             if ( last_par64 === 1'bz ) begin                                 // PAR Floating
                ppar64_out(1'bx,model_times.tpr_pclk_ppar64,0 *`time_scale_multiplier);     // TON
             end else if ( last_par !== 1'b1 ) begin                               // PAR64 Changing
                ppar64_out(1'bx,model_times.tpr_pclk_ppar64,-2 *`time_scale_multiplier);    // TH
             end // if
             ppar64_out(1'b1,model_times.tpr_pclk_ppar64,0 *`time_scale_multiplier); 
             last_par64 = 1'b1;
          end else begin 
             if ( last_par64 === 1'bz ) begin                                 // PAR Floating
                ppar64_out(1'bx,model_times.tpr_pclk_ppar64,0 *`time_scale_multiplier);     // TON
             end else if ( last_par !== 1'b0 ) begin                               // PAR64 Changing
                ppar64_out(1'bx,model_times.tpr_pclk_ppar64,-2 *`time_scale_multiplier);    // TH
             end // if
               ppar64_out(1'b0,model_times.tpr_pclk_ppar64,0 *`time_scale_multiplier);
               last_par64 = 1'b0;
          end // if
     end // if
  end else begin 
     CNTRL.r_pirdynn_pclk <= #(0)  `false;
     if ( last_par !== 1'bz ) begin                                          // PAR not floating
        ppar_out(1'bx,model_times.tpr_pclk_ppar,-2 *`time_scale_multiplier);            // TH
        ppar_out(1'bz,model_times.tpr_pclk_ppar,0 *`time_scale_multiplier);                 // TOFF
        last_par = 1'bz;
     end // if
     if ( transfer64 || INP.prstnn === 1'b0 ) begin
        if ( last_par64 !== 1'bz ) begin                                     // PAR64 not floating
           ppar64_out(1'bx,model_times.tpr_pclk_ppar64,-2 *`time_scale_multiplier);         // TH
           ppar64_out(1'bz,model_times.tpr_pclk_ppar64,0 *`time_scale_multiplier);          // TOFF
           last_par64 = 1'bz;
        end // if
     end // if
  end // if
     last_dly = turn_around_delay;
endtask // parity_maker;

task parity_checker;
 integer pcnt ; 
 integer pcnt64 ; 
 integer i;
reg  check_aparity  ; 
  pcnt = 0;
  pcnt64 = 0;
  check_aparity = `false;
  if ( (((last_bstate === sidle) && (bstate === ss_data || bstate === sb_busy || bstate === sturn_ar)) || 
     ((last_bstate === sturn_ar) && (bstate === ss_data || bstate === sb_busy))) ) begin
      check_aparity = `true;
  end else begin
      check_aparity = `false;
  end // if

