The SeaPORT ISO-16 provides 16 optically isolated inputs for connection to devices including sensors, switches, push buttons, and other user inputs. The inputs can sense both AC and DC voltage while providing optical isolation, which eliminates spikes and surges present in industrial environments. Our unique serial string naming feature allows multiple USB digital I/O devices to retain their specific identity within the system. Onboard removable screw terminals are provided to simplify wiring connections. A DIN rail mounting option is available.

Our SeaI/O Family of Windows 98/ME/2000/XP Software drivers is included along with sample applications and utilities for rapid application development.

Digital I/O
16 isolated input
Back to USB DIO


View The 8207 User Manual (PDF)
Download The SeaI/O Drivers

  • "Hot Swapping" / Auto Configuration
  • 16 Optically isolated AC or DC inputs
  • Onboard removable screw terminals
  • Compatible with third party PC-based
    control programs
  • Serial string allows individual device
    naming and configuration

Order Part# Qty. Price
8207 (16 isolated input) 1   $299.00
8207-DIN (8207 with DIN Rail Kit Installed) 1   $309.00
DR102 - DIN Rail Mounting Kit 1     $9.95