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//  @(#)expshifter.v	1.1  4/7/92
[Up: ExpShifter d]
module ShiftDec ( Phi, FS, notFS, Res,
                  notShiftCount1 );

   input Phi, FS, notFS;
   input[1:0] Res;
   output notShiftCount1 ;
   // shift count decrementer.
   // Load counter from Res on FS
   // decrement works either loading or counting

   wire [1:0] notSC, ShCnt, notShCnt ;

   ME_NMUX2BA  mu1 (FS, notFS, Res[1], ShCnt[0], notSC[1]);
   ME_NMUX2BA  mu0 (FS, notFS, Res[0], notShCnt[0], notSC[0]);

   ME_FD1     ma1 (Phi, notSC[1], notShCnt[1], ShCnt[1]);
   ME_FD1     ma0 (Phi, notSC[0], notShCnt[0], ShCnt[0]);

   ME_NAND3   g20 (notFS, notShCnt[1], ShCnt[0], notShiftCount1 );

/* ******** main module ******************** */

[Up: exp_ctl sr]
module ExpShifter ( Phi,
input Phi;                      // master clock
input [12:0] notExpResult;       // fraction add result only use 5:0
input Rom_ShBy8,             // for either int or mul
      Rom_ShiftForAl;        // alignment
output [3:0] SRControl; // Shift right size ( 0 to 15 )
                                // Delay for this is
                                // MUX2B
output SROneMore,       // extra one to give shift of 16
       SRToSticky;      // Massive shift reduce to sticky
output notWaitForShifter;       // Need to generate this quickly 
                                // delay is NOR4, NAND3, AND4
                                // Dont care unless ShiftforAl asserted
ME_TIEOFF toff (,gnd);

// generate correct shift right value. This may be either forced to 8
// for mul or INT stuff, or 0 to 16 for first step of align, or
// further shifts by 16 if required
// Generate wait if additional shift is required
// Note shift by 16 is a delayed shift wait except on first shift
// SRToSticky Being asserted means the rest of the shifter doesnt
// matter. Note since in the shifter the sticky is set to one this
// must NOT be applied to zero fraction parts.
// Wait is only valid while Rom_ShiftforAl is asserted

  ME_NAND3  g12 ( notExpResult[5], notExpResult[4], FS, notSmallShift );

  ME_NAND6_B gxz ( notExpResult[11], notExpResult[10], notExpResult[9], notExpResult[8], notExpResult[7], notExpResult[6], BigShift);
  ME_NMUX2B_B sm4 ( FS, gnd, BigShift, notSRToSticky);
  ME_INV_B   g19 ( notSRToSticky, SRToSticky );

  // Can align in 1 for BigShift or small shift 00xxxx or exact 010000
  ME_AND2   gr5  ( notSmallShift, notShiftCount1, bozoid );
  ME_NAND2  g15  ( notSRToSticky, bozoid, notWaitForShifter );

  // note shift by 8 is dominant so dont worry about FS on shift by 8
  ME_FD1    err ( Phi, Rom_ShiftForAl, , notPrevShift);
  ME_NAND2  g32 ( Rom_ShiftForAl, notPrevShift, notFS );
  ME_INVA   g33 ( notFS, FS );

  wire [5:4] ExpResult;

  // Decrement on notFS, OR ShBy16first
  ME_INV_A   g16 ( notExpResult[5], ExpResult[5] );
  ME_INV_A   g17 ( notExpResult[4], ExpResult[4] );

  ShiftDec  d  ( Phi, FS, notFS, ExpResult[5:4], notShiftCount1 );

  // Set correct shift value
  ME_NOR2    sby8 (Rom_ShBy8, Rom_ShiftForAl, notShiftBy8);
  ME_INV_A    sbfa (Rom_ShiftForAl, notRom_ShiftForAl);

  ME_NMUX2B_B  sm3 (FS, notShiftBy8,       notExpResult[3], SRControl[3]);
  ME_NMUX2B_B  sm2 (FS, notRom_ShiftForAl, notExpResult[2], SRControl[2]);
  ME_NMUX2B_B  sm1 (FS, notRom_ShiftForAl, notExpResult[1], SRControl[1]);
  ME_NMUX2B_B  sm0 (FS, notRom_ShiftForAl, notExpResult[0], SRControl[0]);

  ME_AND2_B  a90 (Rom_ShiftForAl, notFS, SROneMore);



This page: Created:Thu Aug 19 11:59:33 1999
From: ../../../sparc_v8/ssparc/fpu/fp_ctl/rtl/expshifter.v

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