  if ( (check_aparity || (direction === write && ((bstate === ss_data && req_space === spc_space) || 
     (last_bstate === ss_data && req_space !== spc_space && check_dparity)))) ) begin  // SPR 100.091
     for (i = 0; i <= 31; i = i + 1) begin 
       if ( last_ad[i] === 1'b1 ) begin 
          pcnt = pcnt + 1;
       end // if
     end // loop
     for (i = 0; i <= 3; i = i + 1) begin 
       if ( last_cbe[i] === 1'b1 ) begin 
          pcnt = pcnt + 1;
       end // if
     end // loop
     if ( INP.ppar === 1'b1 ) begin 
        pcnt = pcnt + 1; 
     end // if 
     if ( transfer64 ) begin
        for (i = 32; i <= 63; i = i + 1) begin 
          if ( last_ad[i] === 1'b1 ) begin 
             pcnt64 = pcnt64 + 1;
          end // if
        end // loop
        for (i = 4; i <= 7; i = i + 1) begin 
          if ( last_cbe[i] === 1'b1 ) begin 
             pcnt64 = pcnt64 + 1;
          end // if
        end // loop
        if ( INP.ppar64 === 1'b1 ) begin 
           pcnt64 = pcnt64 + 1; 
        end // if 
     end // if
     if ( (lmcver.rem(pcnt,2) === 1) || (lmcver.rem(pcnt64,2) === 1) ) begin
        if ( check_aparity ) begin
           if ( lmcver.rem(pcnt,2) === 1)  begin // Address parity only on lower 32 bits (block serr)
              r_derr = 1'b0;
              if ( serr_enable && parity_enable ) begin
                 if ( last_serr === 1'bz ) begin                                      // SERR Floating
                    pserrnn_out(1'bx,model_times.tpr_pclk_pserrnn,0 *`time_scale_multiplier);       // TON
                 end else if ( last_serr !== 1'b0 ) begin                                  // SERR Driven
                    pserrnn_out(1'bx,model_times.tpr_pclk_pserrnn,-2 *`time_scale_multiplier);      // TH
                 end // if
                 pserrnn_out(1'b0,model_times.tpr_pclk_pserrnn,0 *`time_scale_multiplier);          // TVAL
                 last_serr = 1'b0;
                 r_aerr = 1'b1;
              end // if
            end // if
         end else begin
            r_aerr = 1'b0;
            r_derr = 1'b1;
            if ( req_space === spc_space && serr_enable && parity_enable ) begin
               if ( last_serr === 1'bz ) begin                                      // SERR Floating
                  pserrnn_out(1'bx,model_times.tpr_pclk_pserrnn,0 *`time_scale_multiplier);       // TON
               end else if ( last_serr !== 1'b0 ) begin                                  // SERR Driven
                  pserrnn_out(1'bx,model_times.tpr_pclk_pserrnn,-2 *`time_scale_multiplier);      // TH
               end // if
               pserrnn_out(1'b0,model_times.tpr_pclk_pserrnn,0 *`time_scale_multiplier);          // TVAL
               last_serr = 1'b0;
            end else begin
               if ( last_serr !== 1'bz ) begin                                     // SERR not Floating
                  pserrnn_out(1'bx,model_times.tpr_pclk_pserrnn,-2 *`time_scale_multiplier);      // TH
                  pserrnn_out(1'bz,model_times.tpr_pclk_pserrnn,0 *`time_scale_multiplier);       // TOFF
                  last_serr = 1'bz;
               end // if
            end // if
         end // if
      end else if ( pe > 1 && pe < 6 ) begin
         if ( check_aparity ) begin
            if ( pe === 2 ) begin
               r_derr = 1'b0;
               if ( serr_enable && parity_enable ) begin
                  if ( last_serr === 1'bz ) begin                                      // SERR Floating
                     pserrnn_out(1'bx,model_times.tpr_pclk_pserrnn,0 *`time_scale_multiplier);       // TON
                  end else if ( last_serr !== 1'b0 ) begin                                  // SERR Driven
                     pserrnn_out(1'bx,model_times.tpr_pclk_pserrnn,-2 *`time_scale_multiplier);      // TH
                  end // if
                  pserrnn_out(1'b0,model_times.tpr_pclk_pserrnn,0 *`time_scale_multiplier);          // TVAL
                  last_serr = 1'b0;
                  r_aerr = 1'b1;
               end // if
            end // if
         end else if ( (check_dparity) ) begin 
            r_aerr = 1'b0;
            if ( pe - 2 === tc ) begin
               r_derr = 1'b1;
               if ( req_space === spc_space && serr_enable && parity_enable ) begin
                  if ( last_serr === 1'bz ) begin                                      // SERR Floating
                     pserrnn_out(1'bx,model_times.tpr_pclk_pserrnn,0 *`time_scale_multiplier);       // TON
                  end else if ( last_serr !== 1'b0 ) begin                                  // SERR Driven
                     pserrnn_out(1'bx,model_times.tpr_pclk_pserrnn,-2 *`time_scale_multiplier);      // TH
                  end // if
                  pserrnn_out(1'b0,model_times.tpr_pclk_pserrnn,0 *`time_scale_multiplier);          // TVAL
                  last_serr = 1'b0;
               end else begin
                  if ( last_serr !== 1'bz ) begin                                     // SERR not Floating
                     pserrnn_out(1'bx,model_times.tpr_pclk_pserrnn,-2 *`time_scale_multiplier);      // TH
                     pserrnn_out(1'bz,model_times.tpr_pclk_pserrnn,0 *`time_scale_multiplier);       // TOFF
                     last_serr = 1'bz;
                  end // if
                  last_serr = 1'bz;
               end // if
            end // if
         end // if
      end else begin
         if ( serr_enable && parity_enable ) begin
            if ( last_serr === 1'bz ) begin                                      // SERR Floating
               pserrnn_out(1'bx,model_times.tpr_pclk_pserrnn,0 *`time_scale_multiplier);       // TON
            end else if ( last_serr !== 1'b1 ) begin                                  // SERR Driven
               pserrnn_out(1'bx,model_times.tpr_pclk_pserrnn,-2 *`time_scale_multiplier);      // TH
            end // if
            pserrnn_out(1'b1,model_times.tpr_pclk_pserrnn,0 *`time_scale_multiplier);          // TVAL
            last_serr = 1'b1;
         end // if
         r_aerr = 1'b0;
         r_derr = 1'b0;
      end // if
   end else begin
      if ( last_serr !== 1'bz ) begin                                     // SERR not Floating
         pserrnn_out(1'bx,model_times.tpr_pclk_pserrnn,-2 *`time_scale_multiplier);      // TH
         pserrnn_out(1'bz,model_times.tpr_pclk_pserrnn,0 *`time_scale_multiplier);       // TOFF
         last_serr = 1'bz;
      end // if
      r_aerr = 1'b0;
      r_derr = 1'b0;
   end // if 

last_bstate = bstate;
last_ad[31 : 0]     = INP.pad;
last_ad[63 : 32]    = INP.pd;
last_cbe[3 : 0]     = INP.pcxbenn;
last_cbe[7 : 4]     = INP.pbenn;

if ( (INP.ptrdynn === 1'b0 && INP.pirdynn === 1'b0) ) begin
   check_dparity = `true;
   tc = tc + 1;
end else begin
   check_dparity = `false;
end // if

if ( last_bstate !== ss_data ) begin
   tc = 0;
end // if

endtask // parity_checker;

task gen_output;
reg [31 : 0]  z32  ; 

  z32 = (32'bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz);
  if ( (bstate === ss_data) && b(ready) && ! b(t_abort) &&
     (direction === write || (direction === read && b(turn_around_delay))) ) begin
     trdy_next = 1'b0;
  end else begin 
     trdy_next = 1'b1;
  end // if

  case ( bstate )
    ss_data , sbackoff , sturn_ar : begin
        trdy_oe = 1'b1;
    default begin 
        trdy_oe = 1'b0;

