Use ChipEditor and Timer together to view the place-and-route of paths in ChipEditor.
To view paths:
Open Timer and ChipEditor from Designer.
In Timer, click the Paths tab.
Select a Path set in the path set grid. Paths within that set are displayed in the path grid.
Select the path you wish to expand in the lower path grid.
Expand the path by double-clicking on the path, or from the Edit menu, choose Expand Path. The Expanded Paths window opens and displays a path in the Expanded Paths Grid and a graphical representation of the path in the Chart Window. The Expanded Paths grid shows all delay components for the selected path (Instance, Net, Macro, Delay, Type, Total Delay, and Fanout details). For Delay, (r) stands for rising edge and (f) for falling edge.
Anything selected in the Expanded Paths grid or Graph window is reflected in both windows. Selecting the path number in the Expanded Paths grid highlights the entire path in the Chart window.
Selecting an instance, net, or macro in the Expanded Paths grid highlights that selection in the Chart window.
Selecting a logic macro in the Chart window highlights all instances of the macro in the Expanded Paths grid.
Toggle the Graph window on and off by choosing Graph Window from the Window menu. Use the commands on the View menu to zoom in and out. In the Graph window, dragging the mouse downward and to the left will make the selection fit within the window. Dragging down and to the right drags out a zoom in area.
In some cases, long instance names may overlap and be difficult to read in the Graph window. To resolve this, move the module. Select the module and while holding down the SHIFT key, click and drag the module to another location.
Select a module or net in the Expanded Paths dialog box. The module or net is shown in ChipEditor.
Note: You can add and remove break points in Timer while using the ChipEditor tool.