reg tristate; 

  tristate = `false;
  if ( cycle_end && cycle_start ) begin
     current_phase       = p_idle;
     enabled             = `false;
     cycle_end           = `true;
     cycle_start         = `false;
     daddress            = `false;
     last_transfer       = `true;
     cycle_count         = 0;
     devsel_count        = 0;
     data_phase_complete = `true;
     devsel_asserted     = `false;
     stop_count          = 0;
     termination         = no_termination;
  end // if // cycle end

  if ( data_phase_complete ) begin
     irdy_asserted = `false;
     trdy_asserted = `false;
     irdy_count    = 0;
     trdy_count    = 0;
     irdy_wait     = 0;
     trdy_wait     = 0;
  end // if

  temp = $time/`time_scale_multiplier; 
  if (trace_enable) $fdisplay(fo,"======================");
  if (trace_enable) $fdisplay(fo,"TIME (NS)       : %0d",temp);

  if ( INP.reqnn !== last_req ) begin
     if (trace_enable) $fdisplay(fo,"REQ[7:0]        : %h",INP.reqnn);
  end // if
  if ( INP.gntnn !== last_gnt ) begin
     if (trace_enable) $fdisplay(fo,"GNT[7:0]        : %h",INP.gntnn);
  end // if

  if ( INP.reqnn === 8'hFF && INP.gntnn === 8'hFB && INP.irdynn !== 1'b0 && INP.trdynn !== 1'b0 ) begin
     park_cnt = park_cnt + 1;
     if ( park_cnt > 1 ) begin
        if ( ((par === 1'b0 || par === 1'b1) && cpa && cpc) ) begin
           if (trace_enable) $fdisplay(fo,"Bus parking     : 3 Parity Stable");
        end // if
        tmp = ^(INP.ad[31 : 0]);
        if ( tmp === 1'b0 || tmp === 1'b1 ) begin
           if (trace_enable) $fdisplay(fo,"Bus parking     : 1 AD Stable");
           cpa = `true;
           parking = `true;
        end // if
        tmp = ^(INP.cxbenn[3 : 0]);
        if ( tmp === 1'b0 || tmp === 1'b1 ) begin
           if (trace_enable) $fdisplay(fo,"Bus parking     : 2 CXBE Stable");
           cpc = `true;
        end // if
      end // if
  end else begin
     park_cnt = 0;
     cpa = `false;
     cpc = `false;
  end // if
  if ( INP.reqnn === 8'hFF && INP.gntnn === 8'hFF && parking ) begin
        if (par === 1'bz) begin
          if (trace_enable) $fdisplay(fo,"Bus parking     : 6 Parity Tristated");
           parking = `false;
        end // if
        tristate = `true;
        begin : loop1
        for (i = 0; i <= 31; i = i + 1) begin 
          if ( ad[i] !== 1'bz ) begin
             tristate = `false;
             disable loop1; // exit
          end // if
        end // loop
        end // loop1
        if ( tristate ) begin
           if (trace_enable) $fdisplay(fo,"Bus parking     : 4 AD Tristated");
        end // if
        tristate = `true;
        begin : loop2
        for (i = 0; i <= 3; i = i + 1) begin 
          if ( cxbenn[i] !== 1'bz ) begin
             tristate = `false;
             disable loop2; // exit
          end // if
        end // loop
        end // loop2
        if ( tristate ) begin
           if (trace_enable) $fdisplay(fo,"Bus parking     : 5 CXBE Tristated");
        end // if
  end // if

  if ( INP.framenn === 1'b0 && (last_frame === 1'b1 || relatch) && cycle_end ) begin
     byte_en        = INP.cxbenn;
     command        = INP.cxbenn[3 : 0];
     icommand       = command;
     current_phase  = p_address;
     begin : loop5
     for (i = 0; i <= 7; i = i + 1) begin 
       if ( last_gnt[i] === 1'b0 ) begin
         current_ignt = i;
         disable loop5; // exit
       end // if
     end // loop
     end // loop5

     if ( relatch ) begin
        address[63 : 32] = INP.ad[31 : 0];
        iaddr10          = address[1 : 0];
     end else begin
        address[31 : 0]  = INP.ad[31 : 0];
        iaddr10          = address[1 : 0];
     end // if 

