Why is type for string parameters mandatory?

From: Dave Miller <David.L.Miller_at_.....>
Date: Tue Nov 14 2006 - 09:22:17 PST
Hi all,
I am just wondering why do we explicitly say that the type specification 
for a string parameter is mandatory?
Why can't we allow the type to be derived based upon the default 
Do you think we could remove this restriction in 3.2.1 and just mention 
that if no type is specified and the parameter is assigned a default 
value of a string, then the type of the parameter will be string and it 
will be an error if the parameter is overridden with any numerical value.
This is causing me some problems at the moment as some digital 
simulators that I am using allow string parameters to be defined without 
the type. In fact if I understand digital correctly (2005) you can't 
actually have a string parameter (only string registers) but that is a 
separate issue.


-- David Miller
-- Design Technology (Austin)
-- Freescale Semiconductor
-- Ph : 512 996-7377 Fax: x7755
Received on Tue Nov 14 09:22:24 2006

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