Windows NT Setup - Windows NT Setup Utility

The NTSETUP utility displays information about all COM ports currently installed in your Windows NT 3.51 or 4.0 system. Ports may be reconfigured, added and removed using this utility. NTSETUP is specifically designed to work with multi-port COM adapters that are capable of sharing a single interrupt request (IRQ) for all ports on the adapter. These adapters feature an interrupt status port that enables the Windows NT serial driver to efficiently service multiple COM ports sharing a single IRQ. NTSETUP can also be used to configure single and multi-port adapters to a unique interrupt for each port as well. Once NTSETUP has configured the Windows 3.51 and 4.0 serial ports, the communication parameters can be printed out along with a description of how to set the card's jumpers and DIP-switches to match the Windows NT settings. Click here for more information on the Serial Utility Disk.



Windows 95 INF Files - Windows 95 INF files

Sealevel Systems provides a device information (INF) file for each of its communications adapters that is used by the Windows 95 Add New Hardware Wizard to correctly add and configure the adapter. The INF file specifies the resources that are required and supported by the adapter. Windows 95 will assign the adapter to an available set of resources which can be changed after the installation is complete. Once the card has been configured to an available resource set, the adapter must be setup to match these settings. Click here for more information on the Serial Utility Disk.



Serial Diagnostic Menu Driven Test Program (SSD.EXE)

SSD is a diagnostic program for UART based products which use 16650, 16550, 16450, or 8250 compatible UARTs.SSD is included on the Serial Utility Disk included with each UART card purchase.

The syntax for invoking the program is:

SSD /b:#### - where #### is the base address of the UART in hex


  • Test COM1: SSD /b:3F8
  • Test COM2: SSD /b:2F8
  • Test a UART at 2E0 hex: SSD /b:2E0

Once a UART has been found at the specified address, the following diagnostic procedures are available:

  1. Verify address and examine UART - Confirms the presence of a UART at the specified address and displays the device configuration when the test was started.* Note: The following loopback tests use ASCII characters for checking transmit/receive data continuity. If 5 or 6 bit word length is selected, these tests will fail due to the lack of bits in the data.
  2. Internal UART loopback test - Places the UART in a diagnostic loopback mode. Data transmitted is immediately received. External loopback test - A loopback plug is required for this test. Data is transmitted and received through the RS-232 or RS-422 drivers. The modem control signals are tested for continuity. Loopback connectors for this test are available from Sealevel. Loopbacks can also be made by jumpering the appropriate pins in a DB-9 or DB-25 connector accoring to the following diagrams.
  3. IRQ test - Generates an interrupt and indicates which interrupt request line has been detected.
  4. Examine modem control signals - Allows control over RTS and DTR and displays the status of the other modem control signals (RI,CTS,DCD,DSR).
  5. Terminal mode -
    1. Places PC into terminal emulation mode. All characters typed on the keyboard are transmitted through the UART. Received data is displayed in ASCII format.
    2. Transmits a continuous data stream through the UART for troubleshooting purposes. Pressing any key toggles the stream on and off. The IRQ line is active at this time and its transitions can be observed.
  6. Show current system COM: and LPT: settings.
  7. Test setup - This selection will allow the UART test parameters to be modified.
  8. Initialize UART - This selection will configure various settings for this program.
  9. Exit to DOS - Restores the original state of the UART and exits the program.



Serial Loopback Test Program (SLT.EXE)

SLT is included on the Serial Utility Disk included with each UART card purchase.

  1. Command Line Syntax.

    C:>SLT /b:xxx /i:y

    Where xxx is the base address of the port and y is the IRQ selected. The program will test the port at 19.2Kbps N,8,1. The test program is interrupt driven and requires a loopback plug.