     if ( icommand === 13 ) begin                    // DUAL address cycle
        if ( daddress ) begin
           error_report(30); // Dual Command 1101 not valid after dual command : cycle ignored
           daddress = `false;
           cycle_end = `true;
        end else begin
           relatch = `true;                        // latch address/command next clock
           daddress = `true;
           if (trace_enable) $fdisplay(fo,"Command         : %s",cycle_str[icommand]);
        end // if
     end else begin
        if ( INP.req64nn === 1'b0 ) begin
           master_req_size = 64;
        end else begin
           master_req_size = 32;
        end // if
        slave_ack_size = 32;
        fast_back2back = `false;
        cycle_locked   = `false;
        relatch        = `false;
        cycle_start    = `true;
        ignore_cycle   = `false;
        cycle_end      = `false;
        last_transfer  = `false;
        speed          = none;
        frame_count    = 0;
        cycle_count    = 1;
        devsel_count   = 0;
        irdy_count     = 0;
        irdy_wait      = 0;
        trdy_count     = 0;
        trdy_wait      = 0;
        stop_count     = 0;
        transfer_count = 0;
        termination    = no_termination;
        cycle_status   = pass;
        memory_cmd     = `false;
        irdy_asserted  = `false;
        trdy_asserted  = `false;
        stop_asserted  = `false;
        devsel_asserted= `false;
        if (!daddress) begin
          address[63 : 32] = 32'h00000000;
        end // if

        if (trace_enable) $fdisplay(fo,"Command         : %s",cycle_str[icommand]);
        if ( (icommand === 6 || icommand === 7 || icommand === 12 ||
            icommand === 14 || icommand === 15) ) begin
            if (trace_enable) $fdisplay(fo,"Burst Order     : %s",addr_str[iaddr10]);
            memory_cmd = `true;
        end // if
        if ( icommand === 10 || icommand === 11 ) begin
           if (trace_enable) $fdisplay(fo,"IDSEL[7:0]      : %h",(INP.idsel));
        end // if
        if ( daddress ) begin
           if (trace_enable) $fdisplay(fo,"Address (DAC)   : %h",(address[63 : 0]));
        end else begin
           if (trace_enable) $fdisplay(fo,"Address (SAC)   : %h",(address[31 : 0]));
        end // if
        if (trace_enable) $fdisplay(fo,"Master size     : %0d",master_req_size);
        begin : loop6
          for (i = 0; i <= 7; i = i + 1) begin 
            tmp_last_cycle = last_cycle[i];
            if ( tmp_last_cycle[127:96] === current_ignt ) begin
              if ( tmp_last_cycle[128] ) begin
                if ( icommand !== tmp_last_cycle[31:0] || address !== tmp_last_cycle[95:32]) begin
                   error_report(48); // Current cycle is not the same as previous cycle terminated by retry (WARNING).
                end // if
                tmp_last_cycle[128] = `false;
                last_cycle[i] = tmp_last_cycle;
              end else begin disable loop6; // exit
              end // if
            end // if
          end // loop
        end // loop6
     end // if

  end else if ( INP.framenn === 1'b1 && relatch ) begin 
     error_report(31); // Frame must remain asserted for cycle following dual command : cycle ignored 
     relatch = `false;
     daddress = `false;
     cycle_end = `true;
  end // if

  if ( cycle_start ) begin

     if ( cycle_count === 2 ) begin
        if ( command[0] === 1'b0 ) begin
           current_phase  = p_tar;
        end else begin
           current_phase  = p_data;
        end // if
     end else if ( cycle_count > 2 ) begin
        current_phase  = p_data;
     end // if

     cycle_count = cycle_count + 1;

     if ( termination === no_termination ) begin
        data_phase_complete = `false;
     end // if

     if ( INP.devselnn === 1'b0 ) begin
        devsel_asserted = `true;
        devsel_count = devsel_count + 1;
        if ( last_devsel === 1'b1 ) begin             // Determine slave decode speed on devsel assertion
           case ( cycle_count )
             2      : begin error_report(32); // Devsel asserted during address phase
             3      : begin speed = fast_speed;
             4      : begin speed = medium_speed;
             5      : begin speed = slow_speed;
             6      : begin speed = subtractive_speed;
             default begin  /* null */
           if ( daddress ) begin
              if (model_flags.debug_level > 0) begin
                 $display("NOTE at %0t from %m",$time);
                 $display("     \"Command = %s Address (DAC) = %h\"",cycle_str[icommand],address[63:0]);
              if (model_flags.debug_level < 0) begin
                $fdisplay(fo,"Command       = %s",cycle_str[icommand]);
                $fdisplay(fo,"Address (DAC) = %h",address[63:0]);
           end else begin
              if (model_flags.debug_level > 0) begin
                 $display("NOTE at %0t from %m",$time);
                 $display("     \"Command = %s Address (SAC) = %h\"",cycle_str[icommand],address[31:0]);
             if (model_flags.debug_level < 0) begin
                $fdisplay(fo,"TIME (NS)       : %0d",temp);
                $fdisplay(fo,"Command         : %s",cycle_str[icommand]);
                $fdisplay(fo,"Address (SAC)   : %h",address[31:0]);
           end // if

           irdy_count = 0;
           trdy_count = 0;
           irdy_burst = 0;
           trdy_burst = 0;
           if ( INP.ack64nn === 1'b0 ) begin
              slave_ack_size = 64;
           end // if

