create_clock -period period_value [-waveform edge_list] source
-period period_value
Specifies the clock period in nanoseconds. The value you specify is the minimum time over which the clock waveform repeats. The period_value must be greater than zero.
-waveform edge_list
Specifies the rise and fall times of the clock waveform in ns over a complete clock period. There must be exactly two transitions in the list, a rising transition followed by a falling transition. You can define a clock starting with a falling edge by providing an edge list where fall time is less than rise time. If you do not specify -waveform option, the tool creates a default waveform, with a rising edge at instant 0.0ns and a falling edge at instant (period_value/2)ns.
Specifies the source of the clock constraint. The source can be ports or pins in the design. If you specify a clock constraint on a pin that already has a clock, the new clock replaces the existing one. Only one source is accepted. Wildcards are accepted as long as the resolution shows one port or pin.
create_clock -period 6 CK1
create_clock –period 6 –waveform {0 3} {CK2}
create_clock –period 7 –waveform {2 4} [get_ports {CK3}]
The -waveform in SDC accepts waveforms with multiple edges within a period. In Actel design implementation, only two waveforms are accepted.
SDC accepts defining a clock on many sources using a single command. In Actel design implementation, only one source is accepted.
The source argument in SDC create_clock command is optional. This is in conjunction with the -name argument in SDC to support the concept of virtual clocks. In Actel implementation, source is a mandatory argument as -name and virtual clocks concept is not supported.
The -domain argument in the SDC create_clock command is not supported.