms which enable devices to plug together to form an impromptu community -- a community put together without any planning, installation, or human intervention. Each device provides services that other devices in the community may use. These devices provide their own interfaces, which ensures reliability and compatibility.

Jini technology uses a lookup service with which devices and services register. When a device plugs in, it goes through an add-in protocol, called discovery and join-in. The device first locates the lookup service (discovery) and then uploads an object that implements all of its services' interfaces (join).

To use a service, a person or a program locates it using the lookup service. The service's object is copied from the lookup service to the requesting device where it will be used. The lookup service acts as an intermediary to connect a client looking for a service with that service. Once the connection is made, the lookup service is not I


A type of analog communication line distortion caused by abrupt, spurious signal variation from a reference timing position, and capable of causing data transmission errors, particularly at high speeds. The variation can be in amplitude, time, frequency, or phase.

JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group)

The international consortium of hardware, software, and publishing interests who, under the auspices of the ISO, has defined a universal standard for digital compression and decompression of still images for use in computer systems (commonly called "JPEG" or "JPEG-Standard") JPEG compresses at about a 20:1 ratio before visible image degradation occurs.


Acronym for Joint Test Action Group. Often referred to as IEEE standard 1149.1. IEEE committee focused on chip interface for testing and programming. Xilinx is a member of this committee.

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