What's new in SmartGen?

The SmartGen software generates a large variety of commonly used functions. You can create a workspace and generate structural netlists in EDIF, VHDL, and Verilog. Furthermore, you can generate VHDL and Verilog behavioral models for most parameterized functions (the behavioral models may be used in a simulation environment).

SmartGen incorporates the new Analog System and Flash Memory System Builders.

This help provides descriptions of cores that you can generate using the SmartGen software. For more information about instantiating specific cores refer to the Actel HDL Coding Style Guide.

The SmartGen environment enables you to create a workspace, and then import existing cores and create new ones.

SmartGen includes several new features.

SmartGen Workspace

You must open a workspace in SmartGen before you can create or modify a core. Workspaces enable you to create, modify, and import existing SmartGen cores. The workspace is a logical grouping for your cores; each workspace contains cores for a specific product family.


When you generate an SmartGen core, SmartGen creates a core file that includes a structural netlist, an optional VHDL or Verilog behavioral netlist, a log file that summarizes your core parameters, and a GEN file that includes all the parameters you selected when you generated the core. Do not manually edit any of the core files. Use SmartGen to edit your cores.

Fusion, with the Analog System and Flash Memory System Builders, creates special directories for each core. Your cores can only be saved in the workspace directory. Do not save other files in your workspace directory, or in sub-directories created by SmartGen; the files are over-written when you re-save the core.


Varieties list different implementations of similar functions. For example, when you click Arithmetic in the Category tab, SmartGen displays the complete list of varieties available for Arithmetic. Click a column header to sort the list of varieties. Click the Adder function to display the list of core varieties for Adder.  

Core Catalog

The Categories tab in the Core Catalog window displays the device family for your workspace at the top. Categories vary according to your device family; select the latest families to see and test the newest cores available. Click a core category to expand the list and display the functions.  

The Alphabetic tab displays an alphabetical list of all the functions available for your device family. Click a function to display a list of varieties. Click the column headers to sort your core varieties.

IP Core Catalog

The IP Core Catalog lists IP cores available from Actel and our solution partners. You can browse the list, double-click an IP core for more information, and download datasheets and application notes for any core if you are connected to the web. Contact Actel if you are interested in purchasing any of the cores listed in the catalog.

Core Variety View

The Core Variety View window displays the list of cores available for your device family. Click core categories and functions to narrow your list of core varieties. For example, click your device family for a complete list of all the core varieties for your family. Click the Arithmetic category to view a list of only Arithmetic core varieties, and click a specific function to narrow your list even further and view core varieties for the function.  

Log Window

The log window displays tips and instructions on the SmartGen flow. It may list errors and warnings that occur during core generation, as well as core parameters after you generate a core.

See Also

SmartGen user interface

Create a workspace

Import a legacy core

Create a new core in SmartGen