  if ( trdy_oe === 1'b1 && req_space !== spc_space ) begin
     if ( trdy_last === 1'bz ) begin                                            // TRDY Floating 
        ptrdynn_out(1'bx,model_times.tpr_pclk_ptrdynn,0 *`time_scale_multiplier);             // TON 
        ptrdynn_out(trdy_next,model_times.tpr_pclk_ptrdynn,0 *`time_scale_multiplier);       // TVAL
     end else if ( trdy_last !== trdy_next ) begin                                  // TRDY Driven
        ptrdynn_out(1'bx,model_times.tpr_pclk_ptrdynn,-2 *`time_scale_multiplier);            // TH
        ptrdynn_out(trdy_next,model_times.tpr_pclk_ptrdynn,0 *`time_scale_multiplier);       // TVAL
     end // if
     trdy_last = trdy_next;
  end else if ( trdy_oe === 1'b0 ) begin 
     if ( trdy_last !== 1'bz ) begin                                           // TRDY NOT Floating 
        ptrdynn_out(1'bx,model_times.tpr_pclk_ptrdynn,-2 *`time_scale_multiplier);            // TH
        ptrdynn_out(1'bz,model_times.tpr_pclk_ptrdynn,0 *`time_scale_multiplier);             // TOFF
        trdy_last = 1'bz;
     end // if
  end // if

  if ( (bstate === sbackoff) || ((bstate === ss_data) && (b(t_abort) || b(term) ) && 
     (direction === write || (direction === read && b(turn_around_delay)))) ) begin
     stop_next = 1'b0;     
  end else begin 
     stop_next = 1'b1;   
  end // if

  if ( req_space !== spc_space ) begin
     case ( bstate )
        ss_data , sbackoff , sturn_ar : begin
            if ( stop_last === 1'bz ) begin                                        // STOP Floating
               pstopnn_out(1'bx,model_times.tpr_pclk_pstopnn,0 *`time_scale_multiplier);         // TON
               pstopnn_out(stop_next,model_times.tpr_pclk_pstopnn,0 *`time_scale_multiplier);   // TVAL
            end else if ( stop_last !== stop_next ) begin                              // STOP Driven MF 11/16/94 stop problem when master waits
               pstopnn_out(1'bx,model_times.tpr_pclk_pstopnn,-2 *`time_scale_multiplier);        // TH
               pstopnn_out(stop_next,model_times.tpr_pclk_pstopnn,0 *`time_scale_multiplier);   // TVAL
            end // if
            stop_last = stop_next;
        default begin 
         if ( stop_last !== 1'bz ) begin                                          // STOP NOT Floating 
            pstopnn_out(1'bx,model_times.tpr_pclk_ptrdynn,-2 *`time_scale_multiplier);           // TH
            pstopnn_out(1'bz,model_times.tpr_pclk_pstopnn,0 *`time_scale_multiplier);            // TOFF
            stop_last = 1'bz;
         end // if
  end // if

  if ( ((bstate === sbackoff) || (bstate === ss_data)) && ! b(t_abort) ) begin
     devsel_next = 1'b0;
  end else begin
     devsel_next = 1'b1;
  end // if

  if ( req_space !== spc_space ) begin  
        case ( bstate )
           ss_data , sbackoff , sturn_ar : begin
               if ( devsel_last === 1'bz ) begin                                           // DEVSEL Floating
                  pdevselnn_out(1'bx,model_times.tpr_pclk_pdevselnn,0 *`time_scale_multiplier);          // TON
                  pdevselnn_out(devsel_next,model_times.tpr_pclk_pdevselnn,0 *`time_scale_multiplier);  // TVAL 
                  devsel_last = devsel_next;
                  if ( transfer64 ) begin
                     pack64nn_out(1'bx,model_times.tpr_pclk_pack64nn,0 *`time_scale_multiplier);         // TON
                     pack64nn_out(devsel_next,model_times.tpr_pclk_pack64nn,0 *`time_scale_multiplier); // TVAL
                  end // if
                end else if ( devsel_last !== devsel_next ) begin                              // DEVSEL Driven
                  pdevselnn_out(1'bx,model_times.tpr_pclk_pdevselnn,-2 *`time_scale_multiplier);         // TH
                  pdevselnn_out(devsel_next,model_times.tpr_pclk_pdevselnn,0 *`time_scale_multiplier);  // TVAL
                  devsel_last = devsel_next;
                  if ( transfer64 ) begin
                     pack64nn_out(1'bx,model_times.tpr_pclk_pack64nn,-2 *`time_scale_multiplier);        // TH
                     pack64nn_out(devsel_next,model_times.tpr_pclk_pack64nn,0 *`time_scale_multiplier); // TVAL
                  end // if
                end // if
           default begin 
               if ( devsel_last !== 1'bz ) begin                                          // DEVSEL NOT Floating 
                  pdevselnn_out(1'bx,model_times.tpr_pclk_pdevselnn,-2 *`time_scale_multiplier);         // TH
                  pdevselnn_out(1'bz,model_times.tpr_pclk_pdevselnn,0 *`time_scale_multiplier);          // TOFF
                  pack64nn_out(1'bx,model_times.tpr_pclk_pack64nn,-2 *`time_scale_multiplier);           // TH
                  pack64nn_out(1'bz,model_times.tpr_pclk_pack64nn,0 *`time_scale_multiplier);            // TOFF
                  devsel_last = 1'bz; 
               end // if             
  end // if

