endtask // cxbennl_out

task cxbennh_out;
input [7:4] output_vector;
input [127:0] delay_in;
input [31:0] skew_in;
integer delay[0:3];
integer delay_time, skew, i;
  delay[0] = delay_in[31:0];
  delay[1] = delay_in[63:32];
  delay[2] = delay_in[95:64];
  delay[3] = delay_in[127:96];
  skew = skew_in;
  for (i=4; i<=7; i=i+1) begin
    delay_time = delay[lmcver.map(output_vector[i])] + model_times.tld_cxbenn[i] + skew;
    if (delay_time < 0) begin delay_time = 0; end
    case (i)
      4: cxbenn_reg_4 <= #( delay_time)  output_vector[i];
      5: cxbenn_reg_5 <= #( delay_time)  output_vector[i];
      6: cxbenn_reg_6 <= #( delay_time)  output_vector[i];
      7: cxbenn_reg_7 <= #( delay_time)  output_vector[i];
endtask // cxbennh_out

task par_out;
input output_value;
input [127:0] delay_in;
input [31:0] skew_in;
integer delay[0:3];
integer delay_time, skew, i;
  delay[0] = delay_in[31:0];
  delay[1] = delay_in[63:32];
  delay[2] = delay_in[95:64];
  delay[3] = delay_in[127:96];
  skew = skew_in;
  delay_time = delay[lmcver.map(output_value)] + model_times.tld_par + skew;
  if (delay_time < 0) begin delay_time = 0; end
  par_reg <= #( delay_time)  output_value;
endtask // par_out

task gntnn_out;
input [7:0] output_vector;
input [127:0] delay_in;
input [31:0] skew_in;
integer delay[0:3];
integer delay_time, skew, i;
  delay[0] = delay_in[31:0];
  delay[1] = delay_in[63:32];
  delay[2] = delay_in[95:64];
  delay[3] = delay_in[127:96];
  skew = skew_in;
  for (i=0; i<=7; i=i+1) begin
    delay_time = delay[lmcver.map(output_vector[i])] + model_times.tld_gntnn[i] + skew;
    if (delay_time < 0) begin delay_time = 0; end
    case (i)
      0: gntnn_reg_0 <= #( delay_time)  output_vector[i];
      1: gntnn_reg_1 <= #( delay_time)  output_vector[i];
      2: gntnn_reg_2 <= #( delay_time)  output_vector[i];
      3: gntnn_reg_3 <= #( delay_time)  output_vector[i];
      4: gntnn_reg_4 <= #( delay_time)  output_vector[i];
      5: gntnn_reg_5 <= #( delay_time)  output_vector[i];
      6: gntnn_reg_6 <= #( delay_time)  output_vector[i];
      7: gntnn_reg_7 <= #( delay_time)  output_vector[i];
endtask // gntnn_out
function b;
input s;
reg result;
  result = 0;
  case (s)
    1'b1 : result = 1;
    1'b0 : result = 0;
  b = result;

parameter zero_delay = {32'h0, 32'h0, 32'h0, 32'h0};

//type phases  
parameter p_idle = 0;
parameter p_address = 1;
parameter p_tar = 2;
parameter p_data = 3; 
//type     bstate_type      
parameter idle = 0; 
parameter busy = 1;
//type     lock_type        
parameter owned = 0; 
parameter free = 1;
//type     command_type     
parameter read = 0;
parameter write = 1;

//type     burst_array  is array(1 : 32) of integer;
//type     cstr_array  is array(0 : 15) of string(1 : 35);
//type     astr_array  is array(0 : 3) of string(1 : 24);
//type     tstr_array  is array(0 : 8) of string(1 : 17);
//type     sstr_array  is array(0 : 4) of string(1 : 14);
//type     estr_array  is array(1 : 50) of string(1 : 120);

integer current_phase; initial current_phase = p_idle;
integer last_phase; initial last_phase = p_idle;
integer abstate; initial abstate = idle;
integer lock_state; initial lock_state = free;
integer rw; initial rw = read;

reg  relatch             ; initial relatch =  `false;
reg  daddress            ; initial daddress =  `false;
reg  cycle_start         ; initial cycle_start =  `false;
reg  cycle_end           ; initial cycle_end =  `true;
reg  last_transfer       ; initial last_transfer =  `false;
reg  ignore_cycle        ; initial ignore_cycle =  `false;
reg  cycle_locked        ; initial cycle_locked =  `false;
reg  fast_back2back      ; initial fast_back2back =  `false;
reg  data_phase_complete ; initial data_phase_complete =  `false;
reg  memory_cmd          ; initial memory_cmd =  `false;
reg  irdy_asserted       ; initial irdy_asserted =  `false;
reg  trdy_asserted       ; initial trdy_asserted =  `false;
reg  devsel_asserted     ; initial devsel_asserted =  `false;
reg  stop_asserted       ; initial stop_asserted =  `false;
reg  parity_error        ; initial parity_error =  `false;