           if (trace_enable) $fdisplay(fo,"Speed           : %s",speed_str[speed]);
           if (trace_enable) $fdisplay(fo,"Target size     : %0d",slave_ack_size);
        end // if
     end else if ( INP.devselnn === 1'b1 ) begin 
        if ( last_devsel === 1'b0 ) begin
           if ( devsel_count === 0 ) begin    
              fast_back2back = `true;
           end // if
        end // if
     end else begin // Devsel unknown during cycle
        error_report(34); // Devsel UNKNOWN during cycle: Ignored
     end // if

     if ( INP.framenn === 1'b0 ) begin
        frame_count = frame_count + 1;
        if ( INP.irdynn !== 1'b0 && last_frame === 1'b0 ) begin
           master_data_latency = master_data_latency + 1;
        end else if ( last_frame !== 1'b0 ) begin
           master_data_latency = 0;       
        end // if    
        if ( INP.trdynn !== 1'b0 && last_frame === 1'b0 ) begin
           slave_data_latency = slave_data_latency + 1;
        end else if ( last_frame !== 1'b0 ) begin
           slave_data_latency = 0;       
        end // if    
     end else if ( INP.framenn === 1'b1 ) begin             // Frame negated during cycle
        last_transfer = `true;
        if ( speed === none ) begin
           if ( (cycle_count >= 6) ) begin   // No Devsel
              termination = master_abort;             // Master Initiated termination (master abort)
              cycle_end = `true;
              data_phase_complete = `true;
           end else if ( (INP.irdynn === 1'b1) ) begin
//              termination := master_timeout;          -- Master Initiated termination (master timeout)
              cycle_end = `true;
              data_phase_complete = `true;
           end // if
        end // if
        if ( termination !== no_termination ) begin
           cycle_end = `true;
        end // if
        if ( last_frame === 1'b0 && INP.irdynn === 1'b1 ) begin
           master_data_latency = master_data_latency + 1;
        end // if
        if ( ! data_phase_complete && INP.trdynn === 1'b1 ) begin
           slave_data_latency = slave_data_latency + 1;
        end // if
     end // if

     if ( INP.irdynn === 1'b0 && INP.trdynn === 1'b0 ) begin
        data_phase_complete = `true;
        transfer_count = transfer_count + 1;
        if ( INP.locknn === 1'b0 ) begin
           cycle_locked = `true;
        end // if
        data_burst = INP.ad;
        irdy_burst = irdy_wait;
        trdy_burst = trdy_wait;
        if (trace_enable) $fdisplay(fo,"Transfer Count  : %0d",transfer_count);
        if (trace_enable) $fdisplay(fo,"Irdy waits      : %0d",irdy_burst);
        if (trace_enable) $fdisplay(fo,"Trdy waits      : %0d",trdy_burst);
        byte_en = INP.cxbenn;
        if ( slave_ack_size === 64 ) begin
           if (trace_enable) $fdisplay(fo,"C/BE[7:0]       : %h",(byte_en));
           if (trace_enable) $fdisplay(fo,"Data Transfered : %h",(data_burst));
           if (!(model_flags.debug_level===0)) begin
              $display("NOTE at %0t from %m",$time);
              $display("     \"C/BE[7:0] = %h  Data = %h\"",byte_en,data_burst);

        end else begin
           if (trace_enable) $fdisplay(fo,"C/BE[3:0]       : %h",(byte_en[3 : 0]));
           if (trace_enable) $fdisplay(fo,"Data Transfered : %h",(data_burst[31 : 0]));
           if (!(model_flags.debug_level===0)) begin
              $display("NOTE at %0t from %m",$time);
              $display("     \"C/BE[3:0] = %h  Data = %h\"",byte_en[3:0],data_burst[31:0]);

        end // if
        if ( last_transfer ) begin                         // Master Initiated termination (Normal)
           cycle_end = `true;
           data_phase_complete = `true;
           if ( termination === no_termination ) begin
              termination = completion;
           end // if
        end // if
     end // if

     if (icommand === special_cycle && cycle_count === 3) begin
        data_burst = INP.ad;
        if (trace_enable) $fdisplay(fo,"Data Transfered : %h",(data_burst[31 : 0]));
        transfer_count = 0;
        data_phase_complete = `true;
        speed = no_speed;
     end // if

     if ( INP.trdynn === 1'b0 ) begin 
        trdy_asserted = `true;
        trdy_count = trdy_count + 1;
     end else if ( INP.trdynn === 1'b1 && devsel_count > 0 ) begin
        trdy_wait = trdy_wait + 1;
     end // if

     if ( INP.irdynn === 1'b0 ) begin 
        irdy_asserted = `true;
        irdy_count = irdy_count + 1;
     end else if ( INP.irdynn === 1'b1 ) begin
        if ( (cycle_count > 2) ) begin
           irdy_wait = irdy_wait + 1;
        end // if
     end // if

