You can use the Configure Flow dialog box (in Synthesis) to configure your synthesis options.
Click the check box to activate or deactivate synthesis for structural modules; for non-structural modules, synthesis is required and cannot be deactivated.
Click the check box activate or deactivate PALACE for ProASICPLUS (PA), ProASIC3, ProASIC3E, or Axcelerator projects.
If you re-configure your synthesis flow (activate or deactivate synthesis or physical synthesis), the Libero IDE automatically creates a new implementation.
When you click Configure Design Flow and select the check box, PALACE is activated. You can choose to turn PALACE ON or OFF. You may turn PALACE ON only if you are using a ProASICPLUS , ProASIC3, ProASIC3E, or Axcelerator device.
PALACE supports the ARM Core; Libero IDE passes the PDC file generated by CoreConsole to PALACE to preserve the location of the ARM core.
Click the PALACE button in the Design Flow to set your PALACE options. When you turn PALACE OFF, it is no longer visible in the Design Flow window.
PALACE is useful as a performance enhancement tool; Actel recommends that you run PALACE after the design has passed Designer place-and-route. This enables you to compare your layout results with and without PALACE (using different implementations).