 integer speed ; initial speed =   0;
 integer termination ; initial termination =   0;
 integer master_req_size ; initial master_req_size =  32;
 integer slave_ack_size ; initial slave_ack_size =  32;
 integer frame_count ; initial frame_count =  0;
 integer cycle_count ; initial cycle_count =  0;
 integer devsel_count ; initial devsel_count =  0;
 integer irdy_count ; initial irdy_count =  0;
 integer trdy_count ; initial trdy_count =  0;
 integer irdy_wait ; initial irdy_wait =  0;
 integer trdy_wait ; initial trdy_wait =  0;
 integer stop_count ; initial stop_count =  0;
 integer transfer_count ; initial transfer_count =  0;
 integer icommand ; initial icommand =  0;
 integer iaddr10 ; initial iaddr10 =  0;
 integer cycle_status ; initial cycle_status =  0;
 integer gnt_cnt ; initial gnt_cnt =  0;
 integer file_gnt ; initial file_gnt =  0;

 integer irdy_burst ; initial irdy_burst =  0;
 integer trdy_burst ; initial trdy_burst =  0;
reg [63:0]  data_burst;

reg [63:0]  address;
reg [7:0]  byte_en;
reg [3:0]  command;

reg  last_frame          ; initial last_frame =  1'bx;
reg  last_devsel         ; initial last_devsel =  1'bx;
reg  last_irdy           ; initial last_irdy =  1'bx;
reg  last_trdy           ; initial last_trdy =  1'bx; 
reg  last_stop           ; initial last_stop =  1'bx;
reg  last_sdone          ; initial last_sdone =  1'bx;
reg  last_sbo            ; initial last_sbo =  1'bx;
reg  last_perr           ; initial last_perr =  1'bx;
reg  last_serr           ; initial last_serr =  1'bx;
reg  last_lock           ; initial last_lock =  1'bx;
reg  last_req64          ; initial last_req64 =  1'bx;
reg  last_ack64          ; initial last_ack64 =  1'bx;
reg  parity              ; initial parity =  1'bx;
reg  parity64            ; initial parity64 =  1'bx;
reg [63:0] last_ad;
reg [7:0] last_cbe;
reg [7:0] last_idsel;
reg [7:0] last_req;
reg [7:0] last_gnt;

integer fo;
integer fp;

reg trace_enable    ; initial trace_enable = `false; 
reg first_reset     ; initial first_reset = `false;

integer master_data_latency  ; initial master_data_latency = 0;
reg     master_latency_error ; initial master_latency_error = `false;
integer slave_data_latency   ; initial slave_data_latency = 0;
reg     slave_latency_error  ; initial slave_latency_error = `false;
integer current_ignt         ; initial current_ignt = 0;

integer gnt_a_clks; initial gnt_a_clks = 0;

type cycle_data is record
 command : integer;
 address : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
 gnt     : integer;
 retry   : boolean;
end record;

type cycle_array is array(0 to 7) of cycle_data;
variable last_cycle : cycle_array; 

//type cycle_data [128:0] - ([128] retry, [127:96] gnt, [95:32] address, [31:0] command)

reg [128:0] last_cycle [0:7];
reg [128:0] tmp_last_cycle;

reg  comment        ; initial comment =  `true;
reg  enabled        ; initial enabled =  `false;
reg  first          ; initial first =  `false;
reg  turn           ; initial turn =  `false;
reg  read_cycle     ; initial read_cycle =  `false;
reg  write_cycle    ; initial write_cycle =  `false; 
reg  check_parity   ; initial check_parity =  `false;
reg  addr           ; initial addr =  `false;  

reg [1:120*8] error_str[1:53];

