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// @(#)rl_rst_cntl.v	1.8 9/14/93

// Reset Control state machine - instantiated in misc.v

[Up: misc rst_cntl]
module rl_rst_cntl (
// add the following for 2.0 reset changes 
) ;

    input  gclk_phase_bit1;  //import from rl_clk_stop for bug 595 fix  
    output reset_out ;  // To rl_clk_stop, for Bug 562 fix

    input input_reset_l ; // Reset input from MACIO

    // Input_reset synchronized to 20-MHz free clock, ANDed with ~scan_mode_sync
    input rcc_rst_l ;

    // Reset input from IU
    input iu_error ;
    output iu_error_l ;   // Half of fix for bug 851

    // This indicates that reset should be held active because there is
    //     memory activity in progress (see bug 806).
    input mm_hold_rst ;

    // 40-MHz (nominal) clock.  Not gated by clock stop, but does have
    //    scan clock muxed in.
    input rcc_clk ;

    // This toggles at a 20-MHz rate, to be used as a clock hold
    input last_phi ;

    // Reset for watchdog-resettable logic - de-asssertion
    //     synchronized with rcc_clk.
    output reset_any ;

    // Reset for non-watchdog-resettable logic - de-asssertion
    //     synchronized with rcc_clk.
    output reset_nonwd ;

    // This signal is asserted if the most recent reset was a watchdog reset.
    output rs_watchdog ;

    // Disable clocks to allow reset transitions to propagate.
    output rs_dsbl_clocks ;
    output rs_dsbl_clocks_in ;  // Input to 20-MHz FF

    // Stop clocks when rcc_rst_l is de-asserted
    output rs_stop_even ;
// add the following for 2.0 reset changes 
    input sw_rst;
    input en_sw_rst_nonwd;
    input pci_slave_mode;
    input en_pci_sw_rst;
    input pci_rst_pin_in_l;

    output pci_rst_pin_out_l;
    output pci_rst_int_l;

    input ss_scan_mode ;
    input ss_scan_in ;
    output ss_scan_out ;

    /*-------------- end of I/O declarations ------------------*/

    // Note: all FF scan-in inputs will be left unconnected.  These nets
    //     will be automatically scan-stitched by back-end tools, and
    //     explicitly scan-stitched (by pseudo-continuous assigns)
    //     for stand-alone clk/misc simulation.

    // State machine encoding.  The two MSBs are used directly
    //     as  {reset_out, rs_dsbl_clocks}, according
    //     to the following truth table:
    //                          Reset
    //                           Dsbl_clocks
    //		rsm_idle	00
    //		rsm_err1	00
    //		rsm_err2	00
    //		rsm_on1		01
    //		rsm_on2		11
    //		rsm_on3		11
    //		rsm_on4		11
    //		rsm_rst1	10
    //		rsm_rst2	10
    //		rsm_rst3	10
    //		rsm_rst4	10
    //		rsm_off1	11
    //		rsm_off2	01
    //		rsm_off3	01
    //		rsm_off4	01

`define rsm_idle	4'b1010
`define rsm_err1	4'b1001
`define rsm_err2	4'b1000
`define rsm_on1		4'b1100
`define rsm_on2		4'b0110
`define rsm_on3		4'b0111
`define rsm_on4		4'b0101
`define rsm_rst1	4'b0000   // This *must* be 0000 (we reset to it)
`define rsm_rst2	4'b0010
`define rsm_rst3	4'b0011
`define rsm_rst4	4'b0001
`define rsm_off1	4'b0100
`define rsm_off2	4'b1110
`define rsm_off3	4'b1111
`define rsm_off4	4'b1101

// add the following two wires for 2.0 reset fixes 
    wire pci_rst_pin_d1_l, pci_rst_pin_sync_l; 

    // Use this to reset FFs which must transition only on sbclk edges.
    // add sw reset to the following 
//    wire rcc_rst_even_l = ~(~rcc_rst_l & last_phi) ;
    wire rcc_rst_even_l = ~((~rcc_rst_l | sw_rst | ~pci_rst_pin_sync_l & 
	en_pci_sw_rst ) & last_phi) ;

