6.5. Extra Tricks for Customizing an Application

If the Mozilla application you are working on is more autonomous than a package that sits up on a Mozilla installation, you may want to add extra customization. Here are two common features: the program icon and the splash screen. Some features require that you build the source code yourself, even just a particular module instead of the whole tree. Refer to Appendix A for more details on obtaining and building the source code.

6.5.1. Icons

Program icons are important for several reasons. Primarily, however, they are a visual representation of your application on the system that it runs on, whether it runs in a file explorer, a taskbar, or an application selector. This section tells you where to locate the current icons in the Mozilla application and what files or resources need to be changed to make your icon the default for Mozilla.

6.5.2. Splash Screen

Are splash screens a necessary startup feature for a program or a shameless plug? The answer is probably somewhere in between, leaning toward the necessary in the case of Mozilla (Figure 6-7 shows Mozilla's splash screen).

Because Mozilla is a large application and needs to process so much (including profiles, initialization code, and theme/locale selection from the chrome registry) before you actually see the first window appear, users need a visual clue that something is happening when Mozilla starts up.

If your application also requires a lot of processing at startup or if you would like to customize your application, then creating and using your own unique splash screen is essential.