  case ( bstate )
    ss_data : begin
        if ( direction === read && (turn_around_delay === 1'b1) ) begin 
           if ( pad_last === z32 ) begin                                              // PAD Floating
              pad_out(32'hxxxxxxxx,model_times.tpr_pclk_pad,0 *`time_scale_multiplier);          // TON
              pad_out(data_int[31 : 0],model_times.tpr_pclk_pad,0 *`time_scale_multiplier);    // TVAL
           end else if ( pad_last !== data_int[31 : 0] ) begin                       // PAD Driven
              pad_out(32'hxxxxxxxx,model_times.tpr_pclk_pad,-2 *`time_scale_multiplier);         // TH
              pad_out(data_int[31 : 0],model_times.tpr_pclk_pad,0 *`time_scale_multiplier);    // TVAL
           end // if
           pad_last = data_int[31 : 0];
           if ( transfer64 ) begin
              if ( pd_last === z32 ) begin                                            // PD Floating
                 pd_out(32'hxxxxxxxx,model_times.tpr_pclk_pd,0 *`time_scale_multiplier);         // TON
                 pd_out(data_int[63 : 32],model_times.tpr_pclk_pd,0 *`time_scale_multiplier);  // TVAL
              end else if ( pd_last !== data_int[63 : 32] ) begin                     // PD Driven
                 pd_out(32'hxxxxxxxx,model_times.tpr_pclk_pd,-2 *`time_scale_multiplier);        // TH
                 pd_out(data_int[63 : 32],model_times.tpr_pclk_pd,0 *`time_scale_multiplier);  // TVAL 
              end // if
              pd_last  = data_int[63 : 32];
           end // if
          end else if ( direction === write ) begin
           pad_out(32'hzzzzzzzz,model_times.tpr_pclk_pad,0 *`time_scale_multiplier);             // TOFF
           pad_last = 32'hzzzzzzzz;
           pd_out(32'hzzzzzzzz,model_times.tpr_pclk_pd,0 *`time_scale_multiplier);               // TOFF
           pd_last = 32'hzzzzzzzz;
          end // if  
     sturn_ar : begin 
        if ( pad_last !== z32 ) begin                                                // PAD NOT Floating
           pad_out(32'hxxxxxxxx,model_times.tpr_pclk_pad,-2 *`time_scale_multiplier);            // TH
           pad_out(32'hzzzzzzzz,model_times.tpr_pclk_pad,0 *`time_scale_multiplier);             // TOFF
           pad_last = 32'hzzzzzzzz;
           if ( (transfer64) ) begin
              pd_out(32'hxxxxxxxx,model_times.tpr_pclk_pad,-2 *`time_scale_multiplier);         // TH
              pd_out(32'hzzzzzzzz,model_times.tpr_pclk_pd,0 *`time_scale_multiplier);            // TOFF
              pd_last = 32'hzzzzzzzz;
           end // if
        end // if
    sidle : begin 
        if ( (INP.prstnn === 1'b0) ) begin  
           if ( pad_last !== z32 ) begin                                             // PAD NOT Floating
              pad_out(32'hxxxxxxxx,model_times.tpr_pclk_pad,-2 *`time_scale_multiplier);         // TH
              pad_out(32'hzzzzzzzz,model_times.tpr_pclk_pad,0 *`time_scale_multiplier);          // TOFF
              pad_last = 32'hzzzzzzzz;
//              if (transfer64) then
                 pd_out(32'hxxxxxxxx,model_times.tpr_pclk_pd,-2 *`time_scale_multiplier);        // TH
                 pd_out(32'hzzzzzzzz,model_times.tpr_pclk_pd,0 *`time_scale_multiplier);         // TOFF
                 pd_last = 32'hzzzzzzzz;
//              end if;
           end // if 
        end // if
    default begin  
           if ( pad_last !== z32 ) begin                                             // PAD NOT Floating
//              pad_out((others => 'X'),model_times.tpr_pclk_pad,-2 ns);         -- TH
              pad_out(32'hzzzzzzzz,model_times.tpr_pclk_pad,0 *`time_scale_multiplier);          // TOFF
              pad_last = 32'hzzzzzzzz;
//              if (transfer64) then
//                 pd_out((others => 'X'),model_times.tpr_pclk_pd,-2 ns);        -- TH
                 pd_out(32'hzzzzzzzz,model_times.tpr_pclk_pd,0 *`time_scale_multiplier);         // TOFF
                 pd_last = 32'hzzzzzzzz;
//              end if;
           end // if 

 if ( cmd_dlyd2 === write ) begin 
    perr_oe = trdy_oe_dlyd1;
 end else begin
    perr_oe = 1'b0;
 end // if

 trdy_oe_dlyd1 = trdy_oe;
 cmd_dlyd2 = cmd_dlyd1;
 cmd_dlyd1 = direction;

 if ( perr_oe === 1'b1 && parity_enable && req_space !== spc_space ) begin 
    if ( last_perr === 1'bz ) begin                                             // PERR Floating
       pperrnn_out(1'bx,model_times.tpr_pclk_pperrnn,0 *`time_scale_multiplier);              // TON   
       pperrnn_out(~ r_derr,model_times.tpr_pclk_pperrnn,0 *`time_scale_multiplier);       // TVAL
    end else if ( ! r_derr !== last_perr ) begin                                  // PERR Driven
       pperrnn_out(1'bx,model_times.tpr_pclk_pperrnn,-2 *`time_scale_multiplier);             // TH
       pperrnn_out(~ r_derr,model_times.tpr_pclk_pperrnn,0 *`time_scale_multiplier);       // TVAL
    end // if
    last_perr = ~ r_derr;
 end else if ( last_perr === 1'b0 ) begin                                             // S/T/S MF 11/16/94
    pperrnn_out(1'bx,model_times.tpr_pclk_pperrnn,-2 *`time_scale_multiplier);                // TH
    pperrnn_out(1'b1,model_times.tpr_pclk_pperrnn,0 *`time_scale_multiplier);                 // TVAL
    last_perr = 1'b1;
 end else begin
    if ( last_perr !== 1'bz ) begin
       pperrnn_out(1'bx,model_times.tpr_pclk_pperrnn,-2 *`time_scale_multiplier);             // TH
       pperrnn_out(1'bz,model_times.tpr_pclk_pperrnn,0 *`time_scale_multiplier);              // TOFF
       last_perr = 1'bz;
    end // if
 end // if