initial begin
   error_str[1] = "1  Only a single GNT# may be asserted on any clock (3.4)                                                                ";
   error_str[2] = "2  AD2 must be 0 during the address phase of 64-bit transaction (3.10)                                                  ";
   error_str[3] = "3  Only memory commands make sense when doing 64-bit transfers (3.10)                                                   ";
   error_str[4] = "4  Stop must be deasserted the cycle immediately following FRAME being deasserted (                           ";
   error_str[5] = "5  TRDY must be deasserted during Turnaround cycle on a read (3.3.1)                                                    ";
   error_str[6] = "6  Target must issue DEVSEL before any other response (3.7.1)                                                           ";
   error_str[7] = "7  FRAME cannot be deasserted before IRDY is asserted (                                                         ";
   error_str[8] = "8  Illegal combination of AD1,AD0 and C/BE for I/O cycle. (3.2.2)                                                       ";
   error_str[9] = "9  Targets must not respond to Reserved encodings (3.2.2)                                                               ";
   error_str[10] = "10  Targets must not respond to the Special cycle (3.7.2)                                                               ";
   error_str[11] = "11  Targets must not respond to configuration cycles unless selected (3.2.2)                                            ";
   error_str[12] = "12  Once FRAME is deasserted it cannot be reasserted during the same transaction (                              ";
   error_str[13] = "13  Once a master has asserted IRDY# it cannot change FRAME# until the current data phase completes (3.2.1).            ";
   error_str[14] = "14  Once a master has asserted IRDY# it cannot change IRDY# until the current data phase completes (3.2.1).             ";
   error_str[15] = "15  Once a target has asserted TRDY# it cannot change TRDY# until the current data phase completes (3.2.1).             ";
   error_str[16] = "16  Once a target has asserted TRDY# it cannot change DEVSEL# until the current data phase completes (3.2.1).           ";
   error_str[17] = "17  Once a target has asserted TRDY# it cannot change STOP# until the current data phase completes (3.2.1).             ";
   error_str[18] = "18  DEVSEL must be asserted for 1 or more clocks before target-abort can be signaled (                          ";
   error_str[19] = "19  TRDY must be deasserted before target-abort can be signaled (                                             ";
   error_str[20] = "20  Once a target has asserted STOP# it cannot change TRDY# until the current data phase completes (3.2.1).             ";
   error_str[21] = "21  Once a target has asserted STOP# it cannot change DEVSEL# until the current data phase completes (3.2.1).           ";
   error_str[22] = "22  Once a target has asserted STOP# it cannot change STOP# until the current data phase completes (3.2.1).             ";
   error_str[23] = "23  Once asserted, STOP# must remain asserted until FRAME# is deasserted (                                   ";
   error_str[24] = "24  IRDY# must always be asserted on the first clock edge that FRAME# is deasserted (                          ";
   error_str[25] = "25  if DEVSEL is asserted, master abort termination is not permissible (                                        ";
   error_str[26] = "26  Once a target has asserted DEVSEL it must not be deaserted until the last data phase has completed (3.7.1)          "; 
   error_str[27] = "27  The C/BE output buffers must remain enabled until the end of the transaction (3.3.1)                                ";
   error_str[28] = "28  The C/BE must be valid during data phase (3.3.1)                                                                    ";
   error_str[29] = "29  The AD output buffers must remain enabled until the end of the transaction (3.3.1)                                  ";
   error_str[30] = "30  Dual Command (1101) not valid after dual command : cycle ignored (not in Spec)                                      ";
   error_str[31] = "31  Frame must remain asserted for cycle following dual command : cycle ignored (3.10.1)                                ";
   error_str[32] = "32  Devsel asserted during address phase  (3.7.1)                                                                       ";
   error_str[33] = "33  Devsel negated before cycle completion : ignored (3.7.1)                                                            ";
   error_str[34] = "34  Devsel UNKNOWN during cycle: Ignored (3.7.1)                                                                        ";
   error_str[35] = "35  Parity must be driven within 1 PCI clock of C/BE and AD being driven (3.8.1)                                        ";
   error_str[36] = "36  C/BE and AD must be tristated within one PCI clock after GNT negation (3.4.3)                                       ";
   error_str[37] = "37  C/BE and AD must be driven within 8 PCI clocks of GNT assertion (3.4.3)                                             ";
   error_str[38] = "38  Parity Error Detected  (3.8.1)                                                                                      ";
   error_str[39] = "39  Cycle must not start unless GNT asserted (3.4.1)                                                                    ";
   error_str[40] = "40  One Clock delay required between GNTs during IDLE (3.4.1)                                                           ";
   error_str[41] = "41  Master must deasserted REQ for a minimum of two PCI clocks , after target abort (                         ";
   error_str[42] = "42  An agent must never use REQ to park itself on the bus (3.4.1)                                                       ";
   error_str[43] = "43  Problem with current master, GNT asserted > 16 clocks with no access (3.4.1)                                        ";
   error_str[44] = "44  IRDY# must be asserted within eight clocks on all data phases (3.5.2)                                               ";
   error_str[45] = "45  Linear Burst Ordering must be used for Memory Write Invalidate cycles (3.2.1)                                       ";
   error_str[46] = "46  All byte enables should be asserted during each data phase of a Memory Write Invalidate cycle (3.2.1)               ";
   error_str[47] = "47  TRDY# should be asserted within 16 clocks of initial data phase(                                            ";
   error_str[48] = "48  Current cycle is not the same as previous cycle terminated by retry (WARNING)(                            ";
   error_str[49] = "49  TRDY# must be deasserted the cycle immediately following the completion of the last data phase (          ";
   error_str[50] = "50  DEVSEL# must be deasserted the cycle immediately following the completion of the last data phase (        ";
   error_str[51] = "51  FRAME# must be deasserted whenever STOP# is asserted, as soon as IRDY# is asserted ( (RULE 5)             ";
   error_str[52] = "52  Reserved                                                                                                            ";

reg [1:35*8] cycle_str[0:15];

initial begin
  cycle_str[0] = "0  Interrupt Acknowledge           ";
  cycle_str[1] = "1  Special Cycle                   ";
  cycle_str[2] = "2  I/O Read                        ";
  cycle_str[3] = "3  I/O Write                       ";
  cycle_str[4] = "4  Reserved                        ";
  cycle_str[5] = "5  Reserved                        ";
  cycle_str[6] = "6  Memory Read                     ";
  cycle_str[7] = "7  Memory Write                    ";
  cycle_str[8] = "8  Reserved                        ";
  cycle_str[9] = "9  Reserved                        ";
  cycle_str[10] = "A  Configuration Read              ";
  cycle_str[11] = "B  Configuration Write             ";
  cycle_str[12] = "C  Memory Read Multiple            ";
  cycle_str[13] = "D  Dual Address Cycle              ";
  cycle_str[14] = "E  Memory Read Line                ";
  cycle_str[15] = "F  Memory Write and Invalidate     ";

