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***  Program File:  @(#)interface.v
// @(#)interface.v	1.16 3/17/93
// interface.v
// INTERFACE logic for input and output signals

[Up: Mdecode interface]
module Minterface( ss_reset, nnreset, nreset, reset,
	mm_iacc_err_tlb_d, mm_iacc_wp_exc_d, parity_error_d,
	this_s, sup_ex_trap,
	IRL, int_req_lev, pint_req_lev,
	hld_dirreg, hold,
	e_asim, alternate_e,
	use_ps, s, psm,
	ss_clock, ANNUL, d_nop, d_trap

input ss_reset;		// asynchronous reset input

output nnreset;		// synchronized version of ss_reset
output nreset;		// synchronized version of nnreset
output reset;		// latched reset
output del_resetm;	// master latched version of reset
//output enbl_fetch;	// same as ~reset

input [10:2] iexc_for_int_hi;
//input mm_iacc_exc;	// F cycle mm_iacc_exc
output mm_iacc_exc_d;	// D cycle version

//input mm_iacc_mmu_miss;
output mm_iacc_mmu_miss_d;

//input mm_iacc_err_tlb;
output mm_iacc_err_tlb_d;
output mm_iacc_wp_exc_d;
output parity_error_d;

output iacc_exc_mmumiss_d;

output this_s;
output sup_ex_trap;

// input nWE;		// IU generated write enable control for LSW

input [3:0] IRL;	// Interrupt Request Level Input to IU
output [3:0] int_req_lev;	// Interrupt Request Level (synchronized)
output [3:0] pint_req_lev;	// pipelined version

// input hld_dir;		// used to hold mm_iacc_exc_d reg
input hld_dirreg;	// ditto.
input hold;		// main hold

input [5:0] e_asim;	// E state ASI
// input [5:0] w_asim;	// W stage ASI
input alternate_e;	// use e_asi
//input alternate_w;	// use w_asi
// input normal_asi0;	// normal ASI
output [5:0] iu_asi_e;	// Address Space Identifier for E
// output [5:0] iu_asi_w;	// Address Space Identifier for W

input use_ps;
input s;
input psm;

input ss_clock;		// system clock

input ANNUL;
input d_nop;
input d_trap;

// input hld_we;		// hold control for WE flip-flops

//input SCANMODE;		// scan mode 
// input ss_scan_mode;
// input SCANDIN;		// scan data in
// input BOOT;		// pin to control non-arch. mode of chip


	wire [5:0] asi_e_mux1 = {5'b00101,s};
    // Expanded macro begin.
    // cmux2(iu_asi_e_mux, 6, iu_asi_e,  		asi_e_mux1, e_asim[5:0],  		alternate_e)
    function [6:1] iu_asi_e_mux ;
        input [6:1] in0_fn ;
        input [6:1] in1_fn ;
        input select_fn ;
        reg [6:1] out_fn ;
            case (select_fn) /* synopsys parallel_case */
                1'b0: out_fn = in0_fn ;
                1'b1: out_fn = in1_fn ;
                default: out_fn = 65'hx;
            iu_asi_e_mux = out_fn ;
    assign iu_asi_e = iu_asi_e_mux( 		asi_e_mux1, e_asim[5:0],  		alternate_e) ;
    // Expanded macro end.

 * for tsunami
	wire [5:0] asi_e_mux1 = {5'b00101,normal_asi0};  // for tsunami

 * mm_iacc_exc interface
 *take iexc_for_int_hi bus - holds I$ access status bits.
 *		[10:9]		even/odd parity error (iaer)
 *		[8]		translation error (iaer)
 *		[7]		mmu miss (mmumissexc)
 *		[6]		invalid address error (iexc)
 *		[5]		sbus error (iaer)
 *		[4]		sbus timeout (iaer)
 *		[3]		protection violation (iexc)
 *		[2]		supervisor execute only (iexc)
 * special encoding of invalid address error and protection
 * violation both on indicates a instruction watchpoint trap.
 * the MMU will guarantee that only a watchpoint trap can
 * turn on the two individual trap lines simultaneously
// register it since signal from mmu is F cycle.  need it in D.
// use hld_dir and hld_dirreg to hold this signal.  this is
// in the event of a miss, we need to be able to bring in the
// exception status just like we bring in the instruction.

