[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]

p command (pdb module) 
P_NOWAIT attribute (os module) 
P_WAIT attribute (os module) 
pack function (struct module) 
pack method (Widget object) 
pack_forget method (Widget object) 
pack_info method (Widget object) 
packages argument (distutils setup function) 
paramstyle attribute (DBAPI-compliant modules) 
pardir attribute (os module) 
parent widgets  2nd 
parentheses ()
    class statements 
    def statement 
    function calls 
    line continuation 
    plain assignment statements 
    regular expressions 
    string formatting 
    tuple creation 
parentNode method (Node object) 
parse function
    minidom module 
    pulldom module 
parse_and_bind function (readline module) 
parseaddr function (Utils module) 
parsedate function (Utils module) 
parsedate_tz function (Utils module) 
parser function (xml.sax package) 
Parser module
    message_from_file function 
    message_from_string function 
parseString function
    minidom module 
    pulldom module 
    xml.sax package 
pass statement 
pass_ method (POP3 object) 
path attribute (sys module)  2nd 
path method (HTTPServer object) 
path module 
PATH variable
    lack of 
    python interpreter and 
path-string attributes (os module) 
pathsep attribute (os module) 
pattern attribute (regular expression object) 
PBF (Python Business Forum) 
pdb module 
    alias command 
    args command 
    break command 
    clear command 
    condition command 
    continue command 
    disable command 
    down command 
    enable command 
    ignore command 
    list command 
    next command 
    p command 
    quit command 
    return command 
    step command 
    tbreak command 
    unalias command 
    up command 
    where command 
PEPs (Python Enhancement Proposals) 
per-instance methods 
percent sign (%)
    HTML templates 
    string formatting 
performance  [See also optimization][See also optimization]
    arrays and 
    asyncore/asynchat modules 
    CGI scripts 
    DBM modules 
    extension modules, special-purpose 
    fileinput module 
    pickle/cPickle modules 
    slicing array object 
    supporting many Python versions and 
    Twisted package 
period (.)
        attribute reference 
        instance objects 
    current directory designation 
    DOTALL attribute 
    regular expressions 
    string formatting 
Personal Web Server (PWS) 
pformat function (pprint module) 
PhotoImage class 
pickle function (copy_reg module) 
pickle module 
    dump/dumps functions 
    load/loads functions 
    Pickler function 
    pickling customization with copy_reg module 
    Unpickler function 
Pickler function (pickle/cPickle modules) 
PIL (Python Imaging Library) 
pipe function (os module) 
pkzip/pkunzip programs 
place method (Widget object) 
place_forget method (Widget object) 
place_info method (Widget object) 
plain assignment statements 
platform attribute (sys module) 
platforms argument (distutils setup function) 
platforms, specifying  2nd 
plus sign (+)
    DateTime instances 
    DateTimeDelta instances 
    regular expressions 
    sequence concatenation 
    string formatting 
    unary plus  2nd 
plus sign-question mark (+?), regular expressions 
    file-like object and 
    type checking and 
POP mailboxes, accessing 
pop method (list object) 
POP3 (Post Office Protocol Version 3) 
    twisted.protocols package 
POP3 class (poplib module) 
    dele method 
    list method 
    pass_ method 
    quit method 
    retr method 
    set_debuglevel method 
    stat method 
    top method 
    user method 
popen function (os module) 
popen2 function (os module) 
popen3 function (os module) 
popen4 function (os module) 
popitem method (dictionary object) 
poplib module  2nd 
    POP3 class 
    DBM modules 
    distributing Python modules 
    error code numbers 
    extension modules and 
    os module and 
    platform-dependent errors 
Portable PixMap (PPM) 
pos attribute (match object) 
pos method (operator module) 
__pos__ special method 
positional arguments 
post method
    Menu object 
    NNTP object 
Post Office Protocol Version 3  [See POP3]
postcmd function (cmd module) 
postloop function (cmd module) 
pound sign (#)
    regular expressions 
    string formatting 
pow function
    cmath module 
    math module 
pow function (built-in) 
