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***  Program File:  @(#)ssparc.v

// ssparc.v
//      Description:
//              This is the top level module

[Up: Msystem ssparc]
module ssparc_chip(
// delete standby for 2.0
//		   standby,
                   mc_memaddr,         	// memory address lines
                   mc_ras_l,           	// 8 RAS lines for DRAM
                   mc_cas_l,           	// 4 CAS outputs (word select)
                   mc_moe_l,           	// memory output enable
                   mc_mwe_l,           	// memory write enable
                   simm32_sel,          // double density simm select
                   pci_clk0,        // PCI reference clock
                   pci_clk1,        // PCI reference clock
                   pci_clk2,        // PCI reference clock
                   pci_clk3,        // PCI reference clock
                   frame_l,             // PCI FRAME#
                   trdy_l,              // PCI TRDY#
                   irdy_l,              // PCI IRDY#
                   stop_l,              // PCI STOP#
                   devsel_l,            // PCI DEVSEL#
                   pci_req_l,          	// PCI bus requests
                   pci_gnt_l,          	// PCI bus grants
                   ad,          	// PCI AD bus
                   cbe_l,          	// PCI CBE# bus
                   par,          	// PCI PAR bus
// pci_int_l should not be here
// instead use inta_, intb_, intc_, intd_
                   //pci_int_l,           // PCI interrupt request lines
                   inta_,               // PCI interrupt request lines
// add the following for bidirects as additional interrupt lines
// in 2.0

		   perr_l,		// PCI PERR#
		   serr_l,		// PCI SERR#
                   pci_rst_l,          	// PCI RST#

// delete cp_stat_l from 2.0
//                 cp_stat_l,          	// level_15 interrupt/watchdog reset status
                   jtag_tdo,		// JTAG test data out
                   b_memdata,		// memory data bus  (Bi-directional).
                   b_mempar,		// memory parity bus  (Bi-directional).

//Flash Prom IO additions:


                   div_ctl,           // PCI bus clock control
		   sp_sel,		// 70/85/100/125MHz (Lo/Hi) speed select i/p
		   bm_sel,		// bm sel 00 = 32 bit afx flash
					//        01 = 8 bit afx flash
					//        10 = pci cheerio f000.0000
					//	  11 = pci super io fffe.0000
                   jtag_ck,             // JTAG clock
                   jtag_ms,             // JTAG mode select
                   jtag_tdi,            // JTAG test data in
                   jtag_trst_l,         // Jtag reset in
                   int_event_l,         // Output to external clock counter
                   ext_event_l,      	// Input from external clock counter
		   ref_clk,		// swift internal reference clock

// csl test and pll signals
		   iiddtn,		// csl iiddtn
		   csl_scan_mode,	// csl scan mode,
		   pll_vdd,		// pll vdd
		   pll_vss,		// pll vss
		   procmon,		// csl procomon
		   pll_rst,		// pll_rst
// 2 more inputs added
		   tn, 			// goes to the TN port of bidi and outputs
		   therm_d		// thermal diode pin

    input iiddtn;		// csl iiddtn
    input csl_scan_mode;	// csl scan mode
// Changed pll_vdd and pll_vss to inputs
    //inout pll_vdd;		// pll_vdd
    //inout pll_vss;		// pll_vss
    input pll_vdd;              // pll_vdd
    input pll_vss;              // pll_vss
    input pll_rst;		// pll_rst - don't know functionality??
    output procmon;		// process monitor
    input tn;
    input therm_d;

    input ext_clk1 ;		// PLL ref clock, or XOR term of external clock
    input ext_clk2 ;		// 2nd XOR term of external clock
    input pll_byp_l ;           // Use (ext_clk1 XOR ext_clk2) instead of PLL
//    input standby ;			// Low-power-mode request
    output [11:0] mc_memaddr; 		// memory address lines
    output [7:0] mc_ras_l;   		// 8 RAS lines for DRAM
    output [3:0] mc_cas_l;   		// 4 CAS outputs (word select)
    output mc_moe_l;           		// memory output enable
    output mc_mwe_l;           		// memory write enable
    output pci_clk0;			// PCI reference clock
    output pci_clk1;			// PCI reference clock
    output pci_clk2;			// PCI reference clock
    output pci_clk3;			// PCI reference clock
    inout frame_l;			// PCI FRAME#
    inout trdy_l;			// PCI TRDY#
    inout irdy_l;			// PCI IRDY#
    inout stop_l;			// PCI STOP#
    inout devsel_l;			// PCI DEVSEL#
    inout perr_l;			// PCI PERR#
    inout serr_l;			// PCI SERR#
    input [3:0] pci_req_l;     		// PCI bus requests
    output [3:0] pci_gnt_l;    		// PCI bus grants
    inout [31:0] ad;				// PCI AD bus
    inout [3:0] cbe_l;			// PCI CBE# bus
    inout par;				// PCI PAR bus
    //input [3:0] pci_int_l;     		// PCI interrupt request lines
// change the interrupt lines to inout
// all interrupt lines are open drain now
    inout inta_;                        // PCI interrupt request lines
    inout intb_;
    inout intc_;
    inout intd_;
// add the 4 interrupts below:
    inout inte_;
    inout intf_;
    inout intg_;
    inout inth_;

