Keeping up with the latest software advancements is an integral part
of delivering state-of-the-art solutions that achieve the highest speeds,
the highest densities, and the fastest time-to-market. Because, not
only are device manufacturers making dramatic improvements in speed and
density, but development tool manufacturers are continually making software
advances as well. Combining the power of the latest silicon advances
with the most robust software solutions has been an ongoing challenge facing
designers who need to remain competitive. In response to this need,
Xilinx developed the AllianceEDA Program, which ensures easy access to
the most advanced software tools offered by a broad range of EDA vendors. |
What is the Purpose of the Xilinx AllianceEDA Program?
Xilinx is committed to helping you create faster more efficient designs
through the most powerful and most robust software solutions available.
Through the AllianceEDA Program, we work closely with the well established
and the up-and-coming EDA vendors to ensure that their new and existing
tools (for floorplanning, design verification, DSP design, and so on) are
tightly integrated into our Alliance Series software. As a result,
you have a wide selection of EDA tools from which to choose, with the full
knowledge and confidence that they will produce designs meeting your expectations.
Our strong commitment to open systems is reflected in the architecture
of our Alliance Series software, which uses industry-standard interface
formats, and clearly defines the interface requirements for any tool.
This makes it easy for our Alliance Partners to integrate their technology
into our standard flow. Plus, we supply our partners with complete
advanced information, clear specifications, and comprehensive development
support so they can remain up-to-date with our latest releases, and you
can rest assured that you have access to the latest technology.
How Do We Select AllianceEDA Partners?
Instead of trying to predict the next "hot" product, our strategy is to
let the design community decide. Thus, we support a constantly expanding
cross-section of vendors in our Alliance EDA Program; currently we have
56 partners offering many different types of productivity enhancing tools.
And, to give you every possible option, we work closely with the new EDA
companies to help them develop and introduce their unique development solutions.
In the early 1990s, Xilinx recognized an emerging shift to HDL and responded
by developing the Syndicate Program as part of our AllianceEDA Program.
Through this targeted program, several successful products and companies
emerged. Our efforts helped to elevate the quality of HDL synthesis
for FPGAs. Through the focused efforts of the AllianceEDA Program,
we continue to help bring new technological advancements to the market
more rapidly, ensuring that you can take advantage of these advancements
quickly and confidently.
Because we make it our business to maintain close relationships with
all of the key EDA vendors, we are already helping develop the next generation
of software so you will have immediate access to the best available tools.
Therefore, in choosing Xilinx, you are assured of always having very broad
and constantly expanding options that will increase your productivity and
decrease your time-to-market.
For further information on benefit of Alliance Program membership,
please see AllianceEDA Program Benefits. |