Logo Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C++
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Program gif shows the definition of the Array<T> destructor. The destructor simply invokes operator delete to deallocate the storage used by the array elements. In C++ two things happen when an array is deallocated. First, the destructor for each element of the array is called one-by-one. Second, the memory space used by the array is returned to the free store (heap).

Program: Array<T> Class Destructor Definition

If the running time of the destructor for an object of type T is tex2html_wrap_inline60977, and assuming the time to return memory to the free store is a constant, the running time for the Array<T> destructor is tex2html_wrap_inline60979. In C++ the destructor default behavior of the destructor for a built-in types is to do nothing. Therefore, in the case where T is a built-in type, T(n)=O(1).

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Bruno Copyright © 1997 by Bruno R. Preiss, P.Eng. All rights reserved.