Choice Help
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Task 1
Create an applet called ChoiceTest. In the init method, create and add an object called MyChoice that you will create later.
import java.awt.*;
public class ChoiceTest extends java.applet.Applet {
public void init() {
MyChoice flavors = new MyChoice();
Task 2
Create a class called MyChoice that extends Choice. In its constructor, add three items: "Chocolate", "Vanilla", and "Strawberry".
Items are added to a Choice via the addItem method:
class MyChoice extends Choice {
public MyChoice() {
Task 3
Define the method action in MyChoice so that when the user selects an item, it is printed to System.out.
The action method will be called whenever a user selects an item from the Choice. The argument is the String item that was selected and you can simply print it to System.out.
class MyChoice extends Choice {
public boolean action(Event e, Object color) {
System.out.println("selected " + color);
return true;