    Address Range: 0-FFFF Hex
    IRQ Range: 2-15 Decimal (XT and AT IRQs)
  2. Examples:

    C:>SLT /b:3F8 /i:4 [ENTER]
    This will test COM1:
    C:>SLT /b:2F8 /i:3 [ENTER]
    This will test COM2:
    C:>SLT /b:300 /i:15 [ENTER]
    This will test address 300 hex and IRQ15.
  3. Loopback:

    RS-232 loop TX to RX
    RS-422/485/530 loop TX+ to RX+ AND TX- to RX-
  4. Notes:

    IRQ2 on "AT" class machines is not available. IRQ9 is substituted in place of IRQ2. To select IRQ9, place jumper on the IRQ2 position.
    C:>SLT /b:300 /i:9 [ENTER]
    This will test address 300 hex and IRQ9 on an "AT"
    even though IRQ2 is selected.

    * SLT.EXE will enable RTS for RS-485 mode operation.



DOS Interrupt Buffering Software Driver


  • Bi-directional buffered I/O on all ports
  • Supports XT (2-7) and AT (8-15) IRQs (Interrupt Request)
  • Interrupt sharing between multiple ports and / or multiple boards
  • Supports up to 32 ports per installation, multiple installations allow for a maximum of 288 ports
  • Configurable flow control supports hardware / software handshake
  • Block and character I/O supported
  • Provides support for RS-485 communications
  • Emulates interrupt 14H PC / AT BIOS calls (00H-03H) and PS/2 extended BIOS calls (04H and 05H) for software compatibility
  • Support for 16550 buffered UART
  • Written in 100% optimized assembly language for maximum performance
  • Supports data rates to 115.2K bps with standard COM: setup
  • Independently configurable I/O buffers up to 64 kilobytes in size
  • High Level Language Library Supports C, C++, and BASIC


  • Factory automation equipment running under DOS
  • Multiple serial port support for PLC communications
  • Programs that require multiple ports under DOS (up to 288)
  • can benefit from this multi-port driver

Product Description

SeaCOM is a serial communications software driver that provides fully buffered interrupt driven input and output to multiple Asynchronous serial communication (COM:) ports. SeaCOM provides the programmer with a robust and reliable means for servicing multiple serial ports while maintaining a straightforward and consistent software interface. SeaCOM was designed to operate on an IBM PC/XT/AT or compatible computer. The driver is a BIOS extension and / or replacement that provides extended capabilities in the form of block I/O and user configurable flow control support in addition to emulating standard BIOS interrupt 14h calls. SeaCOM requires MS-DOS or PC-DOS version 3.00 or higher.

Distribution Information

The SeaCOM driver is distributed on the Serial Utility Diskette included with each Sealevel Systems’ UART-based board. The SeaCOM driver has unlimited usage rights provided a Sealevel Systems’ hardware product is used with the driver. An optional enhanced documentation set includes a comprehensive user manual and Serial Utility Diskette to aid in development.

Interrupt Driven Communications

Most hardware adapters communicate with the Central Processing Unit (CPU) or main system board in one of two ways. The first method is called polling. Polling involves the CPU reading the hardware adapter to determine if the adapter needs to be serviced. The second method is called Interrupt Driven Data Transfer, which allows the adapter to signal the CPU by “triggering” an interrupt when the hardware adapter needs to be serviced. Interrupt driven data transfer is more efficient and less demanding on the CPU’s resources. SeaCOM for DOS Part# 6110 Price $ N/C Included with every Asynchronous card purchase.



PCMCIA Diagnostic Menu Driven Program (PCSSD.EXE)

PCSSD is a PCMCIA diagnostic program that will display information regarding your PCMCIA systems and PC Cards. Card and Socket Services must be loaded before this program is executed. To run the diagnostic type "PCSSD" at the DOS command prompt. PCSSD is included with each PCMCIA card purchase.



PC Card Client Enabler (SEAPC.EXE)

SeaPC is a PCMCIA Version 2.0 compliant DOS client that will enable the selected PC Card's I/O address and IRQ when inserted. SeaPC is included with each PCMCIA card purchase.


Allows unique addressing and IRQ selection Provides the highest level of compatibility with installed systems compliant with PCMCIA standard 2.0 or higher

When should I use the driver?

This PC Card Client Enabler is not needed in all situations. SeaPC should be used if one or more of the following conditions occur:

  1. The PCMCIA system software (Card and Socket Services) on the host computer will not configure the card(s) automatically.
  2. The PCMCIA system software on the host computer does not supply a configuration utility to allow the PC Card to be configured automatically.
  3. The configuration utility with the PCMCIA system software does not function properly.