reg [1:24*8] addr_str[0:3];

initial begin
  addr_str[0] = "0  Linear Incrementing  ";
  addr_str[1] = "1  Cache Line Toggle    ";
  addr_str[2] = "2  Cache Line Wrap      ";
  addr_str[3] = "3  Reserved mode        ";

reg [1:19*8] term_str[0:9];

initial begin
  term_str[0] = "0  No Termination  ";
  term_str[1] = "1  Completion      ";
  term_str[2] = "2  Disconnect - A  ";
  term_str[3] = "3  Disconnect - B  ";
  term_str[4] = "4  Disconnect - C  ";
  term_str[5] = "5  Target - Abort  ";
  term_str[6] = "6  Master - Disc   ";
  term_str[7] = "7  Master - Abort  ";
  term_str[8] = "8  Master - Tout   ";
  term_str[9] = "9  Completion - MCT";

reg [1:14*8] speed_str[0:4];

initial begin
  speed_str[0] = "0  no_speed   ";
  speed_str[1] = "1  Fast       ";
  speed_str[2] = "2  Medium     ";
  speed_str[3] = "3  Slow       ";
  speed_str[4] = "4  Subtractive";

parameter linear_incrementing = 0;
parameter cache_line_toggle = 1;
parameter cache_line_wrap = 2;

parameter none = 0;
parameter na = 0;
parameter pass = 1;
parameter err = -1;

parameter interrupt_acknowledge = 0;
parameter special_cycle = 1;           
parameter io_read = 2;   
parameter io_write = 3;
parameter reserved_4 = 4;
parameter reserved_5 = 5;   
parameter memory_read = 6;          
parameter memory_write = 7;         
parameter reserved_8 = 8;
parameter reserved_9 = 9;
parameter configuration_read = 10;      
parameter configuration_write = 11;      
parameter memory_read_multiple = 12;     
parameter dual_address_cycle = 13;       
parameter memory_read_line = 14;        
parameter memory_write_invalidate = 15;

// The Column indexes

parameter gen = 0; // The Master Generates field

// Target speed

parameter no_speed = 0;
parameter fast_speed = 1;
parameter medium_speed = 2;
parameter slow_speed = 3;
parameter subtractive_speed = 4;

// Cycle Terminations

parameter no_termination = 0;
parameter completion = 1;
parameter disconnect_a = 2;
parameter disconnect_b = 3;
parameter disconnect_c = 4;
parameter target_abort = 5;
parameter master_disconnect = 6;
parameter master_abort = 7;
parameter master_timeout = 8;
parameter mct = 9;
integer i,j,k; 
initial begin
  i = 0;
  j = 0;
  k = 0;

// inchar            : character;
reg  ok                ;
parameter nobody = 99;
integer cur_gnt; initial cur_gnt = nobody;
integer highest_req; initial highest_req = nobody;
integer bus_owner; initial bus_owner = nobody;
integer lock_owner; initial lock_owner = nobody;
integer next_grant; initial next_grant = nobody;
reg negate_gnt; initial negate_gnt = `false;
parameter park_id = 0;

integer gclk; initial gclk = 0;
integer sclk; initial sclk = 0;
integer spclk; initial spclk = 0;
integer nptr; initial nptr = 3;
integer pcnt; initial pcnt = 0;
integer dcnt; initial dcnt = 0;
integer fcnt; initial fcnt = 0;

reg cpa; initial cpa = `false;
reg cpc; initial cpc = `false;
integer park_cnt; initial park_cnt = 0;
reg  parking; initial parking = `false;

function is_z_cxbenn;
input [3:0] vec;
reg cond; 
   cond = `true;
   begin: loop3
   for (i = 3; i >= 0; i = i - 1) begin 
    if (vec[i] !== 1'bz) begin
       cond = `false;
       disable loop3;
    end // if
   end // loop
   is_z_cxbenn = cond;
endfunction // is_z_cxbenn

function is_z_ad;
input [31:0] vec;
reg cond; 
   cond = `true;
   begin: loop4
   for (i = 31; i >= 0; i = i - 1) begin 
    if (vec[i] !== 1'bz) begin
       cond = `false;
       disable loop4;
    end // if
   end // loop
   is_z_ad = cond;
endfunction // is_z_ad

task error_report;
input [31:0] number; 
integer temp;
  if ( error_check !== 0 ) begin

     if (disablemsg !== 1'b1) begin
       $fdisplay(fo,"PCI ERROR       : %s",error_str[number]);
     if (!(`false)) begin
       $display("WARNING at %0t from %m",$time);
       $write("     \"PCI ERROR       : %s",error_str[number]);
  end // if
endtask // error_report

