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// @(#)dwait.v	1.20 4/5/93
//      Description:
//      This is the hold control block, to hold the IU when we definitely know
//      that a request cannot be serviced..
//      It has only 1 output dwait_w
[Up: rl_dc_cntl dwait]
module dwait(
	parity_error_d1,	// From f/f in rl_dc_cntl
	parity_error_in_fill,	// From f/f in rl_dc_cntl
	mm_dcache_enbl_d1,		// From MMU out of a register
	dcc_idle,		// From f/f in rl_dc_cntl
	iu_in_trap_d1,		// From f/f in rl_dc_cntl
	ld_op_w,		// From f/f in rl_dc_cntl
	st_op_w,		// From f/f in rl_dc_cntl
	dcc_stat,		// From f/f in rl_dc_cntl
	normal_asi_w,		// From f/f in rl_dc_cntl
	hold_after_last_stream,	// From f/f in rl_dc_cntl
	nomiss_asi_w,		// From f/f in rl_dc_cntl
	dc_flush_op_w,		// From f/f in rl_dc_cntl
	dc_flush_hold,		// From f/f in rl_dc_cntl
	standby_req,		// From clock cntrl out of a register
	dc_standby_w,		// From f/f in rl_dc_cntl
	flush123_out,		// From f/f in rl_dc_cntl
	dmar,			// From f/f in rl_dc_cntl
	iu_dva_w,		// From f/f in rl_dc_cntl

input 	     possible_bad_ld_op_w;
input 	     parity_error_d1;
input 	     parity_error_in_fill;
input        first_w_of_cache_ram_asi;
input        mm_dcache_enbl_d1;
input        dcc_idle;
input        iu_in_trap_d1;
input        ld_op_w;
input        st_op_w;
input        dcc_stat_wait;
input        dcc_stat;
input        dcc_fill_wait;
input        dcc_fill_write_l;
input        dcc_dead_cyc;
input        dcc_dead_cyc_3;
input        potential_write_dcache_e;
input        normal_asi_w;
input        hold_after_last_stream;
input        st_stream_hold ;
input        dcc_nc_wait;
input        dcc_nc_retry;
input        dcc_nc_bypass;
input        nomiss_asi_w;
input        bad_st_inv_hold;
input        dc_flush_op_w;
input        dc_flush_hold;
input        standby_req;
input        dc_standby_w;
input        flush123_out;
input        [12:3] dmar;
input        [12:3] iu_dva_w;
output 	     dwait_w;

// Address matches used for streaming analysis.
// Note: these are hard-coded for an 8KB cache, to facilitate synthesis.
//       When running with a larger cache (i.e. cache mode), we can get
//       some needless streaming misses if we access a line whose
//       DVA differs from the line we're filling only in bits 15:13.

    // Used only during dcc_fill_write_l
    wire same_dw_w = (iu_dva_w[3]==~dmar[3]) ;

    // Used only during dcc_fill_write_l and dcc_dead_cyc
    wire same_line_w = (iu_dva_w[12:4]==dmar[12:4]) ;

    // Used only during dcc_dead_cyc
    wire dw_filled_w = (iu_dva_w[3]==dmar[3]) ;

    assign dwait_w =

// Hold on the first cycle when cache is disabled, or for most ASI ops.
//  why the ~iu_in_trap_d1 term?  Why is it OK not to cancel a load
//         or store which traps in the IU in W?
        (dcc_idle & ~iu_in_trap_d1 & (ld_op_w|st_op_w) & ~nomiss_asi_w
	    & (~mm_dcache_enbl_d1 | ~normal_asi_w))

// Hold during these states, when data is not back yet.
// Stores can be released earlier..
// ..but we don't.  In the noncached store case, this is because we haven't
//     made provisions for dealing with a subsequent load or store which
//     streams into W during dcc_st_nc_bypass or dcc_st_nc_retry.
//     Before this change, afxcomboQ1,c_pa got bad data when a LdA (pc=12a8)
//     streamed through W during a noncached store (no bug report).
        | dcc_stat_wait
        | dcc_stat
        | dcc_fill_wait
        | dcc_nc_wait
// This state was added to remove an iu_held term from the cache write controls
        | dcc_nc_retry

// Atomics must be held in W until the last fill write or noncached bypass is
//     completed (the MMU requires this).
        | (st_op_w & ld_op_w & ~dcc_idle & ~dcc_nc_bypass)

// Added for Store Streaming.

// Don't stream a Store from E to W if it will write the not-yet-filled DW -
//     otherwise, the stored value will get wiped out by the DW fill.
        | st_stream_hold

// Why is this here? - we're done with the fill after dcc_fill_write_l
     // | (dcc_fill_write_l & st_to_fill_dw_e_d1)

// Streaming holds, if not able to stream during 2nd fill cycle and if the
// asi is not a normal or nomiss_asi(BUG #461).
        | (dcc_fill_write_l & 
	    ((~(same_line_w & same_dw_w) | ~normal_asi_w) & (st_op_w|ld_op_w)))

// Hold, if not able to stream during deadcyles, or during asi accesses.
        | ( dcc_dead_cyc & ((same_line_w & ~dw_filled_w & (st_op_w|ld_op_w))
				| ~normal_asi_w ))

// Hold when D$ sm is idle, if the previous instruction was a missed asi ld/st
        | hold_after_last_stream

// Hold on st traps to write V bit
        | bad_st_inv_hold

// Hold IU during I$,IT,DT asi's. These asi's are handled as non-cached op's,
// whereas D$ asi's are still 1 cycle operations.
//  why do we hold only for the first W-cycle?
	| first_w_of_cache_ram_asi

// Hold dwait for 1 cycle after the W cycle of Flush, (weird flush interface).
        | dc_flush_op_w

// After that hold untill I$ flushes its corresponding line
        | dc_flush_hold

// Power management holds
// Hold if D$ sm in idle and no flush instruction in progress.
        | (standby_req & dcc_idle & ~(dc_flush_op_w | dc_flush_hold))

// Also prevent any new ld/st's from starting
        | dc_standby_w

// Hold on icache asi for 4 cycles. dva->iva for 3 cycles after mm_dstat_avail
        | flush123_out

// Hold for 1 cycle on parity errors, for cornercase: error on other
// half of cacheline followed by a load of that word.
 	| parity_error_d1
// No streaming during parity errors.
 	| (dcc_dead_cyc & parity_error_in_fill)

// Unable to switch from iu_dva_e -> iu_dva_w due to timing reasons.
// 'iu_held' slow, so hold and retry, maybe the next around it will be o.k.
 	| possible_bad_ld_op_w )

// Resource Conflict for D$ RAM during 2nd half of fill.
// dcc_dead_cyc_3 may be the cycle before dcc_fill_write_l, so don't stream
//     a store from E->W.
        | (dcc_dead_cyc_3 & potential_write_dcache_e)



This page: Created:Thu Aug 19 12:00:20 1999
From: ../../../sparc_v8/ssparc/cc/rl_dc_cntl/rtl/dwait.v

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