[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]

EAFP (easier to ask forgiveness than permission) 
    Queue module and 
easier to ask forgiveness than permission  [See EAFP]
echo servers
edit function, textpad module 
EditPythonPrefs icon (Macintosh) 
eGenix GmbH 
Element class (minidom module)  2nd 
    getAttribute method 
    getAttributeNode method 
    getAttributeNodeNS method 
    getAttributeNS method 
    getElementsByTagName method 
    getElementsByTagNameNS method 
    hasAttribute method 
    hasAttributeNS method 
    methods of 
    removeAttribute method 
    setAttribute method 
elif clause 
else clause  2nd 
emacs program 
email  [See email package]
email package 
    Encoders module 
    Generator module 
    Message module 
    Utils module 
email protocols 
    poplib module 
    smtplib module 
Empty class (Queue module) 
empty method
    Queue object 
    scheduler object 
emptyline function (cmd module) 
enable command (pdb module) 
enable function
    cgitb module 
    gc module 
encode function
    base64 module 
    quopri module 
    Utils module 
    uu module 
encode method, string object 
encode_7or8bit function (Encoders module) 
encode_base64 function (Encoders module) 
encode_noop function (Encoders module) 
encode_quopri function (Encoders module) 
EncodedFile function (codecs module) 
Encoders module 
    encode_7or8bit function 
    encode_base64 function 
    encode_noop function 
    encode_quopri function 
encodestring function
    base64 module 
    quopri module 
encoding binary data as text 
    base64 module 
    quopri module 
    uu module 
encodings package 
end method (match object) 
end_headers method (HTTPServer object) 
end_tag method
    HTMLParser object 
    sgmllib module 
endDocument method (ContentHandler object) 
endElement method (ContentHandler object) 
endElementNS method (ContentHandler object) 
endpos attribute (match object) 
endswith method (string object) 
enter method (scheduler object) 
enterabs method (scheduler object) 
entity references, HTML 
entitydefs attribute (htmlentitydefs module) 
Entry class (Tkinter module) 
    delete method 
    get method 
    insert method 
entryconfigure method (Menu object) 
environ attribute (os module) 
environment variables
    name of, retrieving 
    process environment 
    Python interpreter and 
EnvironmentError exception 
epilogue attribute (Message object) 
__eq__ special method 
equal sign (=)
    struct format strings 
erase method (Window object) 
errno attribute (os module) 
errno module 
error handling 
    assert statement 
    __debug__ variable 
    error-checking strategies 
    errors vs. special cases 
    in large programs 
    logging errors 
error messages  [See also warnings module][See also warnings module]
    CGI scripting 
    code numbers 
    file printed to 
    internationalization and 
    stderr attribute (sys module) 
    traceback messages 
escape function
    cgi module 
    re module 
    saxutils module 
eval function (built-in)  2nd 
eval method (PythonInterpreter object) 
Event class
    threading module  2nd 
    Tkinter module 
Event object (threading module) 
    clear method 
    isSet method 
    set method 
    wait method 
Event object (Tkinter module)
    char attribute 
    keysym attribute 
    num attribute 
    widget attribute 
    x_root attribute 
    y_root attribute 
event scheduler 
event-driven applications
    GUI applications 
    network programs 
events  [See also sockets, event-driven programs][See also sockets, event-driven programs]
    binding callbacks to 
exc_info function, sys module  2nd 
excepthook function (sys module)  2nd 
Exception class (built-in) 
exception classes
exception handling 
    exception propagation 
    try statement 
    C-coded Python extensions 
    exception objects 
        custom exception classes 
        standard exception classes 
    IOError exceptions 
    pending, gathering information about 
    raise statement 
    standard, hierarchy of 
exclamation point (!)
    pdb command 
    struct format strings 
exec method (PythonInterpreter object) 
exec statement 
    limiting use of  2nd 
execfile function (built-in) 
execfile method (PythonInterpreter object) 
execl function (os module) 
execle function (os module) 
execlp function (os module) 
executables, self-installing, packages distributed as 
execute method (Cursor object) 
executemany method (Cursor object) 
        exec statement and 
        rexec module 
        sandbox environment 
execv function (os module) 
execve function (os module) 
execvp function (os module) 
execvpe function (os module) 
exists function (os.path module) 
exit function (sys module)  2nd 
exp function
    cmath module 
    math module 
expand method (match object) 
expandNode method (DomEventStream object) 
expandtabs method (string object) 
expandvars function (os.path module) 
expect method (Telnet object) 
expression statements 
    Boolean context 
    exec statement and 
    named/positional arguments 
    operator precedence in 
    returning results of 
ext_modules argument (distutils setup function) 
extend method (list object) 
eXtensible Markup Language  [See XML]
Extension class (distutils module) 
extension modules  2nd 
    errors in 
    portability and 
    Python implementations and 
    resources for further information 
    writing in lower-level languages 
extra_compile_args argument (distutils Extension class) 
extra_link_args argument (distutils Extension class) 
extra_objects argument (distutils Extension class) 
extsep attribute (os module)