Interview with Chris Crawford
Fifteen Years After Excaliber and The Art of Computer Game Design

By Sue Peabody , Asst. Prof. of History, Washington State University Vancouver

Date: Tue, 17 Jun 1997

Prof. Peabody asks:

I'm interested in what you think of the changes that have occurred in the last decade since you wrote this -- what did you correctly anticipate? What was obscured in your crystal ball? Is there anything that you would like to add to the piece now that you couldn't or didn't when you originally wrote it?

What became of Excaliber? (I gather that it was very successful.)

Do you think that the computer game lends itself better to certain kinds of history?

One way to characterize the difference between the "thesis" of a historical game and the "thesis" of a book or article is that the game thesis can be written in present tense (e.g. "the French Revolution resulted from a government fiscal crisis, an economic emergency and a lessening of monarchical authority" ) whereas a conventional textual thesis is in past tense.

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