// Check for target initiated termination  

     if ( INP.stopnn === 1'b0 ) begin
        stop_asserted = `true;
        stop_count = stop_count + 1;
// missing error_report(15) :        if ( INP.framenn === 1'b1 ) begin
	if ( INP.trdynn === 1'b1 && last_trdy === 1'b0 && last_irdy === 1'b1 ) begin
           data_phase_complete = `false; 
        end else if ( INP.framenn === 1'b1 ) begin
           data_phase_complete = `true; 
        end // if
        if ( last_stop === 1'b1 ) begin 
           if ( INP.devselnn === 1'b0 ) begin  
              if ( INP.irdynn === 1'b0 && INP.trdynn === 1'b0 ) begin 
                 if ((termination === completion) && (transfer_count === 1)) begin
                   termination = mct;
                 end else
                   termination = disconnect_b;
              end else if ( INP.irdynn === 1'b1 && INP.trdynn === 1'b0 ) begin
                 termination = disconnect_a;
              end else if ( INP.trdynn === 1'b1 ) begin
                 termination = disconnect_c;
                 if ( transfer_count === 0 ) begin // Retry (special case of Disconnect -C)
                   tmp_last_cycle = last_cycle[current_ignt];
                   tmp_last_cycle[31:0]  = icommand;
                   tmp_last_cycle[95:32] = address;
                   tmp_last_cycle[127:96] = current_ignt; 
                   tmp_last_cycle[128]    = `true;
                   last_cycle[current_ignt] = tmp_last_cycle;
                 end // if
              end // if
           end else if ( INP.devselnn === 1'b1 ) begin
              termination = target_abort;
              data_phase_complete = `true; 
              cycle_end = `true;
           end // if
        end // if
     end // if

  end // if // cycle start

  if ( INP.locknn === 1'b0 ) begin
     if (trace_enable) $fdisplay(fo,"LOCK            : 0  Asserted");
  end // if

  if ( ((last_phase === p_address || last_phase === p_data) && check_parity) ) begin
     if ( INP.par !== parity ) begin
        if (trace_enable) $fdisplay(fo,"Parity          : ",parity,",",INP.par);
        parity_error = `true;
     end // if
     if ( last_phase === p_data && INP.par64 !== parity64 && slave_ack_size === 64 ) begin
        if (trace_enable) $fdisplay(fo,"Parity64        : ",parity64,",",INP.par64);
        parity_error = `true;
     end // if
  end // if

  if ( INP.perrnn === 1'b0 ) begin
     if (trace_enable) $fdisplay(fo,"PERR            : 0  Asserted");
  end // if
  if ( INP.serrnn === 1'b0 ) begin
     if (trace_enable) $fdisplay(fo,"SERR            : 0  Asserted");
  end // if

  if ( cycle_end && cycle_start ) begin
     if (trace_enable) $fdisplay(fo,"Termination     : %s",term_str[termination]);
  end // if // cycle end

  if ( current_phase === p_data || current_phase === p_address ) begin
     if ( ad[0] === 1'bz && ad[15] === 1'bz && ad[16] === 1'bz && ad[31] === 1'bz ) begin  // See if AD is tristated
        check_parity = `false;
     end // if
     if ( (INP.irdynn === 1'b0 && INP.trdynn === 1'b0) || current_phase === p_address || icommand === 1 ) begin  // Check parity during special 
        check_parity = `true;
        parity   = ^(INP.cxbenn[3 : 0]) ^ ^(INP.ad[31 : 0]);
        parity64 = ^(INP.cxbenn[7 : 4]) ^ ^(INP.ad[63 : 32]);
     end else begin
        check_parity = `false;
     end // if
  end // if
  last_phase = current_phase;

endtask // monitor;

// Check for error conditions

task analyze;

// report parity errors

   if ( parity_error ) begin
      error_report(38); // Parity error detected
      parity_error = `false;
   end // if

// Check for Arbitration Errors

  if ( last_frame === 1'b1 && INP.framenn === 1'b0 && &(last_gnt) !== 1'b0 ) begin
     error_report(39); // Cycle must not start unless GNT asserted (3.4.1)
  end // if

  gnt_cnt = 0;
  for (i = 0; i <= 7; i = i + 1) begin 
   if ( INP.gntnn[i] === 1'b0 ) begin
      gnt_cnt = gnt_cnt + 1;
   end else if ( INP.gntnn[i] === 1'bx ) begin
      // GNT(I) unknown
   end // if
  end // loop

  case ( gnt_cnt )
    1      : begin
//        if inp.gnt /= last_gnt and last_gnt /= b"11111111" and state = IDLE then
//           error_report(); -- One Clock delay required between GNTs during IDLE (3.4.1)
//        end if;
    default begin 
        if ( gnt_cnt > 1 ) begin
           error_report(1); // Only one GNT allowed asserted at a time (3.4.1)
        end // if