	wire this_s;
    // Expanded macro begin.
    // cmux2(this_s_mux, 1, this_s, s, psm, use_ps)
    function [1:1] this_s_mux ;
        input [1:1] in0_fn ;
        input [1:1] in1_fn ;
        input select_fn ;
        reg [1:1] out_fn ;
            case (select_fn) /* synopsys parallel_case */
                1'b0: out_fn = in0_fn ;
                1'b1: out_fn = in1_fn ;
                default: out_fn = 65'hx;
            this_s_mux = out_fn ;
    assign this_s = this_s_mux(s, psm, use_ps) ;
    // Expanded macro end.

	wire sup_ex_trap = iexc_for_int_hi[2] & ~this_s;

	wire nmm_iacc_exc_d =
		  iexc_for_int_hi[6] & ~iexc_for_int_hi[3]
//		| iexc_for_int_hi[5]
//		| iexc_for_int_hi[4]
		| iexc_for_int_hi[3] & ~iexc_for_int_hi[6]
		| sup_ex_trap

	wire hld_dirreg_real = hld_dirreg | hold;
	wire mm_iacc_exc_d;
	Mflipflop_1 mm_iacc_exc_d_reg_1(mm_iacc_exc_d,nmm_iacc_exc_d, 		ss_clock,hld_dirreg_real) ;

	wire mm_iacc_mmu_miss_d;
	Mflipflop_1 mm_iacc_mm_reg_1(mm_iacc_mmu_miss_d,iexc_for_int_hi[7], 		ss_clock,hld_dirreg_real) ;

	wire nmm_iacc_err_tlb_d =
		| iexc_for_int_hi[5]
		| iexc_for_int_hi[4];
	wire mm_iacc_err_tlb_d;
	Mflipflop_1 mm_iac_err_tlb_1(mm_iacc_err_tlb_d,nmm_iacc_err_tlb_d, 		ss_clock,hld_dirreg_real) ;

	wire nmm_iacc_wp_exc_d = iexc_for_int_hi[6] & iexc_for_int_hi[3];
	wire mm_iacc_wp_exc_d;
	Mflipflop_1 mm_iacc_wp_exc_d_reg_1(mm_iacc_wp_exc_d,nmm_iacc_wp_exc_d, 		ss_clock,hld_dirreg_real) ;

	wire nparity_error_d = iexc_for_int_hi[10] | iexc_for_int_hi[9];
	wire parity_error_d;
	Mflipflop_1 parity_error_d_reg_1(parity_error_d,nparity_error_d, 		ss_clock,hld_dirreg_real) ;

	// remove mm_iacc_wp_exc_d since MMU changed the way
	// it wants to do iwp traps
	wire iacc_exc_mmumiss_d_almost =
		  mm_iacc_exc_d | mm_iacc_mmu_miss_d
		| mm_iacc_err_tlb_d | parity_error_d
		// | mm_iacc_wp_exc_d

	wire not_stuff2 = ~ANNUL & ~d_nop & ~d_trap;

	wire iacc_exc_mmumiss_d =
		  iacc_exc_mmumiss_d_almost & not_stuff2;
//		| trapd_iaer;

 * not needed for warthog
// mm_dacc_exc interface
// register it since signal from mmu is W cycle.  need it in R.
// use hold_r_reg to hold this register.  this is really used
// in the event of a miss, we need to bring the exception status
// in with the data word.