__pow__ special method 
PowerArchiver, uncompressing/unpacking 
PPM (Portable PixMap) 
pprint function (pprint module) 
pprint module 
    pformat function 
    pprint function 
prcal function (calendar module) 
preamble attribute (Message object) 
precmd function (cmd module) 
prefix method (Node object) 
preloop function (cmd module) 
PrettyPrinter class 
previous function (bsddb module) 
previousSibling method (Node object) 
print statement 
print_callees method (Stats object) 
print_callers method (Stats object) 
print_exc function (traceback module) 
print_stats method (Stats object) 
printable attribute (string module) 
printdir function (ZipFile class) 
printing, complicated data in readable format 
prmonth function (calendar module) 
process environment 
Profile class 
profile module, run function 
profiling  2nd 
program termination 
programming paradigms, ability to mix and match in Python 
programs, running other 
prompt attribute (cmd module) 
prompt string, Python interactive sessions 
prompt_user_passwd method (FancyURLopener object) 
property type (built-in)  2nd 
Protocol class 
    connectionLost method 
    connectionMade method 
    dataReceived method 
protocol method (Toplevel object) 
protocol module
    protocol handlers 
    reactors object 
    transports object 
proxy function (weakref module) 
ProxyBasicAuthHandler class 
ProxyDigestAuthHandler class 
ps1, ps2 attribute (sys module) 
pseudo-random numbers 
PSF (Python Software Foundation) 
PSP (Python Server Pages) 
    embedding Python code in HTML 
pstats module 
psycopg module 
.pth files, module loading and 
PTL (Python Template Language) 
pulldom module 
    DOMEventStream class 
    parse function 
    parseString function 
    parsing XHTML 
    in regular expressions 
    in URLs 
punctuation attribute (string module) 
pure distributions 
push method (async_chat object) 
pushbutton widgets 
put function (Numeric module) 
put method (Queue object) 
put_nowait method (Queue object) 
putmask function (Numeric module) 
pwd method (FTP object) 
PWS (Personal Web Server) 
Py class (Jython API) 
.py files 
Py_BuildValue function (Python C API) 
Py_CompileString function (Python C API) 
Py_Finalize function (Python C API) 
Py_InitModule3 function (Python C API) 
py_modules argument (distutils setup function) 
Py_SetProgramName function (Python C API) 
py2exe tool 
PyArg_ParseTuple function (Python C API) 
PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords function (Python C API) 
.pyc files 
PyCallable_Check function (Python C API) 
PyDict_GetItem function (Python C API) 
PyDict_GetItemString function (Python C API) 
PyDict_Merge function (Python C API) 
PyDict_MergeFromSeq2 function (Python C API) 
PyDict_Next function (Python C API) 
PyErr_Clear function (Python C API) 
PyErr_ExceptionMatches function (Python C API) 
PyErr_Format function (Python C API) 
PyErr_NewException function (Python C API) 
PyErr_NoMemory function (Python C API) 
PyErr_Occurred function (Python C API) 
PyErr_Print function (Python C API) 
PyErr_SetFromErrno function (Python C API) 
PyErr_SetFromErrnoWithFilename function (Python C API) 
PyErr_SetObject function (Python C API) 
PyEval_CallObject function (Python C API) 
PyEval_CallObjectWithKeywords function (Python C API) 
PyEval_EvalCode function (Python C API) 
PyException exception 
PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE function (Python C API) 
Pyfort library 
PyImport_AppendInittab function (Python C API) 
PyImport_Import function (Python C API) 
PyIter_Check function (Python C API) 
PyIter_Next function (Python C API) 
PyList_GET_ITEM function (Python C API) 
PyList_New function (Python C API) 
PyList_SET_ITEM function (Python C API) 
PyModule_AddIntConstant function (Python C API) 
PyModule_AddObject function (Python C API) 
PyModule_AddStringConstant function (Python C API) 
PyModule_GetDict function (Python C API) 
PyModule_New function (Python C API) 
PyNumber_Absolute function (Python C API) 
PyNumber_Add function (Python C API) 
PyNumber_And function (Python C API) 
PyNumber_Check function (Python C API) 
PyNumber_Divide function (Python C API) 
PyNumber_Divmod function (Python C API) 
PyNumber_Float function (Python C API) 
PyNumber_FloorDivide function (Python C API) 
PyNumber_Int function (Python C API) 
PyNumber_Invert function (Python C API) 
PyNumber_Long function (Python C API) 
