Quadrature Amplitude Modulation.A method of encoding digital
data in an analog signal in which each combination of phase
and amplitude represent one of sixteen four-bit patterns.
Qdesign Music Codec
Based in British Columbia, Qdesign developed a high quality,
streaming audio CODEC. Distributed by Apple as part of their
QuickTime media architecture, this CODEC gives excellent quality
at dialup data rates.
Acronym for Quad Data Rate RAM. Type of memory that runs
4 times as fast as traditional Rams Two independent read and
write operations that occur on every rising and falling edge
of the clock.
Quality of Service. The set of parameters and their values
which determine the performance of a given virtual circuit.
"High QoS" usually means a guarantee of minimal (or no) data
loss, low latency, or a combination of both.
QPSK - Quadrature Phase-Shift Keying. A method of modulating
digital signals using four phase states to code two digital
bits per phase shift.
64 bits, sometimes knows as "QWORD"
A step in the process of converting an analog signal into
a digital signal. Quantization measures a sample to determine
a representative numerical value that is then encoded. The
three steps in analog-to-digital conversion are sampling,
quantizing, and encoding.