  if ( spclk === 1 ) begin
     spclk = 0;
     if ( INP.par !== 1'b1 && INP.par !== 1'b0 ) begin
        error_report(35); // par must be stable within 9 clocks of gnt assertion.
     end // if
  end // if
  if ( gclk === 1 ) begin
     if ( is_z_cxbenn(cxbenn[3 : 0]) && is_z_ad(ad[31 : 0]) ) begin
        gclk = 0;
     end // if
     if ( gclk !== 0 ) begin
//        error_report(36); -- CBE and AD must be tristated within one PCI clock after gnt deasserted.
     end // if
     gclk = 0;
  end // if

  if ( sclk > 0 ) begin
     if ( current_phase === p_idle ) begin
        sclk = sclk + 1;
        if ( ! (is_z_cxbenn(cxbenn[3 : 0]) && is_z_ad(ad[31 : 0])) ) begin
           sclk = 0;
        end // if
        if ( sclk === 8 ) begin
           error_report(37); // CBE and AD must be stable within 8 clocks of gnt assertion.
           spclk = 1;
        end // if
    end else begin
       sclk = 0;
    end // if
  end // if

  if ( INP.gntnn !== last_gnt ) begin
     gclk = 1;
     if ( gnt_cnt === 1 ) begin
        sclk = 1;
     end // if
  end // if

 if ( cycle_count === 2 ) begin  // Address phase
    if ( master_req_size === 64 ) begin
      if ( address[2] !== 1'b0 ) begin
         error_report(2); // AD2 must be 0 during address phase of 64 bit transaction.
      end // if
      if ( ! memory_cmd ) begin
         error_report(3); // Only memory commands make sense during 64-bit transfers.
      end // if
    end // if
 end // if

 if ( last_frame === 1'b1 && INP.framenn === 1'b1 && current_phase === p_idle) begin
    if (INP.stopnn !== 1'b1) begin
      error_report(4); // Stop must be deasserted the cycle following frame negation.
    end // if
    if (INP.trdynn !== 1'b1) begin
      error_report(49); // Trdy must be deasserted the cycle following the completion of the last data phase.
    end // if
    if (INP.devselnn !== 1'b1) begin
      error_report(50); // Devsel must be deasserted the cycle following the completion of the last data phase.
    end // if
 end // if 

 if (last_stop === 1'b0 && INP.framenn === 1'b0 && INP.irdynn === 1'b0) begin
    error_report(51); // FRAME# must be deasserted whenever STOP# is asserted, as soon as IRDY# is asserted ( (RULE 5) 

 if ( cycle_count === 3 ) begin
    if ( INP.trdynn === 1'b0 && command[0] === 1'b0 ) begin
       error_report(5); // trdy must be deasserted during turnaround cycle on a read.
    end // if
 end // if

 if ( current_phase === p_data ) begin
    if ( devsel_count === 0 ) begin
       if ( INP.stopnn === 1'b0 ||  INP.trdynn === 1'b0 ) begin
          error_report(6); // target must issue devsel before any other response.
       end // if
    end // if
    if ( INP.framenn === 1'b1 && last_frame === 1'b0 && irdy_count === 0 ) begin
       error_report(7); // Frame cannot be deasserted before Irdy is asserted.
    end // if
    if ( (INP.framenn === 1'b0 && last_frame === 1'b1 && ! (cycle_end || termination === target_abort) && devsel_count > 0) ) begin
       error_report(12); // Once Frame is deasserted it cannot be reasserted during the same transaction.
    end // if
    if ( INP.stopnn === 1'b1 && last_stop === 1'b0 && INP.framenn !== 1'b1 ) begin
       error_report(23); // once stop asserted it must stay until frame negated.
    end // if
    if ( INP.framenn === 1'b1 && last_frame === 1'b0 && INP.irdynn !== 1'b0 ) begin
       error_report(24); // Irdy must always be asserted on the first clock edge that frame is neagted.
    end // if 
 end // if

 if ( (icommand === 2 || icommand === 3) && devsel_count > 0 && termination === no_termination && transfer_count <= 1 ) begin 
    if ( (INP.cxbenn[3 : 0] !== 4'hf) && ((iaddr10 === 0 && INP.cxbenn[0] !== 1'b0) ||
       (iaddr10 === 1 && (INP.cxbenn[1] !== 1'b0 || INP.cxbenn[0] !== 1'b1)) ||
       (iaddr10 === 2 && (INP.cxbenn[2] !== 1'b0 || INP.cxbenn[1] !== 1'b1 || INP.cxbenn[0] !== 1'b1)) ||
       (iaddr10 === 3 && (INP.cxbenn[3] !== 1'b0 || INP.cxbenn[2] !== 1'b1 || INP.cxbenn[1] !== 1'b1 || INP.cxbenn[0] !== 1'b1))) ) begin
        byte_en                     = INP.cxbenn;
        if ( slave_ack_size === 64 ) begin
           if (trace_enable) $fdisplay(fo,"C/BE[7:0]       : %h",(byte_en));
        end else begin
           if (trace_enable) $fdisplay(fo,"C/BE[3:0]       : %h",(byte_en[3 : 0]));
        end // if
       error_report(8); // Illegal combination of AD and C/BE for IO cycle.
    end // if
 end // if