	REGWIRE mm_dacc_exc_r;
	REG(mm_dacc_exc_r_reg,1,mm_dacc_exc_r,mm_dacc_exc, 		ss_clock,hold)

	REGWIRE mm_dacc_mmu_miss_r;
	REG(mm_dacc_mmm_reg,1,mm_dacc_mmu_miss_r,mm_dacc_mmu_miss, 		ss_clock,hold)

//	wire dacc_exc_mmumiss_r = mm_dacc_exc_r | mm_dacc_mmu_miss_r;

// mm_dacc_err interface
// equivalent to mm_dacc_exc interface

	REGWIRE mm_dacc_err_r;
	REG(mm_dacc_err_r_reg,1,mm_dacc_err_r,mm_dacc_err, 		ss_clock,hold)

	wire ndacc_exc_err_mmumiss_r =
		  mm_dacc_exc | mm_dacc_mmu_miss
		| mm_dacc_err

	REGWIRE dacc_exc_err_mmumiss_r;
	REG(deemm_r_reg,1,dacc_exc_err_mmumiss_r,ndacc_exc_err_mmumiss_r, 		ss_clock,hold)



// NOTE:
//	A register module is being used here instead of the macro
//	because the macro is not sensitive to data changes, only
//	the negative edge of clock and hold.  The MregisterD module,
//	on the other hand is sensitive to data changes.  This is 
//	necessary because "fb RESET_IN 1" and "fb RESET_IN 0" are
//	applied after the negative edges of clock and hold.

	wire nnnreset;
	Mflipflop_1 nnnreset_reg_1(nnnreset, ss_reset, ss_clock, 1'b0) ;

// synopsys translate_off
//	defparam nnnreset_reg.bits = 1;
// synopsys translate_on

	wire nnreset;
	Mflipflop_1 nnreset_reg_1( nnreset, nnnreset, ss_clock, 1'b0) ;

	wire nreset;
	Mflipflop_1 nreset_reg_1( nreset, nnreset, ss_clock, 1'b0) ;

	wire reset;
	Mflipflop_1 reset_reg_1( reset, nreset, ss_clock, 1'b0) ;

	// synopsys translate_off
	wire reset_dummy;
	Mflipflop_1 reset_dummy_reg_1(reset_dummy,nreset,ss_clock,1'b0) ;
	// synopsys translate_on
	wire del_resetm;
	Mflipflop_1 del_reset_reg_1( del_resetm, reset, ss_clock, 1'b0) ;

// don't allow fetch when reset is active

//	wire enbl_fetch = ~reset & ~picfpc_mismatch;

 * Not used anywhere.  who did this?  me?

	REGWIRE verilog_reset;
// Temporary kludge, which doesn't allow hierarchical names like
// Msystem.iu.iuchip.RESET.
        // synopsyzable version
	REG(verilog_reset_reg,1, verilog_reset, ss_reset, ss_clock, 1'b0)
	// real design
	REG(verilog_reset_reg,1, verilog_reset, `IU.iuchip.ss_reset, 	ss_clock, 1'b0)

// IRL Interface

//	The IRL is asynchronous and is therefore double-registered

//	REGWIRE [3:0] irl1;
//	REG(irl_reg1,4, irl1, IRL, ss_clock, 1'b0)

	wire [3:0] irl2;
	Mflipflop_4 irl_reg2_4( irl2, IRL, ss_clock, 1'b0) ;

	wire [3:0] irl3;
	Mflipflop_4 irl_reg3_4( irl3, irl2, ss_clock, 1'b0) ;

	wire [3:0] irlc =
		// synopsys translate_off
			((irl2==irl3)===1'bx) ? 'bx :
		// synopsys translate_on
		irl2==irl3 ? irl3 : 0;
	wire [3:0] int_req_lev;
	Mflipflop_4 irl_reg4_4( int_req_lev, irlc, ss_clock, hold) ;

	wire [3:0] pint_req_lev;
	Mflipflop_4 pirl_reg4_4( pint_req_lev, int_req_lev, ss_clock, hold) ;

// SCAN interface

//	wire scan_mode;		// used to be reg
//	DSSLAVE(smode_slv,1, scan_mode, SCANMODE, ss_clock)

// Can't find this reg in Valid drawings.
//	reg scan_in;
//	REG(extra_bit,1, scan_in, SCANDIN, ss_clock, hold)


This page: Created:Thu Aug 19 12:02:45 1999
From: ../../../sparc_v8/ssparc/iu/Mdecode/rtl/interface.v

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