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 * @(#)rl_mcb_page.v	1.2 8/21/92
 * rl_mcb_page.v
 *  Description:
 * 		This module generates the signal used as the real page-match detect.
 * 		When this output is set, MMU accesses are treated as paged accesses.
 * 		The criteria is:
 *			. MMU has it's mm_page signal set to "1" (asserted).
 *      	. Previous access was not a RFR request. An access to
 *      	  memory as a result of RFR reqs, sets the 'cancel_pge'
 *      	  signal. This is reset during the next first MMU req.
 * 		If the above is satisfied, the is-pge output is set.
 *      Refer to SingleSPARC Hardware Spec, section 2.7.3 for block diagram
 *      and more information.
 *  Dependencies:
 *      defines.v mem_cells.vpp

[Up: rl_mcb_sm ispage]
module rl_mcb_page ( is_pge, mmpage, ras_dis, mm_lst_cyc_afx, pa25_flag, ss_clock);
    output      is_pge;
    input       mmpage;
    input	ras_dis;
    input	mm_lst_cyc_afx;
    input	pa25_flag;
    //input	pa25_flag_delay;
    input 	ss_clock;

// IIe note : The page mode signal will always be disabled after
//            any Falcon cycle.
//      old code :
//      assign  is_pge = mmpage;
assign      is_pge = (mmpage & ~mm_lst_cyc_afx & ~(pa25_flag));

/* memif now sends a mc_refresh to mmu to clear the page registers.
    wire    can_pge, can_en, can_dis;
    S_sr_ff ffsr_can_pge ( can_pge, can_en, can_dis, ss_clock);

    assign can_en  = (rst) | (~(can_pge)&(cyctype==`CBR));

    assign can_dis = (~rst) & (can_pge)&

    assign is_pge =  ~can_pge & mmpage ;



This page: Created:Thu Aug 19 11:56:50 1999
From: ../../../sparc_v8/ssparc/memif/rtl/rl_mcb_page.v

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