    // rcc_rst_even_l forces the state machine to rsm_rst1, a state where clocks
    //     are turned on and the reset outputs are asserted.
    wire [3:0] rst_state ;
    wire [3:0] rst_next_state =
	rst_state_next(rst_state, iu_error, mm_hold_rst, gclk_phase_bit1) ;
    Mflipflop_srh_4 rsm_reg(rst_state, rst_next_state,
	    ss_scan_mode, /*scan-in*/, ~last_phi,
	    rcc_rst_even_l, rcc_clk) ;

    wire reset_out = ~rst_state[3] ;
    wire rs_dsbl_clocks = rst_state[2] ;

    // The rs_dsbl_clocks output which goes to the clk_cntl state machine
    //     must be advanced by one 80-MHz cycle to avoid single-cycle 80-MHz
    //     paths.  Generate a signal which is the next-state of rs_dsbl_clocks.
    //     rl_clk_cntl will sample this in the third quarter of the 20-MHz
    //     free cycle to create the signal it needs.  Since all state machine
    //     inputs which might cause changes on this signal change only on
    //     sbclk positive edges, we have 3 80-MHz cycles to set up this signal.
    //     iu_error and mm_hold_rst should not factor into this - check synopsys.
    // include sw reset below 
//    wire rs_dsbl_clocks_in = rst_next_state[2] & rcc_rst_l ;
    wire rs_dsbl_clocks_in = rst_next_state[2] & (rcc_rst_l & ~sw_rst & ~
       (~pci_rst_pin_sync_l & en_pci_sw_rst)) ;

// add a debounce on the pci reset input pin
    Mflipflop_1 pci_rst_sync1(pci_rst_pin_d1_l,pci_rst_pin_in_l,rcc_clk,~last_phi);
    Mflipflop_1 pci_rst_sync2(pci_rst_pin_sync_l,pci_rst_pin_d1_l,rcc_clk,~last_phi);

    function [3:0] rst_state_next ;
    input [3:0] rst_state ;
    input iu_error ;
    input mm_hold_rst ;
    input gclk_phase_bit1;		//import for bug 595 fix

	// if (~rcc_rst_even_l) rst_state_next = `rsm_rst1 ;

	case (rst_state)  // synopsys parallel_case

	    // Normal operating state - stay here until there's an iu_error
	    `rsm_idle :
		rst_state_next = (iu_error ? `rsm_err1 : `rsm_idle) ;

	    // iu_error has been asserted - do a watchdog reset.
	    // The IU is not able to reset properly if the MMU or cache
	    //     controllers are busy working on any Ld/St/Fetch accesses
	    //     for the IU (see bug 806).  Delay the start of reset_any
	    //     until (sustain_imhold|sustain_dmhold|wrbuf_pend) is
	    //     inactive.  We know that no new cache control activity
	    //     will be initiated by the IU from the time we enter rsm_err1
	    //     - the last possible access would be a Ld/St which enters
	    //     the R when the trapped instruction enters the W (iu_error
	    //     is asserted when the trapped instruction enters W).
	    //         Ld              F D E W R R R R R R R
	    //         trap              F D E W W W W W W W
	    //         iu_error                = = = = = = = = = =  . . . 
	    //         mm_hold_rst               = = = = =
	    //         rst_state       I I I I I E E E E E E O O O O . . .
	    //                                   1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 
	    //         reset_any                                 = = =
	    // We added the rsm_err2 state to avoid dependencies on 
	    //     mm_hold_rst in the rsm_err->rsm_on1 transition - that
	    //     would potentially cause timing problems in rs_dsbl_clocks .
	    `rsm_err1 :
		rst_state_next = (mm_hold_rst ? `rsm_err1 : `rsm_err2) ;
	    `rsm_err2 : rst_state_next = `rsm_on1 ;

	    // Clocks are disabled during the next four states.

	    // One clocks-off cycle with reset still de-asserted (to avoid
	    //     races in the destination FFs).
	    `rsm_on1 : rst_state_next = `rsm_on2 ;

	    // Take three 20-MHz cycles to assert reset.
	    `rsm_on2 : rst_state_next = `rsm_on3 ;
	    `rsm_on3 : rst_state_next = `rsm_on4 ;
	    `rsm_on4 : rst_state_next = `rsm_rst1 ;

	    // Assert the reset outputs for four 20-MHz cycles.
	    //     Clocks are enabled during these four states.

