[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z]

C configuration command  2nd 
C delivery agent flag 
c delivery agent flag 
C delivery agent flag 
C line (qf file) 
C= delivery agent equate 
cache, size in database  2nd 
    MX records 
canonical name
    determining with DNS 
    local  2nd 
    $[ and $] operators and  2nd  3rd  4th 
    nocanonify feature 
canonify rule set 
capitalization  [See case sensitivity]
carbon copies (Cc) 
case sensitivity
    aliases and 
    database keys and  2nd 
    host names and 
    user names and 
category data, DSN delivery 
Cc: header line 
character set 
character-type arguments 
characters separating components  2nd 
check_compat feature 
check_compat rule set 
check_data rule set 
check_eoh rule set 
check_etrn rule set 
check_expn rule set 
check_mail rule set 
check_rcpt rule set 
check_relay rule set 
check_vrfy rule set 
CheckAliases option 
checkcompat( ) routine 
child (copy of sendmail) 
class macros 
    fill from
        database maps  2nd 
        ldap maps 
    internal to sendmail 
    mc configuration and 
class= equate (syslog output) 
    adding members to 
    name hashing algorithm for 
CNAME records 
columns, database key and  2nd 
command-line completion 
command-line switches  2nd  3rd 
    for editmap program 
    for makemap program  2nd 
    ignoring illegal 
    incorrect usage error and 
comments (#)  2nd 
    in configuration lines 
    in header fields 
    in :include: files 
    in mc files[comments (#)
        mc files} 
    in sendmail.cf file 
    stripping from headers 
compat_check feature 
compatibility between sendmail versions 
compile-time macros
compiling sendmail
    vendor copies vs. 
conf... build macros 
conf.c file 
configuration commands 
configuration file  [See sendmail.cf configuration file]
connection cache  2nd 
Connection timed out message 
connections, maximize number of 
contact information 
Content-Description: header line 
Content-Length: header line 
Content-Transfer-Encoding: header line 
Content-Type: header line  2nd  3rd 
continuation lines 
contrib directory contents 
control characters 
control headers 
controlling terminal device 
    messages to postmaster  2nd 
    qf file temporarily 
could not exec error message 
cron program, statistics and 
ctladdr= equate (syslog output) 
curly braces { }  2nd 
current date and time  [See also date and time]
    $d macro for 
    in ARPAnet format, $b macro for 
    represented as integer, $t macro for 
cyrus delivery agent 
Cyrus SASL 
cyrusbb delivery agent 
cyrusv2 delivery agent