//Modified div_ctl to 2 bit bus
    input [1:0] div_ctl;      		// PCI clock control
    output pci_rst_l;			// PCI RST#
//    output [1:0] cp_stat_l;		// level_15 interrupt/watchdog reset status
    output jtag_tdo;            	// JTAG test data out
    output int_event_l ;		// output to external clock counter
    output ref_clk ; 			// swift internal reference clock

//PROM  outputs:

        output  rom_oe_l;
        output  rom_we_l;
        output  [23:0]  rom_addr;
        output  rom_cs_l;

    inout [63:0] b_memdata;   		// memory word data bits
    inout [1:0] b_mempar;    		// memory word parity bits
    input simm32_sel;                   // double density simm
    input [2:0] sp_sel;			// 70/85/100/125MHz (Lo/Hi) speed select i/p
					// add sp_sel[2] for 150Mhz - 200 Mhz.
    input [1:0] bm_sel;			// afx /pci boot select pins
    input jtag_ck;             		// JTAG clock
    input jtag_ms;                      // JTAG mode select
    input jtag_tdi;            		// JTAG test data in
    input jtag_trst_l;			// primary input reset pin to the jtag block
    input input_reset_l;		// input reset from Macio
    input ext_event_l ;			// input from external clock counter

    // Constants, driven by cells in misc block
    wire logic_0 ; // clk_misc => ssparc_core
    wire logic_1 ; // clk_misc => <nowhere>
    wire [7:0] w_ext_int_oe;

// add wires for the 2.0 reset cleanup
// assign the sw_rst to 0 until stuff is ready
    wire sw_rst ;
    wire en_sw_rst_nonwd ;
    wire en_pci_sw_rst ;
    wire pci_slave_mode;
    wire pci_slave_mode_l;
    wire pci_rst_pin_out_l;
    wire pci_rst_pin_in_l;
    wire pci_rst_int_l;

// Removed these as per request and put them in clk_misc
// Also instantiated 2 more scan chains in clk_misc using bm_sel and cp_stat_l

    //wire w_csl_scan_mode;
    //wire w_jtag_tdi, w_jtag_tdo, w_jtag_ms;
    //wire csl_scan_out1, csl_scan_out2;
    //wire procmon_out;

// define the csl_scan inputs for the 2 scan chains.
    //wire csl_scan_in1 = w_jtag_tdi;
    //wire csl_scan_in2 = w_jtag_ms;

    //wire w_jtag_tdo_scan_out1 = w_csl_scan_mode ? csl_scan_out1 : w_jtag_tdo;
    //wire w_procmon = w_csl_scan_mode ? csl_scan_out2 : procmon_out;

// End modifications
    wire [1:0] w_bm_sel; // io => ssparc_core

    // standby_dsbl_tlb active in the ref_clk cycles when ss_clock is disabled, 
    //     but not in the last sbclk cycle of this period.
    wire standby_dsbl_tlb ; // clk_misc => ssparc_core

    wire iu_error_l; // clk_misc => io
    wire any_intrnl_int_l; // ssparc_core => io/w_cp_stat_l[0]
    wire pcic_idle;			// Will be connected to Clock Controller
    wire go_standby;			// qualified OR of pin or programmable bit

/* pcic wires ****************/
   //wire  intd_ = pci_int_l[3];		// PCI interrupt line
   //wire  intc_ = pci_int_l[2];		// PCI interrupt line
   //wire  intb_ = pci_int_l[1];		// PCI interrupt line
   //wire  inta_ = pci_int_l[0];		// PCI interrupt line
   wire  w_pci_rst_l;			// pci reset, synch to pci_clk

