
Saves your design to a file in the specified file format. The required and optional arguments this command takes depends on which file format you specify.


export -format file_type {filename}

export -format edif -edif_flavor value {filename}

export -format file_type [-signature value] {filename}

export -format log [-diagnostic] (filename}

export -format sdf [-prelayout] {filename}


-format file_type

Specifies the file format of the file to export. You can export one of the following types of files: edif, afm, dio, fus, log, sdf, adl, afl, cob, crt, dcf, design_script, loc, pin, session_script, stf, tcl, verilog, vhdl, crt, dcf, stp, pdc, stamp, gcf, or sdc.


-edif_flavor (value)

The acceptable values for this argument are generic, viewlogic, mgc, orcad, or workview.


-signature value

Optional for afm, dio, and fus file types.



Optional for Log files. Specifies that you want detailed messages exported to a Log file.



Optional for .sdf files.



Specifies the path and name of the file you are exporting.


  export -format tcl -scope session

  export -format tcl -scope design


"Session" refers to the Tcl commands of the entire Designer session; a session in Designer starts when you open the application and ends when you close it. "Design" refers to the Tcl commands for the current design only.

Supported Families

ProASICPLUS, Axcelerator, ProASIC, MX, eX, and SX/SX-A



See Also

export (ProASIC3/E)

Exporting files

Importing files

Tcl documentation conventions