User's guides are available for all the Actel tools. The tools you use depend on which family of devices you are using.
Fusion / ProASIC3E / ProASIC3 / ProASICPLUS / ProASIC / SX-A /RTSX-S /eX support the MVN tool interface (includes the I/O Attribute Editor, ChipPlanner, and MVN versions of the NetlistViewer and PinEditor), SmartTime, and SmartPower.
Axcelerator (including RTAX-S) supports the MVN tool interface (includes the I/O Attribute Editor, ChipPlanner, and MVN versions of the NetlistViewer and PinEditor), SmartTime, and SmartPower.
SX / MX / 3200DX / ACT3 / ACT2 / ACT1 support Timer and the non-MVN versions of PinEditor, ChipEditor, and NetlistViewer.