A DSP-based decompressor unit for high-fidelity MPEG-Audio over TCP/IP networks

Copyright 1997 by Björn Wesén at Axis Communications AB, Sweden 

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The Master's thesis report (in HTML form)

  1. Abstract
  2. Introduction
  3. Compression of digital audio
  4. Digital Signal Processing
  5. Implementation of MPEG-1 Audio
  6. Design of the DSP hardware
  7. Network interface
  8. Summary and conclusion
  1. Appendix A - The schematic diagram
  2. Appendix B - The logic code for the MACH chip
  3. Appendix C - The PCB layout
  4. Appendix D - The main C sourcecode
  5. Appendix E - Prototype testing

The MS PowerPoint presentation of the Master's thesis report is available here.

The report is also available as a TAR archive, or a ZIP archive, containing all the HTML files, graphics, figures and additional documents. The report is not yet available as a printable Acrobat file, although this might be made available later. If you are interested, you can mail me at bjorn@sparta.lu.se.

Previous chapter: Title page, next chapter: Introduction

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