// include this temporarily for the afx_mon from phoenix
   wire   w_mc_moe_l;		// 
   wire   w_mc_mwe_l;

   wire    reset;

   wire    tmr_clk;		// divide by 4 to generate timer clock.
   wire    gclk_unbuf;
   wire    gclk_unbuf_;
   wire    pci_refclk_unbuf;
   wire    pci_refclk_unbuf_;

   wire    pci_clk0 ;
   wire    pci_clk1 ;
   wire    pci_clk2 ;
   wire    pci_clk3 ;

// wires for the IO connections
// end Ravicad declarations from Ravicad's system.v
// This wire is assigned in task.v so that we can still do standby testing
wire w_standby ;

// Now instantiate the io pads

    wire bscan_sel_ff ; // (forward)
    wire bscan_sel_ff_in = bscan_sel_ff ;
    wire bscan_sel_ff_out = bscan_sel_ff ;

/* scan connection nets declared here - defines scan chain too*/

wire isr_tdi ;
wire rl_memif_scan_out ;

/*  */
/*****************  IU model  ********************************************************/

/*  */
/*****************  Cache RAM models  ****************************************/

// These 2 don't go any where presently. They are needed for asi tag reads.
// Remember to connect them to rl_dc_cntl. 

/*********  MMU model  ********************************************************/

// PROM speed signal- new

// i've connected pipe_hold4mmu_cntl to the iu_pipe_hold port
// here.  i also have one ready for the DP.  (pipe_hold4mmu_dp).
// -- arthur

/* ^L */
/*****************  PROMIF model  **************************************/

/*-------- start of mkiopads output --------*/

// Automatically generated from iopad_order rev 1.9 by mkiopads, rev 1.9
//     (see iopads.v for pin assignments)

wire	   ss_clock ;

wire [31:0] ad, w_ad_out, w_ad_in ;
wire [63:0] b_memdata, w_b_memdata_out, w_b_memdata_in ;
wire [1:0] b_mempar, w_b_mempar_out, w_b_mempar_in ;
wire [3:0] cbe_l, w_cbe_out, w_cbe_in ;
//wire [1:0] cp_stat_l, w_cp_stat_l ;
//wire [1:0] w_cp_stat_l ;
wire [1:0] div_ctl, w_div_ctl ;
wire [3:0] mc_cas_l, w_mc_cas_l ;
wire [11:0] mc_memaddr, w_mc_memaddr ;
wire [7:0] mc_ras_l, w_mc_ras_l ;
wire [3:0] pci_gnt_l, w_pci_gnt_l ;
wire [3:0] pci_req_l, w_pci_req_l ;
wire [23:0] rom_addr, w_rom_addr ;
wire [2:0] sp_sel, w_sp_sel ;
wire simm32_sel, w_simm32_sel ;	

wire w_pll_vdd, w_pll_vss, w_pll_rst ;
wire w_procmon, w_csl_scan_mode, w_tn_po ;
wire w_iiddtn, w_tn, w_therm_d ; 
wire parametric_out ;

wire csl_scan_out1, csl_scan_out2, csl_scan_out3, csl_scan_out4 ;
wire w_rom_oe_ls, w_rom_cs_ls ;

// Moved this to clk_misc

    //assign  w_cp_stat_l[1:0] = {iu_error_l, any_intrnl_int_l};

iopads ssparc_iopads(

// test and pll special connections:
    .pll_vdd	  (pll_vdd),
// Added pll vdd and vss outputs
    .w_pll_vdd    (w_pll_vdd),
    .pll_vss	  (pll_vss),
    .w_pll_vss    (w_pll_vss),
    .pll_rst	  (pll_rst),
    .w_pll_rst	  (w_pll_rst),
    .procmon	  (procmon),
    .w_procmon	  (parametric_out),
// added for procmon
    .procmon_e	  (w_tn_po),
//    .procmon_s	  (w_csl_scan_mode & w_jtag_trst_l),
//  Changed to not scan mode for 1.0
    .procmon_s	  (~w_csl_scan_mode ),
//  scan output is on pin n
    .procmon_n	  (1'b0),
    .procmon_sel	(w_csl_scan_mode),
    .procmon_csl_scan	(w_procmon),
    .csl_scan_mode (csl_scan_mode),
    .w_csl_scan_mode (w_csl_scan_mode),
    .iiddtn	  (iiddtn),
    .w_iiddtn	   (w_iiddtn),
    .tn		  (tn),
    .w_tn	  (w_tn),
    .w_tn_po	  (w_tn_po),
// this is where w_tn goes back to the TN port of bidi's and outputs 
    .w_input_tn	  (w_tn),
    .therm_d	  (therm_d),
    .w_therm_d	  (w_therm_d),
// this is the output of the parametric chain and goes to the "a" pin of the procmon
    .po_out	  (parametric_out),