endtask // gen_output;

task tristate_pins;
  pperrnn <= #(0)  1'bz;
  pserrnn <= #(0)  1'bz;
  ptrdynn_reg <= #(0)  1'bz;
  pdevselnn <= #(0)  1'bz;
  pstopnn_reg <= #(0)  1'bz;
  ppar_reg <= #(0)  1'bz;
  ppar64_reg <= #(0)  1'bz;
  pack64nn <= #(0)  1'bz;
  pad_out(32'hzzzzzzzz,0,0 *`time_scale_multiplier); 
  pd_out(32'hzzzzzzzz,0,0 *`time_scale_multiplier); 
endtask //tristate_pins

task init_slave;
reg [61 : 0]  addr  ; 
reg [31 : 0]  data     ; 

  addr = 62'h0000000000000000;
  data = 32'hxxxxxxxx;
  mem_lower_0   = mem_lower_0_init[63 : 0];
  mem_upper_0   = mem_upper_0_init[63 : 0];
  mem_lower_1   = mem_lower_1_init[63 : 0];
  mem_upper_1   = mem_upper_1_init[63 : 0];
  mem_lower_2   = mem_lower_2_init[63 : 0];
  mem_upper_2   = mem_upper_2_init[63 : 0];
  io_lower_0    = io_lower_0_init[63 : 0];
  io_upper_0    = io_upper_0_init[63 : 0]; 
  io_lower_1    = io_lower_1_init[63 : 0];
  io_upper_1    = io_upper_1_init[63 : 0]; 
  io_lower_2    = io_lower_2_init[63 : 0];
  io_upper_2    = io_upper_2_init[63 : 0]; 

`ifdef no_pli
// no code
  if (model_flags.debug_level > 1) $display("%m: Loading Memory Space");

`ifdef no_pli
// no code
  if (model_flags.debug_level > 1) $display("%m: Loading IO Space");

   data[31 : 16] = device_id;
   data[15 :  0] = vendor_id;
   `ifdef no_pli
      cfg_head[addr[max_addr_width-1:0]] = data;
      `ifdef paged
   addr = addr + 2;
   data[31 : 8] = class_code;
   data[7 :  0] = revision_id;
   `ifdef no_pli
      cfg_head[addr[max_addr_width-1:0]] = data;
      `ifdef paged
   addr = addr + 1;
   data = 32'h0;
   data[23 : 16] = header_type;
   data[7 :  0] = cache_line_size;
   `ifdef no_pli
      cfg_head[addr[max_addr_width-1:0]] = data;
      `ifdef paged
   line_size = cache_line_size;
   data = 32'h0;
   for (i = 1; i <= 12; i = i + 1) begin  
    addr = addr + 1;
    `ifdef no_pli
       cfg_head[addr[max_addr_width-1:0]] = data;
       `ifdef paged
   end // loop

// preload of configuration space after generics are assigned.

`ifdef no_pli
// no code
  if (model_flags.debug_level > 1) $display("%m: Loading Configuration Space");

  addr = 32'h0;
  addr = addr + 1;
  `ifdef no_pli
     data = cfg_head[addr[max_addr_width-1:0]];
     `ifdef paged

  preload_cmd = 16'h0000;
  preload_status = 16'h0000;

  if ((data[8] ^ data[9]) !== 1'bx) begin
    preload_cmd[9:8] = data[9:8]; // Fast Back-to-Back Enable & SERR Enable
  end // if
  if (^(data[7:4]) !== 1'bx) begin
    preload_cmd[7:4] = data[7:4];
  end //if
  if (^(data[3:0]) !== 1'bx) begin
    preload_cmd[3:0] = data[3:0];
  end else begin
    preload_cmd[1] = 1'b1;
    preload_cmd[0] = 1'b1;
  end // if

   if ( data[21] !== 1'bx ) begin
      preload_status[5] = data[21]; // 66 Mhz capable
   end // if
   if ( data[22] !== 1'bx ) begin
      preload_status[6] = data[22]; // UDF Supported
   end // if
   if ( data[23] !== 1'bx ) begin
      preload_status[7] = data[23]; // Fast Back-to-Back Capable
   end // if
   if ( (data[26] ^ data[25]) !== 1'bx ) begin
      preload_status[10 : 9] = data[26 : 25]; // Devsel Timing
   end // if

`ifdef no_pli
// no code
// Build 9 reload file names

  mem_fname[0] =  mem_file;
  mem_fname[1] = {mem_file,"1"};
  mem_fname[2] = {mem_file,"2"};
  mem_fname[3] = {mem_file,"3"};
  mem_fname[4] = {mem_file,"4"};
  mem_fname[5] = {mem_file,"5"};
  mem_fname[6] = {mem_file,"6"};
  mem_fname[7] = {mem_file,"7"};
  mem_fname[8] = {mem_file,"8"};
  mem_fname[9] = {mem_file,"9"};

  io_fname[0] = io_file;
  io_fname[1] = {io_file,"1"};
  io_fname[2] = {io_file,"2"};
  io_fname[3] = {io_file,"3"};
  io_fname[4] = {io_file,"4"};
  io_fname[5] = {io_file,"5"};
  io_fname[6] = {io_file,"6"};
  io_fname[7] = {io_file,"7"};
  io_fname[8] = {io_file,"8"};
  io_fname[9] = {io_file,"9"};

