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Dynamic Arrays


Probably the most common way to aggregate data is to use an array. While the C++ programming language does indeed provide built-in support for arrays, that support is not without its shortcomings. Arrays in C++ are not first-class data types. There is no such thing as an array-valued expression. Consequently, you cannot use an array as an actual value parameter of a function; you cannot return an array value from a function; you cannot assign one array to another. (Of course, you can do all of these things with a pointer to an array). In addition, array subscripts range from zero to N-1, where N is the array size, and there is no bounds checking of array subscript expressions. And finally, the size of an array is static and fixed at compile time, unless dynamic memory allocation is explicitly used by the programmer.

Some of these characteristics of arrays are due in part to the fact that in C++, given a pointer, T* ptr, to some type, T, it is not possible to tell, just from the pointer itself, whether it points to a single instance of a variable of type T or to an array of variables of type T. Furthermore, even if we know that the pointer points to an array, we cannot determine the actual number of elements in that array.

It is primarily to address these deficiencies that we introduce the Array object which is implemented as a generic class. Figure gif illustrates the Array object is represented in the memory of the computer. Two structures are used. The first is a structure which comprises three fields--data, base and length. The member variable data is a pointer to the array data. Variables base and length are used in the array subscript calculation. The second structure comprises contiguous memory locations which hold the array elements. In the implementation given below, this second structure is allocated dynamically.

Figure: Memory Representation of Array Objects

The C++ declaration of the Array<T> class template is given in Program gif. The Array<T> class has three protected member variables, data, base and length, constructors, destructor, and various member functions. The number of member functions has been kept to the bare minimum in this example--in the ``real world'' you can expect that such a class would contain many more useful member functions.

On the basis of Program gif, we can now calculate the total storage required to represent Array<T> objects. Let S(n) be the total storage (memory) needed to represent an Array<T> object which includes n array elements of type T. S(n) is given by


where the function tex2html_wrap_inline60929 is the number of bytes used for the memory representation of an instance of an object of type X.

In C++, the sizes of the basic (built-in) data types are fixed constants. So too are the sizes of all pointers. Hence, tex2html_wrap_inline60931 and tex2html_wrap_inline60933. Therefore,


Unfortunately, since Array<T> is a generic class, we have no a priori knowledge of the amount of storage used by an object of type T. However, if we assume that the amount of storage used by an object of type T is a fixed constant, then S(n)=O(n).

Program: Array<T> Class Definition

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Bruno Copyright © 1997 by Bruno R. Preiss, P.Eng. All rights reserved.