    .pci_clk0_oen (1'b1),	// using bidi, output always enabled
    .pci_clk1_oen (1'b1),	// using bidi, output always enabled
    .pci_clk2_oen (1'b1),	// using bidi, output always enabled
    .pci_clk3_oen (1'b1),	// using bidi, output always enabled
    .w_pci_clk0_out (pci_refclk_unbuf),
    .w_pci_clk1_out (pci_refclk_unbuf),
    .w_pci_clk2_out (pci_refclk_unbuf),
    .w_pci_clk3_out (pci_refclk_unbuf),
    .pci_clk0	(pci_clk0),
    .pci_clk1	(pci_clk1),
    .pci_clk2	(pci_clk2),
    .pci_clk3	(pci_clk3),
    .pci_req_oen (1'b0),	// using bidi, input always, drive disabled
    .pci_gnt_oen (w_input_reset_l),	// using bidi, output disabled when pci is reset 
    .inta_oen (w_ext_int_oe[0]),	// using bidi, input always, drive disabled
    .intb_oen (w_ext_int_oe[1]),	// using bidi, input always, drive disabled
    .intc_oen (w_ext_int_oe[2]),	// using bidi, input always, drive disabled
    .intd_oen (w_ext_int_oe[3]),	// using bidi, input always, drive disabled
// change for 2.0 reset cleanup, only drive in pci master mode
//    .pci_rst_oen (1'b1),	// using bidi, output always, enabled
    .pci_rst_oen (pci_slave_mode_l),	// using bidi, output always, enabled
    .simm32_sel (simm32_sel),	
    .w_simm32_sel (w_simm32_sel),
    .ADEnable	(ADEnable),
    .PAREnable	(PAREnable),
    .ad	(ad[31:0]),
    .w_ad_out	(w_ad_out[31:0]),
    .w_ad_in	(w_ad_in[31:0]),
    .b_mem_oen	(b_mem_oen),
    .b_memdata	(b_memdata[63:0]),
    .w_b_memdata_out	(w_b_memdata_out[63:0]),
    .w_b_memdata_in	(w_b_memdata_in[63:0]),
    .b_mempar	(b_mempar[1:0]),
    .w_b_mempar_out	(w_b_mempar_out[1:0]),
    .w_b_mempar_in	(w_b_mempar_in[1:0]),
    .bscan_clk_cap	(cap_shft_clk),
    .bscan_clk_upd	(bscan_clk_upd),
    .bscan_shift	(bscan_mode),
    .bscan_sel_ff_in	(bscan_sel_ff_in),
    .bscan_sel_ff_out	(bscan_sel_ff_out),
    .cbe	(cbe_l[3:0]),
    .w_cbe_out	(w_cbe_out[3:0]),
    .w_cbe_in	(w_cbe_in[3:0]),
    .cbeEnable	(cbeEnable),
//    .cp_stat_l	(cp_stat_l[1:0]),
//    .w_cp_stat_l	(w_cp_stat_l[1:0]),
    .inte_	(inte_),

//  must be left as 0 for open drain
    .w_inte__out (1'b0),
    .w_inte__in (w_inte_),
    .inte_oen   (w_ext_int_oe[4]),

    .intf_	(intf_),

//  must be left as 0 for open drain
    .w_intf__out (1'b0),
    .w_intf__in (w_intf_),
    .intf_oen   (w_ext_int_oe[5]),

    .intg_	(intg_),

//  must be left as 0 for open drain
    .w_intg__out (1'b0),
    .w_intg__in (w_intg_),
    .intg_oen   (w_ext_int_oe[6]),

    .inth_	(inth_),

//  must be left as 0 for open drain
    .w_inth__out (1'b0),
    .w_inth__in (w_inth_),
    .inth_oen   (w_ext_int_oe[7]),