  cfg_fname[0] = cfg_file;
  cfg_fname[1] = {cfg_file,"1"};
  cfg_fname[2] = {cfg_file,"2"};
  cfg_fname[3] = {cfg_file,"3"};
  cfg_fname[4] = {cfg_file,"4"};
  cfg_fname[5] = {cfg_file,"5"};
  cfg_fname[6] = {cfg_file,"6"};
  cfg_fname[7] = {cfg_file,"7"};
  cfg_fname[8] = {cfg_file,"8"};
  cfg_fname[9] = {cfg_file,"9"};

 addr64_local 	= addr64;
 iack_local   	= iack;
 iack_vector_local 	= iack_vector;
 data64_local		= data64; 
 //initialize trdy delays
 for(i = 0; i <= `max_delay_index; i = i + 1) begin
   ddelay[i] = 0;

 x_transition_l	<= x_transition;
  request_limit = 1;
  addr_decode_cycles = 0;
  ddelay[1] = 0;
  request_limit_last = 1;
  addr_decode_cycles_last = 0;
  ddelay1_last = 0;

endtask // init_slave

task reset_slave;
reg [61 : 0]  addr  ; 
reg [31 : 0]  data     ; 

  addr = 62'h0000000000000000;
  data = 32'hxxxxxxxx;
  CNTRL.pad <= #(0)  `false;  // disable timing checks during reset
  CNTRL.pcxbenn <= #(0)  `false;
  CNTRL.ppar <= #(0)  `false;
  CNTRL.pframenn <= #(0)  `false;
  CNTRL.ptrdynn <= #(0)  `false;
  CNTRL.pirdynn <= #(0)  `false;
  CNTRL.pstopnn <= #(0)  `false;
  CNTRL.pdevselnn <= #(0)  `false;
  CNTRL.pidsel <= #(0)  `false;
  CNTRL.psbonn <= #(0)  `false;
  CNTRL.psdone <= #(0)  `false;
  CNTRL.pd <= #(0)  `false;
  CNTRL.pbenn <= #(0)  `false;
  CNTRL.ppar64 <= #(0)  `false;
  CNTRL.preq64nn <= #(0)  `false;
  CNTRL.pack64nn <= #(0)  `false;
  CNTRL.plocknn <= #(0)  `false;
  CNTRL.pperrnn <= #(0)  `false;
  CNTRL.pserrnn <= #(0)  `false;

  bstate = sidle;
  pperrnn <= #(model_times.tpd_prstnn_pperrnn[lmcver.map(1'bz)])  1'bz;
  pserrnn <= #(model_times.tpd_prstnn_pserrnn[lmcver.map(1'bz)])  1'bz;
  ptrdynn_reg <= #(model_times.tpd_prstnn_ptrdynn[lmcver.map(1'bz)])  1'bz;
  pdevselnn <= #(model_times.tpd_prstnn_pdevselnn[lmcver.map(1'bz)])  1'bz;
  pstopnn_reg <= #(model_times.tpd_prstnn_pstopnn[lmcver.map(1'bz)])  1'bz;
  ppar_reg <= #(model_times.tpd_prstnn_ppar[lmcver.map(1'bz)])  1'bz;
  ppar64_reg <= #(model_times.tpd_prstnn_ppar64[lmcver.map(1'bz)])  1'bz;
  pack64nn <= #(model_times.tpd_prstnn_pack64nn[lmcver.map(1'bz)])  1'bz;
  pad_out(32'hzzzzzzzz,model_times.tpd_prstnn_pad,0 *`time_scale_multiplier); 
  pd_out(32'hzzzzzzzz,model_times.tpd_prstnn_pd,0 *`time_scale_multiplier); 

// Initialize command/status register from preloaded values 
  addr = addr + 1;
  data[31:16] = 16'h0000;
  data[15:0] = preload_cmd;
  `ifdef no_pli
     cfg_head[addr[max_addr_width-1:0]] = data;
     `ifdef paged

  if ( data[0] === 1'b1 ) begin
     io_enable = `true;
  end else begin
     io_enable = `false;
  end // if

  if ( data[1] === 1'b1 ) begin
     mem_enable = `true;
  end else begin
     mem_enable = `false;
  end // if
  if ( data[3] === 1'b1 ) begin                 
     special_enable = `true;
  end else begin
     special_enable = `false;
  end // if

  if ( data[6] === 1'b1 ) begin
     parity_enable = `true;
  end else begin
     parity_enable = `false;
  end // if

  if ( data[8] === 1'b1 ) begin
     serr_enable = `true;
  end else begin
     serr_enable = `false;
  end // if

  addr = addr + 1;
  addr = addr + 1;
  data = 32'h00000000;

endtask // reset_slave;

