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// @(#)pll.v	1.3 9/9/93

// Phase-Locked Loop Block.

[Up: ssparc_chip pll]
module pll (
// Added vdd and vss to PLL
) ;

    output input_clock ;
    output pci_slave_mode;
    output pci_slave_mode_l;
    input ext_clk1 ;
    input ext_clk2 ;
    input pll_byp_l ;
    input pci_feedback_clk;
    input pll_vdd ;
    input pll_vss ;
    input pll_rst;
    input pll_iiddtn ;

// Buffer ext_clk's (req  )

wire ext_clk1_buf;
wire ext_clk2_buf;
wire pci_slave_mode;
wire pci_slave_mode_l;

// pci_slave_mode can only occur in non-bypass with ext_clk2 active
assign pci_slave_mode = ext_clk2 & pll_byp_l;
assign pci_slave_mode_l = ~pci_slave_mode;

buf (ext_clk1_buf, ext_clk1);
buf (ext_clk2_buf, ext_clk2);
buf (pci_feedback_clk_buf, pci_feedback_clk);

    reg vco ;
    // ext_clk1 is half the frequency of Mclocks.clock, with posedge
    //     coincident with a Mclocks.clock posedge.
    // vco must be twice the frequency of Mclocks.clock .
    // input_clock clocks the FF whose output is sys_clk.  This FF has
    //     a ck->q of #1, and the clock distribution network has a delay of #2
    //     (see Bug 597).  This code attempts to make sys_clk's
    //     edges coincident with those of Mclocks.clock .
    // Simulated VCO - wait until ext_clk1 starts up, then
    //     generate a vco posedge #3 before each Mclocks.clock edge.


	EDGE2 = ((2*EDGETIME)-3),
	EDGE3 = ((3*EDGETIME)-3),
	EDGE4 = ((4*EDGETIME)-3)
    initial begin
	vco = 0 ;
	#1 forever @(ext_clk1) fork
	    #EDGE1 vco = 0 ;
	    #EDGE2 vco = 1 ;
	    #EDGE3 vco = 0 ;
	    #EDGE4 vco = 1 ;

//  PLL will be connected to input_clock when the pll works correctly

wire pll_clkout ;
wire div4_q1;
wire div4_q2;
wire div4_d2 = ~div4_q1;

// Divide by 4 Counter

//Mflipflop_r div4_ff1 (div4_q1, div4_q2, pll_rst, pll_clkout);
//wire div4_d2 = ~div4_q1;
//Mflipflop_r div4_ff2 (div4_q2, div4_d2, pll_rst, pll_clkout);

Mflipflop_r div4_ff1 (.out(div4_q1) ,.in(div4_q2) ,.reset_l(pll_rst) ,.clock(pll_clkout));

Mflipflop_r div4_ff2 (.out(div4_q2) ,.in(div4_d2) ,.reset_l(pll_rst) ,.clock(pll_clkout));

//Change feedback clock on pll to be pci_feedback_clk buffered
//PLL300CBFI csl_pll ( pll_clkout, ext_clk1, div4_q2, 1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1, pll_rst, pll_iiddtn, pll_vdd, pll_vss );

PLL300CBFI csl_pll ( pll_clkout, ext_clk1, pci_feedback_clk_buf, 1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1, pll_rst, pll_iiddtn, pll_vdd, pll_vss );

    wire input_clock =
	pll_byp_l ? vco
	          : (ext_clk1_buf ^ ext_clk2_buf)


This page: Created:Thu Aug 19 12:01:44 1999
From: ../../../sparc_v8/ssparc/pll/rtl/pll.v

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