 if ( devsel_count === 1 ) begin
    if ( (icommand === 4 || icommand === 5 || icommand === 8 || icommand === 9) ) begin
       error_report(9); // Targets must not respond to reserved encodings.
    end // if
    if ( icommand === 1 ) begin
       error_report(10); // Targets must not respond to special cycle.
    end // if
    if ( (iaddr10 !== 0 && iaddr10 !== 1) && (icommand === 10 || icommand === 11) ) begin
       error_report(11); // Targets must not respond to Configuration cycle unless selected.
    end // if
 end // if

 if ( ! data_phase_complete ) begin
    if ( irdy_asserted && irdy_count > 1 ) begin
       if ( (INP.framenn !== 1'b0 && last_frame === 1'b0) ) begin
          error_report(13); // Once irdy asserted frame cannot change until data phase completes.
       end // if
    end // if
    if ( irdy_asserted && INP.irdynn !== 1'b0 ) begin
       error_report(14); // Once irdy asserted irdy cannot change until data phase completes.
    end // if

    if ( INP.trdynn === 1'b0 ) begin
       if ( (INP.devselnn !== 1'b0 && last_devsel === 1'b0) ) begin
          error_report(16); // Once trdy asserted devsel cannot change until data phase completes.
       end // if
       if ( (INP.stopnn !== 1'b0 && last_stop === 1'b0) ) begin
          error_report(17); // Once trdy asserted stop cannot change until data phase completes.
       end // if
    end else if ( last_trdy === 1'b0 && trdy_count > 0 ) begin
       error_report(15); // Once trdy asserted trdy cannot change until data phase completes.
    end // if

    if ( INP.stopnn === 1'b0 && last_stop === 1'b0 ) begin
       if ( (INP.devselnn !== 1'b0 && last_devsel === 1'b0) ) begin
          error_report(21); // Once stop asserted devsel cannot change until data phase completes.
       end // if
       if ( (INP.trdynn !== last_trdy) ) begin
          error_report(20); // Once stop asserted trdy cannot change until data phase completes.
       end // if
    end // if
    if ( INP.stopnn === 1'b1 && last_stop === 1'b0 && stop_count > 0 ) begin
       error_report(22); // Once stop asserted stop cannot change until data phase completes.
    end // if

 end // if

 if ( termination === target_abort ) begin
    if ( devsel_count === 0 ) begin
       error_report(18); // Devsel must be asserted for 1 or more clocks before target abort can be signaled.
    end // if
    if ( INP.trdynn !== 1'b1 ) begin
       error_report(19); // Trdy must be deasserted before target abort can be signaled.
    end // if
 end // if

 if ( termination === master_abort && devsel_count > 0 ) begin
    error_report(25); // if devsel asserted master abort termination is not permissible.
 end // if

 if ( ! cycle_end && termination !== target_abort ) begin
    if ( INP.devselnn === 1'b1 && last_devsel === 1'b0 && devsel_asserted ) begin
       error_report(26); // once a target has asserted devsel it must not be deasserted before last data phase completes. 
    end // if
    begin : loop7
    for (i = 0; i <= 3; i = i + 1) begin 
      if ( INP.cxbenn[i] === 1'bz ) begin
         error_report(27); // C/BE buffers must remain enabled until end.
         disable loop7; // exit
      end // if
      if ( INP.cxbenn[i] === 1'bx && cycle_count > 1 ) begin
         error_report(28); // C/BE buffers must be valid during data phase.
         disable loop7; // exit
      end // if
    end // loop
    end // loop7
    if ( command[0] === 1'b0 && INP.devselnn === 1'b0 ) begin
       begin : loop8
       for (i = 0; i <= 31; i = i + 1) begin 
         if ( INP.ad[i] === 1'bz ) begin
            error_report(29); // AD buffers must remain enabled until end.
            disable loop8; // exit
         end // if
       end // loop
       end // loop8
    end // if
 end // if 
 if ( termination === no_termination && devsel_asserted && INP.devselnn === 1'b1 ) begin
    error_report(33);      // Devsel negated before cycle completion : Ignored
 end // if