    .devselEn	(devselEn),
    .devsel_l	(devsel_l),
    .w_devsel_l_out	(w_devsel_l_out),
    .w_devsel_l_in	(w_devsel_l_in),
    .div_ctl	(div_ctl[1:0]),
    .w_div_ctl	(w_div_ctl[1:0]),
    .ext_clk1	(ext_clk1),
    .w_ext_clk1	(w_ext_clk1),
    .ext_clk2	(ext_clk2),
    .w_ext_clk2	(w_ext_clk2),
    .ext_event_l	(ext_event_l),
    .w_ext_event_l	(w_ext_event_l),
    .frameEn	(frameEn),
    .frame_l	(frame_l),
    .w_frame_l_out	(w_frame_l_out),
    .w_frame_l_in	(w_frame_l_in),
    .input_reset_l	(input_reset_l),
    .w_input_reset_l	(w_input_reset_l),
    .int_event_l	(int_event_l),
    .w_int_event_l	(w_int_event_l),
    .inta_	(inta_),
// must be left as 0 for open drain
    .w_inta__in	(w_inta_),
    .intb_	(intb_),
// must be left as 0 for open drain
    .w_intb__in	(w_intb_),
    .intc_	(intc_),
// must be left as 0 for open drain
    .w_intc__in	(w_intc_),
    .intd_	(intd_),
// must be left as 0 for open drain
    .w_intd__in	(w_intd_),
    .irdyEn	(irdyEn),
    .irdy_l	(irdy_l),
    .w_irdy_l_out	(w_irdy_l_out),
    .w_irdy_l_in	(w_irdy_l_in),
    .jtag_ck	(jtag_ck),
    .w_jtag_ck	(w_jtag_ck),
    .jtag_ms	(jtag_ms),
    .w_jtag_ms	(w_jtag_ms),
    .jtag_tdi	(jtag_tdi),
    .w_jtag_tdi	(w_jtag_tdi),
    .jtag_tdo	(jtag_tdo),
    .w_jtag_tdo	(w_jtag_tdo_scan_out1),
    .jtag_tdo_oen_l	(jtag_tdo_oen_l),	// Active-low enable for jtag_tdo
    .jtag_trst_l	(jtag_trst_l),
    .w_jtag_trst_l	(w_jtag_trst_l),
    .mc_cas_l	(mc_cas_l[3:0]),
    .w_mc_cas_l	(w_mc_cas_l[3:0]),
    .mc_memaddr	(mc_memaddr[11:0]),
    .w_mc_memaddr	(w_mc_memaddr[11:0]),
    .mc_moe_l	(mc_moe_l),	
    .w_mc_moe_l	(w_mc_moe_l),	
    .mc_mwe_l	(mc_mwe_l),
    .w_mc_mwe_l	(w_mc_mwe_l),
    .mc_ras_l	(mc_ras_l[7:0]),
    .w_mc_ras_l	(w_mc_ras_l[7:0]),
    .par	(par),
    .w_par_out	(w_par_out),
    .w_par_in	(w_par_in),
    .pci_gnt_l	(pci_gnt_l[3:0]),
    .w_pci_gnt_l_out	(w_pci_gnt_l[3:0]),
    .pci_req_l	(pci_req_l[3:0]),
    .w_pci_req_l_in	(w_pci_req_l[3:0]),
    .pci_rst_l	(pci_rst_l),
// change this in 2.0
//    .w_pci_rst_l_out	(w_input_reset_l),
    .w_pci_rst_l_out	(pci_rst_pin_out_l),
    .w_pci_rst_l_in	(pci_rst_pin_in_l),

