Welcome to the microSPARC-IIep source distribution.

See the Sun Community Source License Web site for details of the provisions and requirements of the microSPARC-IIep community source licensing program.

This page contains two sections:


Refer to the documents in the following table for details on the microSPARC-IIep design. Except for SPARC Architecture Manual (the last item), which is a link to SPARC International, they are in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF).
microSPARC-IIep User's Manual Describes the hardware implementation of the microSPARC-IIep design. This manual contains details of the pipeline, the core's external interface, megacell specifications, the functional units in the design, and the interface between these units.
microSPARC-IIep Megacell Reference Describes the microSPARC-IIep megacell requirements.
Errata - microSPARC-IIep Chip Describes the errors and workarounds.
microSPARC-IIep Validation Catalog Describes a suite of validation tests for the microSPARC-IIep technology.
microSPARC-IIep Design Application Note Describes how to run RTL functional validation with the microSPARC-IIep design
Multiprocessor SPARCTM Architecture Simulator (MPSAS) Programmer's Guide Explains the facilities for creating or modifying MPSAS modules or otherwise extending MPSAS.
Multiprocessor SPARC Architecture Simulator (MPSAS) User's Guide Describes how to use MPSAS and its associated programs.
SPARC Architecture Manual, Version 8 Describes how to implement the SPARC 32-bit architecture and develop the SPARC system software (that is, simulators, compilers, debuggers, and operating systems). 

For details on the RTL source, see the online documentation for the RTL model.

Setup and Simulation

See the microSPARC-IIep Design Application Note for details on how to build the RTL model and run the RTL simulation.
Send comments to scsl-cores@sun.com.


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