task assert_gnt;
input [31:0] r;
  case (r)
    0 : begin
             gntnn_out(8'b11111110,model_times.tpr_clk_gntnn,0 *`time_scale_multiplier); 
             cur_gnt = 0;
    1 : begin
             gntnn_out(8'b11111101,model_times.tpr_clk_gntnn,0 *`time_scale_multiplier); 
             cur_gnt = 1;
    2 : begin
             gntnn_out(8'b11111011,model_times.tpr_clk_gntnn,0 *`time_scale_multiplier); 
             cur_gnt = 2;
    3 : begin
             gntnn_out(8'b11110111,model_times.tpr_clk_gntnn,0 *`time_scale_multiplier); 
             cur_gnt = 3;
    4 : begin
             gntnn_out(8'b11101111,model_times.tpr_clk_gntnn,0 *`time_scale_multiplier); 
             cur_gnt = 4;
    5 : begin
             gntnn_out(8'b11011111,model_times.tpr_clk_gntnn,0 *`time_scale_multiplier); 
             cur_gnt = 5;
    6 : begin
             gntnn_out(8'b10111111,model_times.tpr_clk_gntnn,0 *`time_scale_multiplier); 
             cur_gnt = 6;
    7 : begin
             gntnn_out(8'b01111111,model_times.tpr_clk_gntnn,0 *`time_scale_multiplier); 
             cur_gnt = 7;
    nobody : begin
             gntnn_out(8'b11111111,model_times.tpr_clk_gntnn,0 *`time_scale_multiplier); 
             cur_gnt = nobody;
    default begin 
              if (!(`false)) begin
                $display("WARNING at %0t from %m",$time);
                $write("     \"Trying to assert an invalid index in assert_gnt.");
   if (cur_gnt === 2) begin
     gnt_a_clks = 1;
endtask // assert_gnt

task check_timing;

// Control setup and hold checks 

  if ( INP.rstnn === 1'b0 ) begin
     CNTRL.r_reqnn_clk <= #(0)  `false;
     CNTRL.r_gntnn_clk <= #(0)  `false;
     CNTRL.r_intann_clk <= #(0)  `false;
     CNTRL.r_intbnn_clk <= #(0)  `false;
     CNTRL.r_intcnn_clk <= #(0)  `false;
     CNTRL.r_intdnn_clk <= #(0)  `false; 
     CNTRL.r_serrnn_clk <= #(0)  `false;
  end else if ( INP.rstnn === 1'b1 ) begin
     CNTRL.r_reqnn_clk <= #(0)  `true;
     CNTRL.r_gntnn_clk <= #(0)  `true;
//     CNTRL.r_intann_clk   <= TRUE;
//     CNTRL.r_intbnn_clk   <= TRUE;
//     CNTRL.r_intcnn_clk   <= TRUE;
//     CNTRL.r_intdnn_clk   <= TRUE; 
  end // if

  if ( current_phase === p_address ) begin
    enabled = `true; 
    addr = `true;
    CNTRL.r_ad_clk <= #(0)  `true;
    CNTRL.r_cxbenn_clk <= #(0)  `true;
    CNTRL.r_req64nn_clk <= #(0)  `true;
    CNTRL.r_framenn_clk <= #(0)  `true; 

    CNTRL.r_trdynn_clk <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.r_irdynn_clk <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.r_stopnn_clk <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.r_devselnn_clk <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.r_idsel_clk <= #(0)  `true;
    CNTRL.r_locknn_clk <= #(0)  `false;
    CNTRL.r_ack64nn_clk <= #(0)  `false;
    if ( (fast_back2back) ) begin
      CNTRL.r_par_clk <= #(0)  `true;
    end else begin
      CNTRL.r_par_clk =  `false;
    end // if
  end // if 
  if ( (enabled) ) begin
     if ( current_phase === p_tar ) begin
        turn = `true;
        CNTRL.r_ad_clk <= #(0)  `false;
        CNTRL.r_cxbenn_clk <= #(0)  `true; 
        if ( (INP.ack64nn === 1'b0) ) begin
           CNTRL.cxbenn_in <= #(0)  `true; 
        end // if
        CNTRL.ad_in <= #(0)  `false;
        CNTRL.r_cxbenn_clk <= #(0)  `true;
        CNTRL.r_par_clk <= #(0)  `true;
        CNTRL.r_framenn_clk <= #(0)  `false;
        CNTRL.r_trdynn_clk <= #(0)  `false;
        CNTRL.r_irdynn_clk <= #(0)  `true;
        CNTRL.r_stopnn_clk <= #(0)  `false;
        CNTRL.r_devselnn_clk <= #(0)  `false;
        CNTRL.r_idsel_clk <= #(0)  `false;
        CNTRL.r_perrnn_clk <= #(0)  `false;
        CNTRL.r_serrnn_clk <= #(0)  `false;
        CNTRL.r_locknn_clk <= #(0)  `false;
        CNTRL.r_par64_clk <= #(0)  `false;
        CNTRL.r_req64nn_clk <= #(0)  `false;
        CNTRL.r_ack64nn_clk <= #(0)  `false;
        CNTRL.r_sbonn_clk <= #(0)  `false;
        CNTRL.r_sdone_clk <= #(0)  `false;
     end else if ( (current_phase === p_data) ) begin
        if ( (INP.irdynn === 1'b0 && INP.trdynn === 1'b0) ) begin
           CNTRL.r_ad_clk <= #(0)  `true; 
           if ( (INP.ack64nn === 1'b0) ) begin
              CNTRL.ad_in <= #(0)  `true; 
           end // if
        end else begin
           CNTRL.r_ad_clk <= #(0)  `false; 
           CNTRL.ad_in <= #(0)  `false; 
        end // if
        if (!disconnect_c) begin
          CNTRL.r_cxbenn_clk <= #(0)  `true; 
        end else begin
          CNTRL.r_cxbenn_clk <= #(0)  `false; 
        if ( INP.ack64nn === 1'b0 ) begin
           CNTRL.cxbenn_in <= #(0)  `true; 
        end // if
        if ( turn ) begin
           turn = `false; 
           addr = `false;
           CNTRL.r_par_clk <= #(0)  `false;
           CNTRL.r_par64_clk <= #(0)  `false; 
           CNTRL.r_perrnn_clk <= #(0)  `false;
        end else begin
           CNTRL.r_par_clk <= #(0)  `true;
           if ( (INP.ack64nn === 1'b0) ) begin
              CNTRL.r_par64_clk <= #(0)  `true; 
           end // if
           if ( addr ) begin 
              addr = `false;
              CNTRL.r_perrnn_clk <= #(0)  `false; 
           end else begin  
              if ( (perrnn !== 1'b1 /* 'H' */ && perrnn !== 1'bz) ) begin
                 CNTRL.r_perrnn_clk <= #(0)  `true; 
              end // if
           end // if
        end // if