task trace_slave; 
reg [1:6*8] lstr;
reg [1:8*8] bstr;
reg [1:15*8] cstr;
reg [1:5*8] astr;
reg [1:5*8] rstr;
reg [1:5*8] tstr;
reg [1:5*8] dstr;
reg [1:10*8] qstr;
reg [1:12*8] sstr;
reg [1:25*8] cmdstr;
  case ( command )
    0      : begin cmdstr = "INTERRUPT ACKNOWLEDGE    "; end
    1      : begin cmdstr = "SPECIAL CYCLE            "; end
    2      : begin cmdstr = "I/O READ                 "; end
    3      : begin cmdstr = "I/O WRITE                "; end
    4      : begin cmdstr = "RESERVED 4               "; end
    5      : begin cmdstr = "RESERVED 5               "; end
    6      : begin cmdstr = "MEMORY READ              "; end
    7      : begin cmdstr = "MEMORY WRITE             "; end
    8      : begin cmdstr = "RESERVED 8               "; end
    9      : begin cmdstr = "RESERVED 9               "; end
    10     : begin cmdstr = "CONFIGURATION READ       "; end
    11     : begin cmdstr = "CONFIGURATION WRITE      "; end
    12     : begin cmdstr = "MEMORY READ MULTIPLE     "; end
    13     : begin cmdstr = "DUAL ADDRESS CYCLE       "; end
    14     : begin cmdstr = "MEMORY READ LINE         "; end
    15     : begin cmdstr = "MEMORY WRITE & INVALIDATE"; end
    default begin  cmdstr = "UNKNOWN COMMAND          "; end

  case ( sstate )
    snp_standby : begin sstr = "STANDBY     "; end
    snp_busy    : begin sstr = "BUSY        "; end
    snp_clean   : begin sstr = "CLEAN       "; end
    snp_hit_mod : begin sstr = "HIT MODIFIED"; end
  case ( lstate )
    free   : begin lstr = "FREE  "; end
    locked : begin lstr = "LOCKED"; end
  case ( bstate )
    sidle    : begin bstr = "SIDLE   "; end
    sturn_ar : begin bstr = "STURN_AR"; end
    sb_busy  : begin bstr = "SB_BUSY "; end
    ss_data  : begin bstr = "SS_DATA "; end
    sbackoff : begin bstr = "SBACKOFF"; end
  case ( cstate )
    ready_first     : begin cstr = "READY_FIRST    "; end
    sready          : begin cstr = "SREADY         "; end
    ddelay_first    : begin cstr = "DDELAY_FIRST   "; end
    d_delay         : begin cstr = "D_DELAY        "; end
    terminate       : begin cstr = "TERMINATE      "; end
    terminate_first : begin cstr = "TERMINATE_FIRST"; end
    abort_first     : begin cstr = "ABORT_FIRST    "; end
    abort           : begin cstr = "ABORT          "; end
  case ( req_space )
    io_space     : begin qstr = "IO SPACE  "; end
    mem_space    : begin qstr = "MEM SPACE "; end
    cfg_space    : begin qstr = "CFG SPACE "; end
    iack_space   : begin qstr = "IACK SPACE"; end
    spc_space    : begin qstr = "SPC SPACE "; end
    no_space     : begin qstr = "NO SPACE  "; end

  if ( b(t_abort) ) begin
     astr = "TRUE ";
  end else begin
     astr = "FALSE";
  end // if
  if ( b(term) ) begin
     tstr = "TRUE ";
  end else begin
     tstr = "FALSE";
  end // if

  if ( b(ready) ) begin
     rstr = "TRUE ";
  end else begin
     rstr = "FALSE";
  end // if

  if ( direction === write ) begin
     dstr = "WRITE";
  end else begin
     dstr = "READ ";
  end // if

    $display("NOTE at %0t from %m",$time);
    $write(" COMMAND     = ");
    $write(" BSTATE      = ");
    $write(" CSTATE      = ");
    $write(" LSTATE      = ");
    $write(" SSTATE      = ");
    $write(" SPACE       = ");
    $write(" DIRECTION   = ");
    $write(" READY       = ");
    $write(" TERM        = ");
    $write(" T_ABORT     = ");
    $display(" XFER CNT    = %0d",transfer_cnt);
    $display(" DELAY CNT   = %0d",delay_cnt);
    $display(" HIT DELAY   = %0d",hit_delayer_cycles);
    $display(" TURN_AR_DLY = %b\"",turn_around_delay);

endtask // trace_slave;

task report_slave;
reg [61:0] addr;
reg [31:0] data0, data1, data2, data3;
reg [1:8*8] astr, dstr, istr;
  addr = 62'h0000000000000000;
  data0 = 32'hxxxxxxxx;
  data1 = 32'hxxxxxxxx;
  data2 = 32'hxxxxxxxx;
  data3 = 32'hxxxxxxxx;
  astr = "DISABLED";
  dstr = "DISABLED";
  istr = "DISABLED";

   if (!((msg_level===`no_msg))) begin

     `ifdef no_pli
        data0 = cfg_head[addr[max_addr_width-1:0]];
        addr = addr + 1;
        data1 = cfg_head[addr[max_addr_width-1:0]];
        addr = addr + 1;
        data2 = cfg_head[addr[max_addr_width-1:0]];
        addr = addr + 1;
        data3 = cfg_head[addr[max_addr_width-1:0]];
        `ifdef paged
            addr = addr + 1;
            addr = addr + 1;
            addr = addr + 1;
            addr = addr + 1;
            addr = addr + 1;
            addr = addr + 1;
      if ( addr64_local ) begin
         astr = "ENABLED ";
      end // if
      if ( data64_local ) begin
         dstr = "ENABLED ";
      end // if
      if ( iack_local ) begin
         istr = "ENABLED ";
      end // if
     $display("Note at time %0t from %m",$time);
     $display("     \"SYNOPSYS PCISLAVE MODEL 5.3");
     $display("      Initialized Configuration");
     $display("      Device ID         = %h",data0[31:16]);
     $display("      Vendor ID         = %h",data0[15:0]);
     $display("      Status            = %h",data1[31:16]);
     $display("      Command           = %h",data1[15:0]);
     $display("      Class Code        = %h",data2[31:0]);
     $display("      Revision ID       = %h",data2[7:0]);
     $display("      Cache Line Size   = %h",data3[7:0]);
     $display("      Memory Space 0    = %h : %h",mem_upper_0_init,mem_lower_0_init);
     $display("      Memory Space 1    = %h : %h",mem_upper_1_init,mem_lower_1_init);
     $display("      Memory Space 2    = %h : %h",mem_upper_2_init,mem_lower_2_init);
     $display("      I/O Space 0       = %h : %h",io_upper_0_init,io_lower_0_init);
     $display("      I/O Space 1       = %h : %h",io_upper_1_init,io_lower_1_init);
     $display("      I/O Space 2       = %h : %h",io_upper_2_init,io_lower_2_init);
     $display("      64 bit addressing = %s",astr);
     $display("      64 bit data       = %s",dstr);
     $display("      Interrupt Ack     = %s",istr);
     $write("      Interrupt Vector  = %h",iack_vector);
     `ifdef no_pli
         $display("\n      PLI calls disabled");
        `ifdef paged
            $display("\n      Memory is paged");