// Check for data latencies (2.1 Spec)
  if ( master_latency_error ) begin
    error_report(44); // IRDY# not asserted within 8 clocks of data phase.
    master_latency_error = `false;
  end // if    
  if ( ((INP.framenn === 1'b1) || INP.irdynn === 1'b0) ) begin
     master_data_latency = 0;
  end // if
  if ( ((master_data_latency === 8 && transfer_count === 0) || (master_data_latency === 9 && transfer_count > 0)) ) begin
    master_latency_error = `true;
  end // if

  if ( slave_latency_error ) begin
    error_report(47); // TRDY# not asserted within 16 clocks of initial data phase.
    slave_latency_error = `false;
  end // if
  if ( ((slave_data_latency === 16 && transfer_count === 0)) ) begin
    slave_latency_error = `true;
  end // if
  if ( (INP.trdynn === 1'b0) ) begin
     slave_data_latency = 0;
  end // if

// Check for addressing errors and C/BE# errors
   if ( current_phase === p_address ) begin
     if ( icommand === 15 && (INP.ad[1] !== 1'b0 || INP.ad[0] !== 1'b0) ) begin
       error_report(45); // Linear Burst Ordering must be used for Memory Write Invalidate cycles;
     end // if
   end else if ( current_phase === p_data ) begin
     if ( (((INP.cxbenn[0] !== 1'b0) || (INP.cxbenn[1] !== 1'b0) || (INP.cxbenn[2] !== 1'b0) || (INP.cxbenn[3] !== 1'b0)) &&
       (INP.irdynn === 1'b0) && (INP.trdynn === 1'b0) && icommand === 15) ) begin
       error_report(46); // All byte enables should be asserted during each data phase
     end // if             // of a Memory Write Invalidate cycle. 
   end // if

endtask // analyze;

task update_last;
  if ( INP.framenn !== 1'bx ) begin
     last_frame  = INP.framenn;
  end // if
  if ( INP.devselnn !== 1'bx ) begin
     last_devsel  = INP.devselnn;
  end // if
  if ( INP.irdynn !== 1'bx ) begin
     last_irdy  = INP.irdynn;
  end // if
  if ( INP.trdynn !== 1'bx ) begin
     last_trdy  = INP.trdynn;
  end // if
  if ( INP.stopnn !== 1'bx ) begin
     last_stop  = INP.stopnn;
  end // if
  if ( INP.locknn !== 1'bx ) begin
     last_lock  = INP.locknn;
  end // if
  if ( INP.sbonn !== 1'bx ) begin
     last_sbo  = INP.sbonn;
  end // if
  if ( INP.sdone !== 1'bx ) begin
     last_sdone  = INP.sdone;
  end // if
  if ( INP.perrnn !== 1'bx ) begin
     last_perr  = INP.perrnn;
  end // if
  if ( INP.serrnn !== 1'bx ) begin
     last_serr  = INP.serrnn;
  end // if
  if ( INP.req64nn !== 1'bx ) begin
     last_req64  = INP.req64nn;
  end // if
  if ( INP.ack64nn !== 1'bx ) begin
     last_ack64  = INP.ack64nn;
  end // if

  last_gnt   = INP.gntnn;
  last_req   = INP.reqnn;
  last_idsel = INP.idsel;
  last_ad    = address;
  last_cbe   = byte_en;
  if (gnt_a_clks >= 1) begin
    gnt_a_clks = gnt_a_clks + 1;
endtask // update_last;

task report_monitor;

// issue initialization message

   if ( model_flags.debug_level !== 0 ) begin
      $fdisplay(fo,"= SYNOPSYS PCI MONITOR Model 5.0");
      if ( trace_file ) begin
         $fdisplay(fo,"=     TRACE FILE  = TRUE");
         $fdisplay(fo,"=     DATA_FILE   = %s",data_file);
      end else begin
         $fdisplay(fo,"=     TRACE FILE  = FALSE");
      end // if 
      if ( error_check ) begin
         $fdisplay(fo,"=     ERROR_CHECK = TRUE");
      end else begin
         $fdisplay(fo,"=     ERROR_CHECK = FALSE");
      end // if
      if ( arbitrate ) begin
         $fdisplay(fo,"=     ARBITRATE   = TRUE");
      end else begin
         $fdisplay(fo,"=     ARBITRATE   = FALSE");
      end // if
      if ( park_zero ) begin
         $fdisplay(fo,"=     PARK_ZERO   = TRUE");
      end else begin
         $fdisplay(fo,"=     PARK_ZERO   = FALSE");
      end // if
      case ( priority )
       0      : $fdisplay(fo,"=     PRIORITY    = FIXED (0) ");
       1      : $fdisplay(fo,"=     PRIORITY    = ROTATING (1)");
       2      : $fdisplay(fo,"=     PRIORITY    = REVERSING (2)");
       3      : $fdisplay(fo,"=     PRIORITY    = MS15 TEST (3)");
       4      : $fdisplay(fo,"=     PRIORITY    = FIXED MS16 TEST (4)");
       default  $fdisplay(fo,"=     PRIORITY    = FIXED (>4)");

   end // if

endtask // report_monitor;