        CNTRL.r_framenn_clk <= #(0)  `true;
        if ( (fast_back2back) ) begin
           CNTRL.r_trdynn_clk <= #(0)  `false;
           CNTRL.r_stopnn_clk <= #(0)  `false;
           CNTRL.r_devselnn_clk <= #(0)  `false;
           CNTRL.r_ack64nn_clk <= #(0)  `false;
        end else begin
           CNTRL.r_trdynn_clk <= #(0)  `true;
           CNTRL.r_stopnn_clk <= #(0)  `true;
           CNTRL.r_devselnn_clk <= #(0)  `true;
           CNTRL.r_ack64nn_clk <= #(0)  `true;
        end // if
        CNTRL.r_irdynn_clk <= #(0)  `true;
        CNTRL.r_idsel_clk <= #(0)  `false;
        CNTRL.r_locknn_clk <= #(0)  `true;
        CNTRL.r_req64nn_clk <= #(0)  `true;
        CNTRL.r_sbonn_clk <= #(0)  `true;
        CNTRL.r_sdone_clk <= #(0)  `true; 
        if ( current_phase === p_idle ) begin // was next_Phase
           enabled = `false;
        end // if
     end // if
  end else begin
     CNTRL.r_ad_clk <= #(0)  `false;
     CNTRL.r_cxbenn_clk <= #(0)  `false;
     CNTRL.ad_in <= #(0)  `false;
     CNTRL.cxbenn_in <= #(0)  `false;
     CNTRL.r_par_clk <= #(0)  `false;
     CNTRL.r_framenn_clk <= #(0)  `false;
     CNTRL.r_trdynn_clk <= #(0)  `false;
     CNTRL.r_irdynn_clk <= #(0)  `false;
     CNTRL.r_stopnn_clk <= #(0)  `false;
     CNTRL.r_devselnn_clk <= #(0)  `false;
     CNTRL.r_idsel_clk <= #(0)  `false;
     CNTRL.r_perrnn_clk <= #(0)  `false;
     CNTRL.r_serrnn_clk <= #(0)  `false;
     CNTRL.r_locknn_clk <= #(0)  `false;
     CNTRL.r_par64_clk <= #(0)  `false;
     CNTRL.r_req64nn_clk <= #(0)  `false;
     CNTRL.r_ack64nn_clk <= #(0)  `false;
     CNTRL.r_sbonn_clk <= #(0)  `false;
     CNTRL.r_sdone_clk <= #(0)  `false;
  end // if               
endtask // check_timing;

task arbitrator;
  if ( (INP.rstnn === 1'b1) ) begin
     CNTRL.r_reqnn_clk <= #(0)  `true;