endtask // report_slave

task update_timing_flags;
// control setup and hold checks 

  if ( INP.prstnn === 1'b1 ) begin  // Reset negated
      CNTRL.pad <= #(0)  `true;
      CNTRL.pcxbenn <= #(0)  `true;
      CNTRL.ppar <= #(0)  `true;
      CNTRL.pframenn <= #(0)  `true;
      CNTRL.ptrdynn <= #(0)  `true;
      CNTRL.pirdynn <= #(0)  `true;
      CNTRL.pstopnn <= #(0)  `true;
      CNTRL.pdevselnn <= #(0)  `true;
      CNTRL.pidsel <= #(0)  `true;
      CNTRL.pd <= #(0)  `true;
      CNTRL.pbenn <= #(0)  `true;
      CNTRL.ppar64 <= #(0)  `true;
      CNTRL.preq64nn <= #(0)  `true;
      CNTRL.pack64nn <= #(0)  `true;
      CNTRL.plocknn <= #(0)  `true;
      CNTRL.pperrnn <= #(0)  `true;
      CNTRL.pserrnn <= #(0)  `true;
  end // if

  if ( (hit_resolved && hit === 1'b1) ) begin // Hit
     CNTRL.r_pad_pclk <= #(0)  `true;
     CNTRL.r_pd_pclk <= #(0)  `true;   
     CNTRL.r_pcxbenn_pclk <= #(0)  `true; 
     CNTRL.r_pframenn_pclk <= #(0)  `true; 
     CNTRL.r_preq64nn_pclk <= #(0)  `true; 
     CNTRL.r_pidsel_pclk <= #(0)  `true; 
     CNTRL.r_psbonn_pclk <= #(0)  `true;
     CNTRL.r_psdone_pclk <= #(0)  `true;

     if ( (direction === read) ) begin 
         CNTRL.r_pad_pclk <= #(0)  `false;   
         CNTRL.r_pd_pclk <= #(0)  `false;   
         CNTRL.r_ppar_pclk <= #(0)  `false;
         CNTRL.r_ppar64_pclk <= #(0)  `false;
         CNTRL.r_pirdynn_pclk <= #(0)  `false; 
         if ( (INP.pirdynn === 1'b0 && INP.ptrdynn === 1'b0) ) begin
             CNTRL.r_pbenn_pclk <= #(0)  `true; 
             CNTRL.r_pcxbenn_pclk <= #(0)  `true; 
             CNTRL.r_plocknn_pclk <= #(0)  `true; 
             CNTRL.r_pirdynn_pclk <= #(0)  `true; 
         end else begin
            CNTRL.r_pcxbenn_pclk <= #(0)  `false; 
            CNTRL.r_pbenn_pclk <= #(0)  `false; 
         end // if
      end else if ( (direction === write) ) begin
         if (last_par !== 1'bz) begin
           CNTRL.r_ppar_pclk <= #(0)  `true;
           CNTRL.r_ppar64_pclk <= #(0)  `true;
         end else begin
           CNTRL.r_ppar_pclk <= #(0)  `false;
           CNTRL.r_ppar64_pclk <= #(0)  `false;
         if ( (INP.pirdynn === 1'b0 && INP.ptrdynn === 1'b0) ) begin
            CNTRL.r_pirdynn_pclk <= #(0)  `true; 
            CNTRL.r_pad_pclk <= #(0)  `true;
            CNTRL.r_pcxbenn_pclk <= #(0)  `true; 
            CNTRL.r_pbenn_pclk <= #(0)  `true; 
            CNTRL.r_plocknn_pclk <= #(0)  `true; 

            if ( transfer64 ) begin
               CNTRL.r_pd_pclk <= #(0)  `true;   
               CNTRL.r_pbenn_pclk <= #(0)  `true; 
            end else begin
                CNTRL.r_pd_pclk <= #(0)  `false;   
                CNTRL.r_pbenn_pclk <= #(0)  `false; 
            end // if
         end else begin
            CNTRL.r_pad_pclk <= #(0)  `false;
            CNTRL.r_pd_pclk <= #(0)  `false;
            CNTRL.r_pcxbenn_pclk <= #(0)  `false; 
            CNTRL.r_pbenn_pclk <= #(0)  `false; 
         end // if
      end // if 

This page: Created:Thu Aug 19 12:02:08 1999
From: ../../../sparc_v8/system/lmc/rtl/pcislave_fm.v

Verilog converted to html by v2html 5.0 (written by Costas Calamvokis).Help