PyNumber_Lshift function (Python C API) 
PyNumber_Multiply function (Python C API) 
PyNumber_Negative function (Python C API) 
PyNumber_Or function (Python C API) 
PyNumber_Positive function (Python C API) 
PyNumber_Power function (Python C API) 
PyNumber_Remainder function (Python C API) 
PyNumber_Rshift function (Python C API) 
PyNumber_Subtract function (Python C API) 
PyNumber_TrueDivide function (Python C API) 
PyNumber_Xor function (Python C API) 
.pyo files 
PyObject class (Jython API) 
PyObject object
    __call__ method 
    __tojava__ method 
PyObject_CallFunction function (Python C API) 
PyObject_CallMethod function (Python C API) 
PyObject_Cmp function (Python C API) 
PyObject_DelAttrString function (Python C API) 
PyObject_DelItem function (Python C API) 
PyObject_DelItemString function (Python C API) 
PyObject_GetAttrString function (Python C API) 
PyObject_GetItem function (Python C API) 
PyObject_GetItemString function (Python C API) 
PyObject_GetIter function (Python C API) 
PyObject_HasAttrString function (Python C API) 
PyObject_IsTrue function (Python C API) 
PyObject_Length function (Python C API) 
PyObject_Repr function (Python C API) 
PyObject_RichCompare function (Python C API) 
PyObject_RichCompareBool function (Python C API) 
PyObject_SetAttrString function (Python C API) 
PyObject_SetItem function (Python C API) 
PyObject_SetItemString function (Python C API) 
PyObject_Str function (Python C API) 
PyObject_Type function (Python C API) 
PyObject_Unicode function (Python C API) 
pyrepl package for Unix 
PyRun_File function (Python C API) 
PyRun_String function (Python C API) 
PySequence_Contains function (Python C API) 
PySequence_DelSlice function (Python C API) 
PySequence_Fast function (Python C API) 
PySequence_Fast_GET_ITEM function (Python C API) 
PySequence_Fast_GET_SIZE function (Python C API) 
PySequence_GetSlice function (Python C API) 
PySequence_List function (Python C API) 
PySequence_SetSlice function (Python C API) 
PySequence_Tuple function (Python C API) 
PyString_AS_STRING function (Python C API) 
PyString_AsStringAndSize function (Python C API) 
PyString_FromFormat function (Python C API) 
PyString_FromStringAndSize function (Python C API) 
PySys_SetArgv function (Python C API) 
Python  2nd  [See also CPython Jython][See also CPython Jython]
    compiling into Java 
        adding Java-visible methods 
        jythonc command 
        Python applets/servlets 
    development environments  [See development environments]
    embedding in HTML 
    embedding/extending  [See CPython, extending]
    extension modules  [See extension modules see also CPython]
    extensions  [See CPython, extending]
    installing  [See installing]
        command-line options 
        command-line syntax 
        environment variables 
        interactive sessions 
        prompt strings, specifying 
    language  2nd 
        indentation  2nd 
        lexical structure 
    modules  [See modules]
    newsgroups/mailing lists 
    object models 
    object-orientation  [See also Python, object models]2nd 
    programming paradigms 
        business uses of Python 
        extension modules 
        Python Journal 
    running other programs 
    upgrades, overwriting customizations 
    versions  2nd 
        datetime module 
        Forum releases 
        Python-in-a-tie releases 
        SimpleXMLRPCServer module, defect in 
        sockets with timeout behavior 
        supporting many different 
        time module  2nd 
        type objects 
Python .NET 
Python Business Forum (PBF) 
Python C API, extending CPython with 
    building/installing C-coded Python extensions 
Python Database API 2.0 standard (DBAPI 2.0) 
Python Enhancement Proposals (PEPs) 
Python Imaging Library (PIL) 
Python Labs, Zope Corporation 
Python Server Pages (PSP) 
Python Software Foundation (PSF) 
Python Template Language (PTL) 
Python-in-a-tie releases 
python.path option 
PYTHONHOME variable 
PythonInterpreter class (Jython API) 
    eval method 
    exec method 
    execfile method 
    get method 
    set method 
PythonInterpreter icon (Macintosh) 
PYTHONPATH variable 
    module loading 
.pythonrc.py file 
    user customization and 
pythonw interpreter 
PyTuple_GET_ITEM function (Python C API) 
PyTuple_New function (Python C API) 
PyTuple_SET_ITEM function (Python C API) 
.pyw files