Specifying output delay constraint

Use the output delay constraints to define the output delay of an output relative to a clock.

To specify output delay constraint:

  1. Open the Set Output Delay Constraint dialog box using one of the following methods:

The Set Output Delay Constraint dialog box appears.

Set Output Delay Constraint Dialog Box


  1. Specify either Clock-to-Output or Output Delay.

Note: The Minimum Delay value is currently used for analysis only and not by the optimization tool.

Note: The Minimum Delay is currently used for analysis only and not by the optimization tools.

When you change values in one view, SmartTime automatically updates the values in the other view.

  1. Enter the name of the Output Port or click the Browse button to display the Select Ports for Output Delay dialog box.

Select Ports for Output Delay Dialog Box


The Set Output Delay Constraint dialog box displays the updated representation of the Output Port graphic.


  1. Select a clock port from the Clock Port drop-down list.

  2. Enter the Maximum Delay value.

  3. Enter the Minimum Delay value.

  4. Click OK

SmartTime adds this constraint to the Constraints List in the Constraints Editor.

See Also

Set Output Delay Constraint dialog box

Select Source or Destination Pins for Constraint dialog box