//  this code determines priorities. replace this code to get
//  different schemes. one 'signal' is generated from here. 
//  'highest_req' should contain the number of a request that is
//  highest priority.  if nobody is requesting the bus, then its 
//  value should be 'nobody'.
     case ( priority )
       0 , 4 : begin // FIXED priority REQ(0) is highest
           if ( INP.reqnn[0] === 1'b0 ) begin
               highest_req = 0; 
           end else if ( INP.reqnn[1] === 1'b0 ) begin
               highest_req = 1;
           end else if ( INP.reqnn[2] === 1'b0 ) begin
               highest_req = 2;
           end else if ( INP.reqnn[3] === 1'b0 ) begin
               highest_req = 3;
           end else if ( INP.reqnn[4] === 1'b0 ) begin
               highest_req = 4;
           end else if ( INP.reqnn[5] === 1'b0 ) begin
               highest_req = 5;
           end else if ( INP.reqnn[6] === 1'b0 ) begin
               highest_req = 6;
           end else if ( INP.reqnn[7] === 1'b0 ) begin
               highest_req = 7;
           end else begin
               highest_req = nobody;
           end // if
      1 : begin // Rotating
//           if ( INP.reqnn !== last_req && &(INP.reqnn) === 1'b0 ) begin
//              nptr = (nptr + 1) % 8;
              if ( INP.reqnn[nptr] === 1'b0 ) begin
                  highest_req = nptr;
              end else if ( INP.reqnn[(nptr + 1) % 8] === 1'b0 ) begin
                  highest_req = (nptr + 1) % 8;
              end else if ( INP.reqnn[(nptr + 2) % 8] === 1'b0 ) begin
                  highest_req = (nptr + 2) % 8;
              end else if ( INP.reqnn[(nptr + 3) % 8] === 1'b0 ) begin
                  highest_req = (nptr + 3) % 8;
              end else if ( INP.reqnn[(nptr + 4) % 8] === 1'b0 ) begin
                  highest_req = (nptr + 4) % 8;
              end else if ( INP.reqnn[(nptr + 5) % 8] === 1'b0 ) begin
                  highest_req = (nptr + 5) % 8;
              end else if ( INP.reqnn[(nptr + 6) % 8] === 1'b0 ) begin
                  highest_req = (nptr + 6) % 8;
              end else if ( INP.reqnn[(nptr + 7) % 8] === 1'b0 ) begin
                  highest_req = (nptr + 7) % 8;
              end else begin
                 highest_req = nobody;
              end // if
              if ((INP.framenn === 1'b0) && (last_frame === 1'b1)) begin
               nptr = (highest_req + 1) % 8;
             end // if

//           end // if
       2 : begin // Reversing
           if ( INP.reqnn !== last_req && &(INP.reqnn) === 1'b0 ) begin
              if ( nptr === 0 ) begin
                 nptr = 7;
                 if ( INP.reqnn[0] === 1'b0 ) begin
                    highest_req = 0; 
                 end else if ( INP.reqnn[1] === 1'b0 ) begin
                    highest_req = 1;
                 end else if ( INP.reqnn[2] === 1'b0 ) begin
                    highest_req = 2;
                 end else if ( INP.reqnn[3] === 1'b0 ) begin
                    highest_req = 3;
                 end else if ( INP.reqnn[4] === 1'b0 ) begin
                    highest_req = 4;
                 end else if ( INP.reqnn[5] === 1'b0 ) begin
                    highest_req = 5;
                 end else if ( INP.reqnn[6] === 1'b0 ) begin
                    highest_req = 6;
                 end else if ( INP.reqnn[7] === 1'b0 ) begin
                    highest_req = 7;
                 end else begin
                    highest_req = nobody;
                 end // if
              end else begin
                 nptr = 0;
                 if ( INP.reqnn[7] === 1'b0 ) begin
                    highest_req = 0; 
                 end else if ( INP.reqnn[6] === 1'b0 ) begin
                    highest_req = 1;
                 end else if ( INP.reqnn[5] === 1'b0 ) begin
                    highest_req = 2;
                 end else if ( INP.reqnn[4] === 1'b0 ) begin
                    highest_req = 3;
                 end else if ( INP.reqnn[3] === 1'b0 ) begin
                    highest_req = 4; 
                 end else if ( INP.reqnn[2] === 1'b0 ) begin
                    highest_req = 5;
                 end else if ( INP.reqnn[1] === 1'b0 ) begin
                    highest_req = 6;
                 end else if ( INP.reqnn[0] === 1'b0 ) begin
                    highest_req = 7;
                 end else begin
                    highest_req = nobody;
                 end // if
              end // if
           end // if
      3 : begin // FIXED for Master Scenario 1.15 (parking)
           pcnt = pcnt + 1;
           if ( pcnt < 10 ) begin
              highest_req = nobody;
           end else if ( pcnt < 20 ) begin
              highest_req = 2;
           end else begin
              highest_req = nobody;
              pcnt = 0;
           end // if
      default begin  // Default to FIXED
           if ( INP.reqnn[0] === 1'b0 ) begin
               highest_req = 0; 
           end else if ( INP.reqnn[1] === 1'b0 ) begin
               highest_req = 1;
           end else if ( INP.reqnn[2] === 1'b0 ) begin
               highest_req = 2;
           end else if ( INP.reqnn[3] === 1'b0 ) begin
               highest_req = 3;
           end else if ( INP.reqnn[4] === 1'b0 ) begin
               highest_req = 4;
           end else if ( INP.reqnn[5] === 1'b0 ) begin
               highest_req = 5;
           end else if ( INP.reqnn[6] === 1'b0 ) begin
               highest_req = 6;
           end else if ( INP.reqnn[7] === 1'b0 ) begin
               highest_req = 7;
           end else begin
               highest_req = nobody;
           end // if
//  now do something special to handle lock conditions on the bus.
//  arbitration rules say that once someone has asserted lock, that
//  device has to be guaranteed access to the bus again (effectively
//  made highest priority).  the statements below, make the bus locker
//  the highest priority.

