export -format file_type {filename}
export -format edif -edif_flavor value {filename}
export -format file_type [-signature value] {filename}
export -format log [-diagnostic] (filename}
export -format sdf [-prelayout] {filename}
-format file_type
Specifies the file format of the file to export. You can export one of the following types of files: edif, afm, dio, fus, log, sdf, adl, afl, cob, crt, dcf, design_script, loc, pin, session_script, stf, tcl, verilog, vhdl, crt, dcf, stp, pdc, stamp, gcf, or sdc.
-edif_flavor (value)
The acceptable values for this argument are generic, viewlogic, mgc, orcad, or workview.
-signature value
Optional for afm, dio, and fus file types.
Optional for Log files. Specifies that you want detailed messages exported to a Log file.
Optional for .sdf files.
Specifies the path and name of the file you are exporting.
When exporting a Tcl script, remove the design_script and session_script values as follows:
export -format tcl -scope session
export -format tcl -scope design