SeaPC System Requirements:

SeaPC was designed to operate on an IBM PC / AT or compatible computer. SeaPC requires approximately 3 kilobytes of free conventional memory. If SeaPC is loaded more than once, an additional 3 kilobytes plus buffer space is required for each resident copy. SeaPC may be used with memory managers and loaded into expanded memory. SeaPC requires MS-DOS or PC-DOS version 3.00 or higher and Card and Socket Services that are compliant with PCMCIA version 2.00 or higher.

Installation - Executing the Driver:

SeaPC is a DOS Terminate and Stay Resident (TSR) program that can be executed from the DOS command prompt or from the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. For additional information on the AUTOEXEC.BAT file, please refer to the DOS. When SeaPC is executed, a setup file must be specified on the command line.

Command Line Options:

To display the available command line options, Type "SEAPC /?" at the DOS command prompt. The following should be displayed:

    C:>SEAPC /?

    Syntax: SEAPC [/F:file] [/U] [/I] [/V] [/?]

    /F:[file] Where file is the configuration file
    /U Unconditional installation
    /I Display info on resident copies of SeaPC without installing the enabler
    /V Show verbose installation information
    /? Display command line options, inhibit driver from loading

* Please note that the /F: option is the only required command line parameter. If the setup file is not located in the default directory, the drive and
path must be specified. The following section details the syntax of the setup file.

Setup File

An example setup file named SEAPC.INI is provided on the diskette. This file may be edited with the DOS EDIT utility. The following is the syntax for a PC Card configuration:

    BaseIO=Base I/O address
    IRQ=Interrupt Request Signal
    Type=Device Type
    Interface=Electrical Interface Utilized

The following is a description of each entry in the setup file:

  • BaseIO - Base I/O address in Hexadecimal. Valid ranges are from 0 - 3FFh. Please note that some ranges may be reserved by the PCMCIA system software or occupied by other peripherals in the host computer system.
  • IRQ - Interrupt Request Signal in Decimal. Valid ranges are from 2-15. Please note that some IRQs be reserved by the PCMCIA system software or occupied by other peripherals in the host computer system.
  • Type Device Type - Valid options are UART or SCC
  • Interface Electrical Interface Utilized - Valid options are RS-232, RS-422, RS-485. Please note that in the scope of the driver, RS-422 and RS-485 are viewed as the same value. A semicolon (;) at the beginning of a line denotes a comment and the remainder of that line is ignored. Note the above syntax is an example for one card. Multiple cards (up to eight) may be configured using the following syntax:
    • ;First Card
    • ;Second Card

Using the PC Card on platforms other than ISA

Most PCMCIA systems are based on the standard PC (ISA) architecture; however, in some situations it may be necessary to install the PC Card in a non-ISA system (for example Micro Channel or PCI). For this reason the setup file has an additional parameter that allows pulse mode interrupts. An ISA system uses level mode interrupts which is the default setting. To enable pulse mode interrupts, add the following line to the setup file:


Remember this feature will only work on a platform that supports pulse mode interrupts, and if the Card and Socket Services support pulse mode interrupts.



Stand Alone Card Enable Program (SSENABLE.EXE)

SSENABLE is a PCMCIA utility that will allow the use of your PC Card without loading card and socket services. The utility is provided for applications that conflict with card and socket services. Please note that this utility does NOT use card and socket services and greatly reduces the features of the PCMCIA card. The command line parameters for the program are listed by typing SSENABLE at the DOS prompt. The following are example command line entries for the SSENABLE program:

  • Enable base I/O address 238 hex
  • IRQ 5
  • Memory range d000-dffff has been excluded from any memory manager and is reserved for the PC Card attribute memory
  • the PC Card is in socket 1

SSENABLE /b:238 /i:5 /m:d000 /s:1

To remove the configuration on socket 1 type:

SSENABLE /s:1 /r

NOTE: SSENABLE will only work with Intel PCIC compatible socket controllers.
SSEnable is included with each PCMCIA card purchase.