     case ( lock_owner )
       0 : begin
                if ( INP.reqnn[0] === 1'b0 ) begin
                   highest_req = lock_owner;
                end // if
       1 : begin
                if ( INP.reqnn[1] === 1'b0 ) begin
                   highest_req = lock_owner;
                end // if
       2 : begin
                if ( INP.reqnn[2] === 1'b0 ) begin
                   highest_req = lock_owner;
                end // if
       3 : begin
                if ( INP.reqnn[3] === 1'b0 ) begin
                   highest_req = lock_owner;
                end // if
       4 : begin
                if ( INP.reqnn[4] === 1'b0 ) begin
                   highest_req = lock_owner;
                end // if
       5 : begin
                if ( INP.reqnn[5] === 1'b0 ) begin
                   highest_req = lock_owner;
                end // if
       6 : begin
                if ( INP.reqnn[6] === 1'b0 ) begin
                   highest_req = lock_owner;
                end // if
       7 : begin
                if ( INP.reqnn[7] === 1'b0 ) begin
                   highest_req = lock_owner;
                end // if

       default begin 
                 /* null */

//  this machine
//  this machine determines the state of the bus.

     if ( b(INP.framenn) && b(INP.irdynn) ) begin
        abstate = idle;
        bus_owner = cur_gnt;
        if ( (priority === 4 && INP.reqnn[2] === 1'b0) && (gnt_a_clks >=
           `GNT_ASSERTED_CLKS + 1) ) begin
            negate_gnt = `true;
            gnt_a_clks = 0;
         end // if
     end else begin
       if ((!b(INP.framenn) && priority === 4 && INP.reqnn[2] === 1'b0) && 
          (gnt_a_clks >=`GNT_ASSERTED_CLKS + 1) ) begin
            negate_gnt = `true;
            gnt_a_clks = 0;
        abstate = busy;
     end // if

//  this machine determines who owns the lock line.  this is needed
//  so that the guy who owns the lock is guaranteed to get access to
//  the bus.

     case ( lock_state )
       free : begin
                  if ( ! b(INP.locknn) ) begin
                     lock_state = owned;
                     lock_owner = bus_owner;
                  end // if
       owned : begin
                   if ( b(INP.framenn) && b(INP.locknn) ) begin
                      lock_owner = nobody;
                      lock_state = free;
                   end // if

//  this machine determines when gnt lines can be driven.

      if ( cur_gnt === nobody ) begin           // no gnt driven
         negate_gnt = `false;
         if ( highest_req === nobody ) begin    // no reqs asserted
            if ( (park_zero) ) begin
            end else begin
            end // if
         end else begin
         end // if
      end else begin
         if ( highest_req === nobody ) begin    // no reqs asserted
            negate_gnt = `false;
            if ( abstate === busy || cur_gnt === park_id ) begin
               if ( (park_zero) ) begin
               end else begin
               end // if
            end else begin
            end // if
         end else if ( highest_req !== cur_gnt ) begin  // need to switch gnts
            negate_gnt = `false;
            if ( abstate === busy ) begin
            end else begin
           end // if
         end else begin       // same guy
            if ( negate_gnt ) begin
//               gntnn_out(8'b11111111,model_times.tpr_clk_gntnn,0 *`time_scale_multiplier); 
//               cur_gnt = nobody;
            end // if
         end // if
      end // if
      if ( ! park_zero ) begin
         if ( highest_req === nobody && cur_gnt === nobody && abstate === idle ) begin
            fcnt = 0;
            dcnt = (dcnt + 1) % 5;
            if ( dcnt === 3 ) begin
               adl_out(32'h5A5A5A5A, zero_delay, 5*`time_scale_multiplier);
               cxbennl_out(4'b0101, zero_delay, 5*`time_scale_multiplier);
            end // if
            if ( dcnt === 4 ) begin
               par_out(1'b0, zero_delay, 5*`time_scale_multiplier);
            end // if
         end else begin
            dcnt = 0;
            fcnt = (fcnt + 1) % 3;
            adl_out(32'bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, zero_delay, 5*`time_scale_multiplier);
            cxbennl_out(4'bzzzz, zero_delay, 5*`time_scale_multiplier);
            if ( (fcnt === 2) ) begin
               par_out(1'bz, zero_delay, 5*`time_scale_multiplier);
            end // if
         end // if
     end // if
  end else begin 
     negate_gnt = `false;
     CNTRL.r_reqnn_clk <= #(0)  `false;
  end // if

endtask // arbitrator;

task monitor;
integer temp;
reg tmp;

This page: Created:Thu Aug 19 12:00:07 1999
From: ../../../sparc_v8/system/lmc/rtl/pcimonitor_fm.v

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