    .perrEn	(perrEn),
    .perr_l	(perr_l),
    .w_perr_l_out	(w_perr_l_out),
    .w_perr_l_in	(w_perr_l_in),
    .pll_byp_l	(pll_byp_l),
    .w_pll_byp_l	(w_pll_byp_l),
    .ref_clk	(ref_clk),
    .w_ref_clk	(ss_clock),			// reconnected w_ref_clk to ss_clock
    .rom_addr	(rom_addr[23:0]),
    .w_rom_addr	(w_rom_addr[23:0]),
    .rom_cs_l	(rom_cs_l),
    .w_rom_cs_l	(w_rom_cs_ls),
    .rom_oe_l	(rom_oe_l),
    .w_rom_oe_l	(w_rom_oe_ls),
    .rom_we_l	(rom_we_l),
    .w_rom_we_l	(w_rom_we_l),
    .serrEnable	(serrEnable),
    .serr_l	(serr_l),
    .w_serr_l_out	(w_serr_l_out),
    .w_serr_l_in	(w_serr_l_in),
    .sp_sel	(sp_sel[2:0]),
    .w_sp_sel	(w_sp_sel[2:0]),
    .bm_sel	(bm_sel[1:0]),
    .w_bm_sel	(w_bm_sel[1:0]),
//    .standby	(standby),
//    .w_standby	(w_standby),
    .stopEn	(stopEn),
    .stop_l	(stop_l),
    .w_stop_l_out	(w_stop_l_out),
    .w_stop_l_in	(w_stop_l_in),
    .trdyEn	(trdyEn),
    .trdy_l	(trdy_l),
    .w_trdy_l_out	(w_trdy_l_out),
    .w_trdy_l_in	(w_trdy_l_in),
    .scan_out	(iopads_scan_out)
) ;

/*-------- end of mkiopads output --------*/

/*  */
/*****************  clk_cntl and misc ************************/

    clk_misc clk_misc(
	.bscan_clk_a		(bscan_clk_a),
	.bscan_clk_b		(bscan_clk_b),
	.bscan_clk_upd		(bscan_clk_upd),
	.bscan_clk_cap		(bscan_clk_cap),
	.bscan_sel_ff		(bscan_sel_ff),
	.bscan_mode		(bscan_mode),
        .pll_byp_l		(w_pll_byp_l),
	.cap_shft_clk		(cap_shft_clk),
	.gclk_1st_phase		(gclk_1st_phase),
	.memif_idle		(memif_idle),
	.pcic_idle		(pcic_idle),
	.ic_standby_f		(ic_standby_f),
	.dc_standby_w		(dc_standby_w),
	.standby_dsbl_tlb	(standby_dsbl_tlb),
	.standby_req		(standby_req),
	.reset_iu		(reset_iu),
	.reset			(reset),
	.ss_scan_mode		(ss_scan_mode),
	.tg_strobe		(tg_strobe),
	.jtag_tdo		(w_jtag_tdo),
	.jtag_tdo_oen_l		(jtag_tdo_oen_l),
	.int_event_l		(w_int_event_l),

	.ss_clock_unbuf		(ss_clock),			// bypass all buffers
	.rfr_clock_unbuf	(rfr_clock),			// bypass all buffers
	.rfr_late_unbuf		(rfr_late),			// bypass all buffers
	.rcc_clk_unbuf		(rcc_clk),			// bypass all buffers 
	.pci_refclk_unbuf 	(pci_refclk_unbuf),
	.pci_refclk_unbuf_ 	(pci_refclk_unbuf_),
	.tmr_clk		(tmr_clk),
	.gclk_unbuf		(gclk_unbuf),			// bypass buffers. rename w_gclk
	.gclk_unbuf_		(gclk_unbuf_),			
	.sboclk_unbuf		(sboclk),  			// bypass all buffers
	//.sbus_clk_unbuf		(w_sbclk),			// bypass all buffers

	.standby		(go_standby),
	.div_ctl		(w_div_ctl[1:0]),
	.jtag_ck		(w_jtag_ck),
	.jtag_ms		(w_jtag_ms),
	.jtag_tdi		(w_jtag_tdi),
	.jtag_trst_l		(w_jtag_trst_l),
// Begin additions
	.csl_scan_out1		(csl_scan_out1),
        .csl_scan_out2  	(csl_scan_out2),
        .csl_scan_out3  	(csl_scan_out3),
        .csl_scan_out4  	(csl_scan_out4),
	.csl_scan_mode          (w_csl_scan_mode),
	//.csl_scan_in1           (w_jtag_tdi),
	//.csl_scan_in2           (w_jtag_ms),
	//.csl_scan_in3           (w_bm_sel[0]),
	//.csl_scan_in4           (w_bm_sel[1]),

	.w_jtag_tdo_scan_out1   (w_jtag_tdo_scan_out1),
	.w_procmon              (w_procmon),
//	.w_cp_stat_l            (w_cp_stat_l),
//	.any_intrnl_int_l       (any_intrnl_int_l),
	.w_rom_oe_l             (w_rom_oe_l),
	.w_rom_cs_l             (w_rom_cs_l),
	.w_rom_oe_ls            (w_rom_oe_ls),
	.w_rom_cs_ls            (w_rom_cs_ls),
// End addtions
	.input_reset_l		(w_input_reset_l),

