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U (User) Reference Point

The interface between the ISDN customer premises equipment and the public ISDN network. This interface defines a point to point connection using a single twisted pair and 2B1Q data coding.


Universal ADSL


Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter. Serial data protocol that transfers data at set data (baud) rates. These data rates are based on transitions of the data at set time periods; no clock is transmitted between the transmitter and receiver.


User Datagram Protocol. The connectionless protocol within TCP/IP that corresponds to the transport layer in the ISO/OSI model. UDP converts data messages generated by an application into packets to be sent over IP, but does not verify that messages have been delivered correctly.


University of New Hampshire - InterOperability Lab well known for its work in verifying interoperability between classes of networking devices.

Universal ADSL

Another name for G.Lite Also the name of the working group that developed it.

Unshielded twisted pair

Unshielded, is the the first type of a twisted pair Ethernet cable. There are different types of UTP available(Cat 3, 4, 5, 5e, 6, and 7) . Category 1 & Category 2 are not suitable for use with Ethernet Transmission frequency rate is what differentiate them.


Universal Plug and Play. A cross-industry initiative to simplify the interconnection of PCs, appliances, networks and services by extending Plug and Play to include networks, move to a peer model, and incorporate capabilities discovery. Universal Plug and Play will discover devices on a network and also enumerate each device's unique characteristics, including communications protocols.


Data transmitted from the modem to the Internet


Universal Serial Bus. A bi-directional, isochronous, dynamically attachable Serial interface for adding peripheral devices such as game controllers, Serial and parallel ports, and input devices on a single bus. (This Serial protocol runs at 1-12 Mbps.) A newer style of bus and connector for attaching peripheral devices such as keyboards, scanners, cameras or speakers to a PC. The connector on the back of the PC looks like a flat telephone jack, and when you plug in a new USB device, most PCs running Windows* 98 can detect it automatically and begin using it without the need to reboot the system (plug and play).


Universal Serial Bus - Standard for Serial transmission between a computer and peripherals. Supports up to 12 Mbps and plug-and-play.


Acronym for Universal Serial Bus. Peripheral standard for Serial transmission supporting plug-and-play.


Percentage of resources used in the device. The resources are: logic cells, block RAM, IO blocks, flip-flops and interconnect.


Universal Test & Operations Interface for ATM - Refers to an electrical interface between the sublayers of the PHY layer.


Unshielded Twisted Pair

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