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Xilinx Alliance Program

Program Overview 
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AllianceEDA Program Benefits 
Fastest Clock Rates, Shortest Runtimes! 
Alliance Series Software 
Alliance Series 1.4 Press Release  

Xilinx AllianceEDA Program Benefits

Xilinx's Alliance Program is based on a commitment to open systems and a philosophy of providing quality technological solutions and innovations through teamwork.  The goal of the Alliance Program and its members is to provide the best programmable logic solutions for our joint customers. Considered the best program in the industry, the Xilinx Alliance Program is the largest program of its kind in the market place.  There are two different programs that comprise Xilinx's Alliance efforts: AllianceEDA and AllianceCORE. 

The AllianceEDA Program supports our partners with technical information and assistance on an ongoing basis and in turn, our partners provide Xilinx with input regarding partner interface requirements and direction.  Both Xilinx and our partners recognize that product interoperability is a requirement for our mutual customers. Our technological teamwork provides the most integrated and complete development solutions in the market today. 

AllianceEDA is for designers who want to integrate Xilinx programmable logic design software into their existing EDA tool environment.  With AllianceEDA, designers can choose from the widest range of integrated design solutions in the industry, spanning schematic capture, synthesis and PLD language based design methodologies and tools.  Benefits of program membership include the following: 


Advanced Information

Advanced information, not only on new devices but on software as well, helps to ensure compatibility. Members of the program receive advanced notification on new devices and software features. In terms of software, AllianceEDA partners may receive early release and beta copies of Xilinx software, along with early information, in order to allow them to integrate their product effectively. 

Support of Product Marketing Manager & Technical Marketing Manager

Members of the Xilinx AllianceEDA Program receive the support of both a Product Marketing Manager and a Technical Marketing Engineer, which will work with them to develop plans and help resolve both marketing and technical issues. 

Alliance Developers Tool Kit

AllianceEDA Program partners receive an Alliance Developers Tool Kit which contains libraries, verification test cases to aid in self certification and general development information, to allow them to easily perform their own certification. In this way, AllianceEDA partners can support Xilinx’ latest software releases, as well as device support. 

Alliance Seminars

Alliance Seminars are typically held annually and are geared toward technical developers. The goal of these seminars is to provide our partners with all of the information that they need to know to develop their interface to Xilinx. 

Joint Marketing Opportunities

Joint marketing opportunities between Xilinx and our partners are another facet of the AllianceEDA Program. Along those lines, the  AllianceEDA web site can also be utilized as a vehicle to help promote partnerships. Xilinx can post company information for AllianceEDA partners on our AllianceEDA web site, which can link customers searching Xilinx's web site back to a partner's web site for further information. In addition, customers have access to Smart Search on our web site which is a powerful tool for locating information specific to the programmable logic market. 

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