	    // In addition to being the successor of state rsm_on4 
	    //     (for synchronous assertion in response to iu_error),
	    //     state rsm_rst1 is where we go whenever rcc_rst_even_l
	    //     is asserted.
/* FIX for bug 595 for div-by-4 and div_by-5 */
	    // On de-assertion of rcc_rst_even_l, stay in rsm_rst1 until the
	    //    sbclk cycle which ends with an sbclk positive edge 
	    //    coincident with a gclk positive edge.

	    //`rsm_rst1 : rst_state_next = `rsm_rst2 ;
	    `rsm_rst1 : rst_state_next = gclk_phase_bit1 ? `rsm_rst2 : `rsm_rst1;

/* END OF FIX */

	    `rsm_rst2 : rst_state_next = `rsm_rst3 ;
	    `rsm_rst3 : rst_state_next = `rsm_rst4 ;
	    `rsm_rst4 : rst_state_next = `rsm_off1 ;

	    // Clocks are disabled during the next four states.
	    `rsm_off1 : rst_state_next = `rsm_off2 ;
	    // Wait three 20-MHz cycles as we de-assert the reset outputs.
	    `rsm_off2 : rst_state_next = `rsm_off3 ;
	    `rsm_off3 : rst_state_next = `rsm_off4 ;
	    `rsm_off4 : rst_state_next = `rsm_idle ;

	    // synopsys translate_off
	    default : rst_state_next = 'bx ;
	    // synopsys translate_on

    // This keeps track of whether the current reset sequence was
    //     caused by an external reset or by iu_error.
    // Reset on rcc_rst_even_l, set when in rsm_err1 state.
    Mflipflop_srh wd_ff(rs_watchdog, rs_watchdog|(rst_state==`rsm_err1),
	    ss_scan_mode, /*scan-in*/, ~last_phi,
	    rcc_rst_even_l, rcc_clk) ;

    // Generate the actual reset outputs.
    // Turn off state-machine-generated reset during scan (don't
    //     gate off the input_reset_l term, or else the chip might 
    //     explode on power-up).

// modify below to add internal sw reset 
    wire reset_any =
	(reset_out & ~ss_scan_mode) | ~input_reset_l ;
    wire reset_nonwd =
//	(reset_out & ~rs_watchdog & ~ss_scan_mode) | ~input_reset_l ;

//  turn on when sw reset and en_sw_rst_nonwd
	(reset_out & sw_rst & en_sw_rst_nonwd & ~ss_scan_mode) | 
//  turn on when not sw reset & ~watchdog  OR input reset 
//  or when pci reset is driving a s/w reset
	(reset_out & ~sw_rst & ~rs_watchdog & ~ss_scan_mode) | ~input_reset_l ;

// add the following for 2.0 reset 
// only turn on pci reset pin when the pci master and then for input resets
// or sw resets.  (watchdogs won't do it.)
// the reset_nonwd must be qualified with ~en_pci_sw_rst or we could get in a 
// mode where the pci reset pin is kept on forever and we never get out of reset

   wire pci_rst_pin_out_l = ~(~pci_slave_mode & (~input_reset_l | sw_rst |
	~en_pci_sw_rst & reset_nonwd));

// turn on internal reset irregardless of pci_slave mode.
// the pci internal reset must respond immediately to input reset or pci 
//  reset if if enabled. 
   wire pci_rst_int_l = ~ (~input_reset_l | sw_rst | reset_nonwd | 
	~pci_rst_pin_in_l & en_pci_sw_rst );

    // This signal stops clocks on the rsm_rst1->rsm_rst2 transition when
    //     rcc_rst_l is de-asserted.  Used only when trst is inactive.
    // Note that rcc_rst_l does not appear in this equation - that's because
    //     this signal is used only to set a FF (in rl_clk_stop) which is
    //     reset by rcc_rst_l.

    // Fix for bug 595.  Delay assertion of rs_stop_even until rsm_rst2.
    //    otherwise clock will stop and reset state machine hangs in rsm_rst1
    //    while waiting to match gclk and sbclk
    //wire rs_stop_even = (rst_state==`rsm_rst1) & ~rs_watchdog ;
    wire rs_stop_even = (rst_state==`rsm_rst2) & ~rs_watchdog ;	//BUG FIX 595

    // Half of bug 851 fix
    wire iu_error_l = ~iu_error ;


This page: Created:Thu Aug 19 12:00:15 1999
From: ../../../sparc_v8/ssparc/clk_misc/misc/rtl/rl_rst_cntl.v

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