
    wire       q;
    Mflipflop_1 GReg_1_1(q,d,mclk,Gnd) ;

// "Half-clock Delay Register" module uses both ss_clock and anti-phase 
// (1/2 period delayed) version of it. It hase one input (in) and generates
// 2 outputs:
//		- ofb: 1 ss_clock period delayed, registered output to be 
//		       used as feedback term for sync'd set/reset type use
//			   (Like that of module "S_sr_ff" above".
//		- out: The ANDed result of 'ofb' and the output of the register
//		       clocked from anti-phase clock. The net effect is:
//			   		0->1 edge is 1.5 clocks delayed from "in".
//					1->0 edge is 1.0 clocks delayed from "in".
//		  This allows "High-asserted" signals to be "asserted" on a-phase
//		  clock (ie on neg-edge of ss_clock).
//		  To use with a "Low-asserted" signal like RAS, the "in" must be
//		  designed as a "High-asserted" signal, then the "out" should be
//		  inverted (or make a new module, where out = out_half & out_one ).
[Up: S_sr_HDff HDff]
module HDReg(out, ofb, in, ss_clock, ss_dclk);
	output	out;		// combo output
	output	ofb;		// 1 ss_clock delayed output
	input	in;
	input	ss_clock;	// The ssparc system clock
	input	ss_dclk ;	// 1/2 period delayed clock
	wire	out_half;	// 0.5 clk delayed from 'ofb' (1.5 clks from 'in')
	wire	Gnd;	assign Gnd = 1'b0;
	GReg1	InReg		(ofb, in, ss_clock, Gnd);
	GReg1	OReg_half	(out_half, ofb, ss_dclk, Gnd);
	assign	out = ofb & out_half ;

//	This is based on "HDReg", but mimics the "S_sr_ff" (see above for
//	both of these modules). So, it has 2 inputs 'set' and 'res', acting
//	as sync'd set & reset inputs with respect to ss_clock. The output
//	'out' behaves as follows:
//		- Set to "1", 2 clocks after "set" is sampled asserted (hi) on
//		  a 0->1 transition of ss_clock.
//		- Reset to "0", 1.5 clocks after "res" is sampled asserted (hi)
//		  on a 0->1 transition of ss_clock.
//	Reset has priority over Set.
[Up: rl_mcb_lgc ffhdsr_ras0srff][Up: rl_mcb_lgc ffhdsr_ras0_simm32_srff][Up: rl_mcb_lgc ffhdsr_ras1srff][Up: rl_mcb_lgc ffhdsr_ras1_simm32_srff][Up: rl_mcb_lgc ffhdsr_ras2srff][Up: rl_mcb_lgc ffhdsr_ras2_simm32_srff][Up: rl_mcb_lgc ffhdsr_ras3srff][Up: rl_mcb_lgc ffhdsr_ras3_simm32_srff][Up: rl_mcb_lgc ffhdsr_ras4srff][Up: rl_mcb_lgc ffhdsr_ras4_simm32_srff][Up: rl_mcb_lgc ffhdsr_ras5srff][Up: rl_mcb_lgc ffhdsr_ras5_simm32_srff][Up: rl_mcb_lgc ffhdsr_ras6srff][Up: rl_mcb_lgc ffhdsr_ras6_simm32_srff][Up: rl_mcb_lgc ffhdsr_ras7srff][Up: rl_mcb_lgc ffhdsr_ras7_simm32_srff]
module S_sr_HDff(out, set, res, ss_clock, ss_dclk);
	output	out;
	input	set, res;	// High active set/reset inputs.
	input	ss_clock;	// The ssparc system clock
	input	ss_dclk ;	// 1/2 period delayed clock
	wire	ofb, in;
	wire	Gnd;	assign Gnd = 1'b0;

	assign	in = ((ofb|set)&(~res));

	HDReg	HDff(out, ofb, in, ss_clock, ss_dclk);

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From: ../../../sparc_v8/ssparc/memif/rtl/mem_cells.v

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