task update_flags;
input value;
    CNTRL.ad_in <= #(0)  value;
    CNTRL.cxbenn_in <= #(0)  value;
    CNTRL.par <= #(0)  value;
    CNTRL.framenn <= #(0)  value;
    CNTRL.trdynn <= #(0)  value;
    CNTRL.irdynn <= #(0)  value;
    CNTRL.stopnn <= #(0)  value;
    CNTRL.devselnn <= #(0)  value;
    CNTRL.idsel <= #(0)  value;
    CNTRL.perrnn <= #(0)  value;
    CNTRL.serrnn <= #(0)  value;
    CNTRL.reqnn <= #(0)  value;
    CNTRL.gntnn <= #(0)  value;
    CNTRL.r_locknn_clk <= #(0)  value;
    CNTRL.r_par64_clk <= #(0)  value;
    CNTRL.r_req64nn_clk <= #(0)  value;
    CNTRL.r_ack64nn_clk <= #(0)  value;
    CNTRL.r_sbonn_clk <= #(0)  value;
    CNTRL.r_sdone_clk <= #(0)  value;
    CNTRL.r_intann_clk <= #(0)  value;
    CNTRL.r_intbnn_clk <= #(0)  value;
    CNTRL.r_intcnn_clk <= #(0)  value;
    CNTRL.r_intdnn_clk <= #(0)  value;

 // User variable definitions   --
 // are to be entered here      --

 //--- FM MAIN PROCESS -----
always begin : fm_main
reg init_done;
integer left, right, left1, right1, i;

  if (  init_done !== `true  ) begin 
    CNTRL.clk <= #(0)  `true;
    CNTRL.ck_clk <= #(0)  `true;
    CNTRL.rstnn <= #(0)  `true;
    CNTRL.ck_rstnn <= #(0)  `true;
    CNTRL.ad_in <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.r_ad_clk <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.cxbenn_in <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.r_cxbenn_clk <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.par <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.r_par_clk <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.framenn <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.r_framenn_clk <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.trdynn <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.r_trdynn_clk <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.irdynn <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.r_irdynn_clk <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.stopnn <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.r_stopnn_clk <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.devselnn <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.r_devselnn_clk <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.idsel <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.r_idsel_clk <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.perrnn <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.r_perrnn_clk <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.serrnn <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.r_serrnn_clk <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.reqnn <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.r_reqnn_clk <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.gntnn <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.gntnn_in <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.r_gntnn_clk <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.locknn <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.r_locknn_clk <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.par64 <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.r_par64_clk <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.req64nn <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.r_req64nn_clk <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.ack64nn <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.r_ack64nn_clk <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.sbonn <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.r_sbonn_clk <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.sdone <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.r_sdone_clk <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.intann <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.r_intann_clk <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.intbnn <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.r_intbnn_clk <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.intcnn <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.r_intcnn_clk <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.intdnn <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.r_intdnn_clk <= #(0)  `false;
    init_done = `true; 
 // User initialization code is --
 // to be entered here          --

   ad_out(64'hzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, zero_delay, 0 * `time_scale_multiplier);
   cxbenn_out(8'bzzzzzzzz, zero_delay, 0 * `time_scale_multiplier);
   par_out(1'bz, zero_delay, 0 * `time_scale_multiplier);
   fo = $fopen(data_file);

   if (model_flags.debug_level !== -1) begin
      if (trace_file && disablemsg !== 1'b1) begin
         trace_enable = `true;
      end else begin
         trace_enable = `false;
      end // if
   end else begin
        trace_enable = `false;
   end //if

  end // if

 // User model code goes here ----

    if ( INP.rstnn_event ) begin
      if ( INP.rstnn === 1'b0 ) begin
         ad_out(64'hzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, zero_delay, 0 * `time_scale_multiplier);
         cxbenn_out(8'bzzzzzzzz, zero_delay, 0 * `time_scale_multiplier);
         par_out(1'bz, zero_delay, 0 * `time_scale_multiplier);
      end else if ( INP.rstnn === 1'b1 ) begin
      end // if
   end // if

   if ( INP.clk_event && INP.clk === 1'b1 ) begin 
      if ( arbitrate ) begin
      end else begin
         gntnn_out(8'bzzzzzzzz,model_times.tpr_clk_gntnn, 0 *`time_scale_multiplier); 
      end // if
      if ( INP.rstnn === 1'b1 ) begin
      end // if
   end // if

  INP.clk_old = INP.clk;
  INP.rstnn_old = INP.rstnn;
  INP.ad_old = INP.ad;
  INP.cxbenn_old = INP.cxbenn;
  INP.par_old = INP.par;
  INP.framenn_old = INP.framenn;
  INP.trdynn_old = INP.trdynn;
  INP.irdynn_old = INP.irdynn;
  INP.stopnn_old = INP.stopnn;

This page: Created:Thu Aug 19 12:00:10 1999
From: ../../../sparc_v8/system/lmc/rtl/pcimonitor_fm.v

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