// add the following for 2.0 reset cleanup
	.sw_rst			(sw_rst),
	.en_sw_rst_nonwd	(en_sw_rst_nonwd),
	.pci_slave_mode		(pci_slave_mode),
	.pci_rst_pin_out_l	(pci_rst_pin_out_l),
	.pci_rst_int_l		(pci_rst_int_l),
	.en_pci_sw_rst		(en_pci_sw_rst),
	.pci_rst_pin_in_l	(pci_rst_pin_in_l),

	.ext_event_l		(w_ext_event_l),
	.ss_misc_scan_in	(rl_memif_scan_out),
	.isr_tdi		(isr_tdi),
	.bsr_tdo		(iopads_scan_out),
	.iu_error		(iu_error),
	.iu_error_l		(iu_error_l),
	.mm_hold_rst		(mm_hold_rst),
	.mm_event		(mm_bp_dtct),
	.iu_event		(iu_event),
	.first_phi		(first_phi),
	.next2last_phi		(next2last_phi),
	.last_phi		(last_phi),
	.logic_0		(logic_0),
	.logic_1		(logic_1),
	.rcc_clk		(rcc_clk),
	.input_clock		(input_clock)
    ) ;

    // Phase-Locked Loop Block
// Added vdd, vss, rst and iiddtn to PLL
    pll pll (
	.input_clock    (input_clock),
	.ext_clk1       (w_ext_clk1),
	.ext_clk2       (w_ext_clk2),
	.pll_byp_l      (w_pll_byp_l),

// add for 2.0 reset cleanup
	.pci_slave_mode (pci_slave_mode),
	.pci_slave_mode_l (pci_slave_mode_l),
// The pci feedback clock must be run throught the balanced clock tree
// and adjusted to any setup / hold time tolerances.  Need to be careful
// with loading.
        .pci_feedback_clk (pci_refclk_unbuf),

	.pll_vdd        (w_pll_vdd),
	.pll_vss        (w_pll_vss),
	.pll_rst	(w_pll_rst),
	.pll_iiddtn	(w_iiddtn)
    ) ;


	ssparc_core	ssparc_core	(
// added iiddtn to turn off the caches and tags during IDDQ test
        .iiddtn         (w_iiddtn),
// added 4 scan chains to meet  requirements for Internal scan chain
	.csl_scan_in1           (w_jtag_tdi),
	.csl_scan_in2           (w_sp_sel[2]),
	.csl_scan_in3           (w_bm_sel[0]),
	.csl_scan_in4           (w_bm_sel[1]),
//	.csl_scan_in1	(csl_scan_in1),
//	.csl_scan_in2	(csl_scan_in2),
//	.csl_scan_in3	(csl_scan_in3),
//	.csl_scan_in4	(csl_scan_in4),
	.csl_scan_out1	(csl_scan_out1),
	.csl_scan_out2	(csl_scan_out2),
	.csl_scan_out3	(csl_scan_out3),
	.csl_scan_out4	(csl_scan_out4),
// end
	.ss_scan_mode(	w_csl_scan_mode),
	.csl_scan_mode(	w_csl_scan_mode),		
	.standby_req(	standby_req),
	.iu_event(	iu_event),
	.w_mc_ras_l( w_mc_ras_l[7:0] ),
	.w_mc_cas_l( w_mc_cas_l[3:0] ),
	.w_b_mempar_in( w_b_mempar_in[1:0]),
	.w_ext_int_({w_inth_,w_intg_,w_intf_,w_inte_,w_intd_, w_intc_, w_intb_, w_inta_}),
	.tmr_clk(tmr_clk	),
	.w_gclk(gclk_unbuf	),
	.w_trdy_l_out(	w_trdy_l_out),
	.w_stop_l_out(w_stop_l_out	),
	.w_irdy_l_in(	w_irdy_l_in),
	.w_devsel_l_in(	w_devsel_l_in),
// change this for 2.0 to allow input reset, s/w rest
//	.w_pci_rst_l(w_pci_rst_l),
	.pci_clk_(pci_refclk_unbuf_	),
	.sboclk(sboclk)	);


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From: ../../../sparc_v8/ssparc/rtl/ssparc.v

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