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***  Program File:  @(#)fpusas_sig.v

//  Dummy simulation module (should NOT go into the final hardware)
//  Generates the signals needed for MPSAS instruction-by-instruction
//  compare.
module fpusas_sig;

				// "output" signals
wire fpu_trap ;			// FP inst. which caused trap is in R-stage

wire	clock = Msystem.clock ;			// system clock
wire	reset = `SS_SCOPE.reset ;			// system reset
wire	ext_hold = `FPU.ext_hold ;	// IU hold signal
wire	ext_flush = `FPU.fpfpc.ext_flush ;
wire	fold_annul_e = `FPU.fpfpc.fold_annul_e ;
wire	ffclr = ~(reset | (ext_flush & ~ext_hold)) ;

reg [3:0] defer_done_w ;	// FPop finished in W-stage
reg [3:0] defer_done_r ;	// FPop finished in R-stage when hold==1
reg [3:0] defer_done_val ;	// FPop finished after issue to mpsas
reg [3:0] fpop_done ;		// number of FPops to compare in this cycle
reg fpop_deferred ;

				// IU pipeline simulation values
wire [31:2] pc_w = Mtask.complete.w_pc[31:2] ;
wire [31:2] pc_r = Mtask.complete.r_pc_almost[31:2] ;
wire [31:0] ir_w = Mtask.complete.w_decode_inst[31:0] ;
wire [31:0] ir_r = Mtask.complete.r_decode_inst[31:0] ;

				// FPU fq0 values
wire [31:2] pc_fq0 = `FPU.fpfpc.fpqst.qa_0[31:2] ;

wire [31:0] ir_fq0 = {2'b10,
		      `FPU.fpfpc.fpqst.qi_0[19:0] };

				// pipelined queue not empty signal
wire    qne_r = `fp_fpc.fpc.qctl1.qne_r ;

				// Result writeback signal
wire	fpop_wb = `FPU.fpfpc.fpc.qctl1.writeback_q0 ;

				// load enable for fsr register
wire	fsr_ld = `FPU.fpfpc.fpc.statctl1.fsr_ld ;

				// execute mode
wire	exemode = `FPU.fpfpc.fpc.statctl1.exemode ;

				// pending exc mode next cycle
wire	i_pendmode = `FPU.fpfpc.fpc.statctl1.ipendmode ;

				// ext_fexc next cycle
wire	i_fexc = `FPU.fpfpc.fpc.statctl1.i_fexc ;

				// fpu trap deferred to keep from confusing
				// the poor mmu/cache controllers
wire	deferred_trap = i_pendmode & ~i_fexc ;

				// fpop generating an exception
wire	fpop_pend = fpop_wb & (exemode & i_pendmode) ;

				// Floating pt. exception acknowledge
wire	ext_fxack = `FPU.ext_fxack & ~ext_hold ;

				// pipeline of fpop_e signal
wire	fpop_e = `FPU.fpfpc.fpc.fhold1.fpop_e ;

ME_FDS2LP wfpop_ff(.q(fpop_w), .cp(clock), .cr(ffclr), .ld(~ext_hold),

ME_FDS2LP rfpop_ff(.q(fpop_r), .cp(clock), .cr(ffclr), .ld(~ext_hold),

				// pipeline of fp branch instruction
wire [4:0] dir_op_op2 = {`FPU.fpfpc.fpc.ir_d[31:30],
			 `FPU.fpfpc.fpc.ir_d[24:22] } ;

wire fbcc_d = (dir_op_op2 == 5'o06) ;

wire finst_nostore_d = `FPU.fpfpc.fpc.fhold1.finst_nostore_d ;

wire fstore_d = `FPU.fpfpc.fpc.fhold1.fstore_d ;

				// fp instruction in D
wire finst_d = finst_nostore_d | fstore_d | fbcc_d ;

ME_FDS2LP fpins_e_ff(.q(finst_e_nval), .cp(clock), .cr(ffclr), .ld(~ext_hold),

wire finst_e = finst_e_nval & ~fold_annul_e ;

ME_FDS2LP fpins_w_ff(.q(finst_w), .cp(clock), .cr(ffclr), .ld(~ext_hold),

ME_FDS2LP fpins_r_ff(.q(finst_r), .cp(clock), .cr(ffclr), .ld(~ext_hold),

				// pipeline of fload signals
wire fload_r = `FPU.fpfpc.fpc.fhold1.fload_r ;

				// The real FPU can finish FPops before they're
				// even issued to mpsas, so this series of
				// counters keeps track of things.
always @ (posedge clock) begin
    #2 ;			// delay must be > 1

    if (!ext_hold) begin				// update deferred regs
	if ((defer_done_r > 0) && (defer_done_w == 0)) begin
	    fpop_done = fpop_done + defer_done_r ;
	    defer_done_r = 0 ;
	else if (defer_done_r > 2) begin
	    fpop_done = fpop_done + 1 ;
	    defer_done_r = defer_done_r - 1 ;

	if (defer_done_w > 0) begin
	    defer_done_r = defer_done_r + defer_done_w ;
	    defer_done_w = 0 ;

    if (defer_done_val > 0) begin
	fpop_done = fpop_done + defer_done_val ;
	defer_done_val = 0 ;

    if (fpop_wb) begin
	if ((pc_w === pc_fq0) && (ir_w === ir_fq0)) begin
	    if (ext_hold === 1) begin
		defer_done_w = defer_done_w + 1 ;	// FPop held in W-stage
	    else begin
		defer_done_r = defer_done_r + 1 ;	// FPop moving W->R
	else if (((pc_r === pc_fq0) && (ir_r === ir_fq0) && ext_hold) ||
		 (fload_r & ext_hold) ||		// delay cmp if ld in R
		 (fpop_pend & ((finst_w & ~ext_hold) | (finst_r & ext_hold)))
	    if ( ~deferred_trap ) begin
		defer_done_r = defer_done_r + 1 ;	// FPop held in R-stage
	    else begin
		defer_done_w = defer_done_w + 1 ;	// wait for next stage
	else begin
	    if ( ~deferred_trap ) begin
		defer_done_val = defer_done_val + 1 ;	// FPop passed R-stage
	    else begin
		defer_done_w = defer_done_w + 1 ;	// wait for next stage

						// reasons to delay fld compare
    fpop_deferred = (defer_done_w > 0) || (defer_done_r > 0) ||
		    (defer_done_val > 0) ;


				// delay trap acknowledge by 1 cycle
ME_FD1P trap_ff (.q(fpu_trap), .cp(clock), .d(ext_fxack)) ;

initial begin
    defer_done_w   = 4'b0 ;
    defer_done_r   = 4'b0 ;
    defer_done_val = 4'b0 ;
    fpop_done      = 4'b0 ;
    fpop_deferred  = 1'b0 ;

wire [31:0] fsr = `fp_fpc.fpqst.fsr ;

// task to view the fsr in verilog
task disp_fsr ;
      $display("FSR:      rd **  tem  ns res ver ftt qne  *  fcc  aexc  cexc");
      $display("          -- -- ----- -- --- --- --- ---  -  --- ----- -----");
      $display("%x: %b %b %b  %b  %b %b %b   %b  %b   %b %b %b",
endtask // disp_fsr


This page: Created:Thu Aug 19 12:00:00 1999
From: ../../../sparc_v8/ssparc/fpu/rtl/fpusas_sig.v

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